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Imperious Silence Stance

Cost: 1 mote per die
Duration: instant
Type: simple
Min. Presence: 2
Min Essence: 2
Prereqs: none

Under an Abyssal's cold gaze, even the most proud and commanding may falter and sputter. The Abyssal may reduce a target's Presence pool for 1 mote per die. The Abyssal may not reduce a target's pool below their permanent essence.

Labrynthine Expression Method

Cost: 6 motes
Duration: scene
Type: simple
Min. Presence: 4
Min Essence: 3
Prereqs: Imperious Silence Stance

Carefully picking her words, the user of this charm seems to speak normally, but intent listeners will notice something is amiss. The Abyssal seems to specifically not mention... something, seems to skirt around... something. The more they try to determine exactly what the Abyssal is avoiding, the less clear it becomes and the more they start to second-guess themselves in an attempt to determine what the Abyssal was really saying and not saying. The Abyssal rolls Manipulation + Presence. For the rest of the scene anyone attempting to determine the truth of or motives behind the Abyssal must make a reflexive Willpower roll at difficulty equal to the Abyssal's successes. Failure on this roll increases the difficulty of all rolls to socially or mentally resist or analyze the Abyssal by 1 for a number of days equal to Abyssal's permanent essence. Repeated exposure to this charm may give very high accumulated penalties.


  • Will add more later. Charms of this tree get very messed up very fast.. ~Capric