Red Shogun

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Name: Kell AKA The Red Shogun
Caste: Dawn
Nature: Leader
Anima: A roaring lion
Concept: Brilliant bandit leader
XP Left/Total: 0/0

Strength 3, Charisma 4, Perception 2
Dexterity 4, Manipulation 4, Intelligence 3
Stamina 2, Appearance 3, Wits 2

3, Athletics 1, Awareness 1, Bureaucracy 2, Dodge 1, Endurance 1, Larceny 3, Lore 1, Melee 4, Performance 5, Presence 3, Resistance 1, Socialize 2, Survival 1

Resources: 3
Tiger Warriors: 3

2, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valour 3
Virtue Flaw Foolhardy Contempt
Willpower 6
Essence 3
Personal 15
Peripheral 36

Health Levels -0, -1*3, -2*4, -4*1, Incapacitated

Merits and Flaws</b>

Ox-Body Technique*1(-1*1, -2*2)
Larceny: Seasoned Criminal Method(10m)
Melee: Excellent Strike(1m/die), Golden Essence Block(1m/2dice), Dipping Swallow Defense(2m)
Performance: Respect Commanding Attitude(5m), Unruly Mob Dispersing Rebuke(8m,1wp), Rout-Stemming Gesture(5m,1wp), Fury Inciting Presence(8m, 1wp), Heroism-Encouraging Presence(10m, 1wp), Tiger-Warrior Training Technique(10m, 2wp)


<b>Power Combat</b>
<b>Base Initiative
, Soak , Dodge , Mobility Penalty , Fatigue
Fist: Speed , Accuracy , Damage , Defense , Rate 5

Standing just under 2 meters in height Kell is an imposing man when dressed up in his Red Shogun persona that he favors when not doing his little propaganda missions. Dressed in red enamled plate armor, a carved wooded mas painted red and done in the form of a demon with a thick and heavy looking blade at his side he is a almost nightmarish figure.

When not dressed and geared up like that while still tall he is a pleasent enough man to see. He dresses well, taking a naturally respectful tone to both men and women alike though with a bit more of a flirt for the ladies. His easygoing maner seems to draw people in. His nonchalant way of saying some things tends to stick with people even when the exact words don't letting him twist those around him.

Born to the name Kell of Aridian his talents and nature would likely have gone to a complete waste in that remote eastern village near the river's course. Yet when the barbarians came it was he that rallied his people to defend the earthen bulwarks and wooden walls. Only after the foes had been scatered did the people fear him for upon his brow was the mark of damnation, the mark of the Forsaken.

They chased him away with stick and stone and farmers tool. He did not wish them dead and so in turn he fled. With nothing else to do with his life yet and finding himself troubled by memories and other things he eventually fell in with a group of bandits, quickly rising in their ranks and displacing their leader. Soon his group of bandits was something more and the Guild found they had a few caravans just vanish on them. Guild Mercenaries can be good, but against solar trained Tiger Warriors they had no chance.

Soon enough he called himself the Red Shogun and adopted his armor and look to help inspire those with him. Such activities meant soon enough he received a friendly visit from one of the Cult of the Illuminated, a Sidereal one from them in fact. In his mememories he remembered both help and betrayel by them and so he was warry of the offer to go with her and receive tutelage and training in a secret place along with his peers. He refused her initial offer but did not turn down the chance to work with them and so they Sidereals continue to try to use peaceful methods to make him go along with their plans for the moment.

<b>Plot Hooks</b>
