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(This page will detail technologies and more common magitech used by both sides in the war, although the Scarlet Empire and Lookshy Commonwealth will recieve more attention.)

Personal Equipment

The best-known of the wonders employed in the seemingly endless war are those carried by the rank-and-file soldiery. Even the lowliest infantryman is a well-armed fighting machine, panoplied in armor that heightens her senses and strength and bristling with weaponry unheard of an age ago. In the spirit of traditions far predating any soul alive today, these common wonders (forgive the oxymoron) bear a flowery official name, along with a shorthand military designation and frequently a fond nickname assigned by the soldiers who use them.

Unfailing Companion of the Faithful Soldier

Skyfaring Armor of the Blessed Pilot

Infinitely Resolute Panoply of the Unyielding Myrmidon

War Machines

The warstrider is the centerpiece of the Empire's land warfare strategy, and is as much a vehicle as it is armor. Within the bulging, barrel chests of these vaguely humanoid machines there is a space for a pilot to sit, strapped in and surrounded by a set of levers, knobs, and buttons. When manned, the complex arrangement of gears, pulleys, and pistons within the limbs of the vehicle amplify the pilot's strength, while the heavy steel plating surrounds her in a seemingly-invulnerable cocoon. There are a few different versions, and myriad modification kits meant to adjust the vehicles to suit specific mission requirements. Warstriders require no Essence to operate, but are quite maintenance-intensive, requiring twelve man-hours of maintenance for every hour of operation. On the upside, the armors can usually withstand about twelve hours of strenuous use before any ill effects show.

(more mechanics to come)