Raging Steel
Name: Raging Steel
Caste: Full Moon
Concept: Wandering Warrior
Nature: Paragon
Anima: An abstract wolf of soft white light that grows in strength and intensity as essence is spent.
XP Left/Speft: 0/0
Strength</b> 4, <b>Charisma 3, Perception 3
Dexterity</b> 5, <b>Manipulation 2, Intelligence 3
Stamina</b> 4, <b>Appearance 3, Wits 4
Athletics 2, Awareness 1, Brawl 3, Bureaucracy 1, Craft 1, Dodge 1, Endurance 2, Investigation 1, Linguistics 1, Lore 2, Medicine 1, Melee 5(Swords 2), Occult 1, Performance 1, Presence 1, Resistance 1, Stealth 1, Survival 3, Thrown 1
<b>Artifact 3(Moonsilver Reinforced Breastplate)
Mentor 2
Heart's Blood 2(Wolf*2, bear, eagle, elk)
<b>Compassion 4, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 3
Virtue Flaw Curse of the Whipped Dog
Willpower 7
Essence 2
Personal 16
Peripheral 38
<b>Succor 10, Mettle 2, Cunning 2, Glory 6
Shapeshifting - Finding the Spirit's Shape(1m), Deadly Beastman Transformation*2(5m)
Body Enhancement - Ox-Body Technique*1(-2*4)
Melee Combat Sensing the Deadly Flow(1m/die), Striking Mospid Method(1m/+1 init), Fercious Biting Sword(4m)
Defensive - Steel Paw Style(1m), Feline Gaurd Technique(3m)
Deadly Beastman Transformation Attributes: +2/+2/+2 = 6/7/6
Gifts: Resiliance of Nature, Wound-Knitting Power, Rugged Hide
Power Combat: Human</b>
<b>Initiative Base 9, Soak 12L/13B or 2L/4B, Dodge 8, Fatigue 1, Mobility Penalty 0
Fist Speed 9, Accuracy 9, Damage 4B Defense 10, Rate 5
Kick Speed 6, Accuracy 9, Damage 7B, Defense 5, Rate 3
Chopping Sword Speed 12, Accuracy 14, Damage 8L, Defense 11, Rate 3
<bPower Combat DBT:</b>
Initiative Base 11, Soak 18L/17B or 8L/8B, Dodge 10, Fatigue 1, Mobility Penalty 0
Fist Speed 11, Accuracy 11, Damage 6B, Defense 12, Rate 5
Kick Speed 8, Accuracy 11, Damage 9B, Defense 7, Rate 3
Chopping Sword: Speed 14, Accuracy 16, Damage 10L, Defense 13, Rate 3
Artifact: A moonsilver reinforced breastplate depicting a scene of hunters riding on horses after a deer in a hunt with a place for a single hearthstone setting. He acquired this by taking it from the previous owner, an outcaste dragon-blood.
Born as a Haltan he grew up northern most region's close to the barbarians of the north. He showed little skill in the traditional thrown weapons of his people but surprising talent with hand to hand weapons. He is a bastard and has never met his father nor would anyone speak of him leaving him to think he is the child of a rape but it doesn't bother him. His mother was a trader and would go out to trade with the barbarians.
On one journey they were ambushed by a rival tribe of the one they had finished a trade with. His mother fell in the first attack of arrows leaving only him at the young age of 17. He didn't want to die. He would not die, not like this. He would not let these cowards who attacked from ambush on merchants win. He yelled out a challenge, impinging the honour of the leader and demanding single combat.
Though he was young and angry and the foe he faced more experienced his will was greater and he won the fight, the other barbarians respecting his victory and leaving. He was left with his dead mother. That is when he saw her, Luna. She padded to him on the snow, her face filled with compassion and caring for him. She hugged him and he with his anger now left him he weeped for his fallen mother. She kissed his lips and told him that he had another mother now and that he had been chosen. She smiled and promised him she would be check in on her new son from time to time so he wouldn't be alone.
She hugged him again and told him to wait, his brothers and sisters would be here soon to show him his new family. He nodded and she walked off. He felt somewhat better. The next day two lunars arrived. A no-moon and changing moon who were lovers. They smiled and helped to bring him into the fold, showing him the Way. He learned quickly, and his tests quickly proved his true nature of a warrior.
When his trials ended he wandered Halta again seeing it with new eyes. He flew through the trees, ran as a wolf, and lumbered as a bear. He found a temple, old and forgotten in a glade and taken by an outcaste dragon blood. He saw the owner was a barbarian Dragonblood of the Wood Aspect who wore armor of moonsilver. In honour of Luna he could not let this continue and challenged her for it. He won and she returned the armor to him. He was merciful though and let her live, though promising to return sometime to challenge her again for she was a skilled warrior. He didn't really see why she had to die for a crime she couldn't have known of but did warn her about lunar's views on Moonsilver. Her name is Dancing Starfall.
He travels now, seeking challenges to improve himself so that next time he has friends and loves he cares for he will not fail them, will not let them die unable to help. To relax he finds himself drawn to the carving and woodworking. It relaxes him he finds to do something worthwhile.
He believes in the Silver Way, the Way given to them by Luna and the principals of Succor, Glory, Cunning and Mettle. To him this doesn't mean civilized people are less or can not have honour. He treats the Dynasty as an enemy but doesn't blame them to the degree the others have.
Of the first age when he dreams of it they are filled with images half seen or remembered. Of wars and murder in the dark. Of things joyous and sad but all muddled to much to gain anything from it so far. He has not met any exalted beyond lunars and the one outcaste terrestial.
His mentors were Running Leaf the Changing Moon. A hummingbird lunar she was as silent as a falling leaf and as fast as the wind but with a smile and laugh and way of moving that could stir any man or women to desire. Her lover at the time, and still with her, was Stone Rain. A quiet No Moon who knew things that never ceased to surprise him. He wasn't an attrative man, or a that fun to be around and Raging Steel always wondered what Running Leaf saw in him but never asked.
He knows where Stone Rain's territory is and tries to see them a few times every year if he can. He would like to know them both better, but wants to travel right now more which keeps him away from them.
He has also run into another Full Moon. Striking Firebird, a travelling lunar like himself who also seeks to strengthen herself. Young as he was they would have fought but for an attraction which made things just too awkward to get around to actually fighting.
Raging Steel has the look of a warrior about him even without weapons. His body is toned with almost no fat. He moves with a grace on the level with the most skilled of dancers but yet has a strength found rarely even amongst the village strongmen.
He stands just over 6 feet in height, a definit presence in any company with tattoos made up of many cresents over his smooth skin. His tell is the silver hair that hangs free down to his shoulders.
He carries a chopping sword, the same one he used when he fought to keep himself alive, worn on his back. He wears a suit of moonsilver armor and for now since he can not hide his tattoos avoids towns that are likely to dislike lunars like him.
His hybrid form is a great and tall mix of silver wolf and man that stands 9 feet in height, the hair of his fur not as brilliant as the silver of his moonsilver tattoos which are made of interlocking crescents.
Plot Uses
- As a wandering warrior he might show up anywhere and other skilled warriors are sure to be challenged to a test of arms.
- It is not impossible that Raging Steel and a PC might share a mentor. Who knows what either one of the two lunars might ask their young proteges to do.
- The Realm has sent a force to pacify a group of barbarians that have been harrassing their tributes. There are too many for any one lunar to take but a group of exalted...
- The characters need a particular herb or lost tome and in his travels Raging Steel has learned where what they seek is. Striking Firebird is in the area and inexperienced as he is he wants the players help to woo this lunar woman who has refused his advances so far in return for his help.