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Zera winced as he stubbed his toe on the knob of an ancient root, the impact sending pain shooting from his injured shoulder. He wasn't paying attention - not a good trait for someone who should be forward scouting.

He gave his head a shake, and cast his eyes along the treeline. She was still out there, somewhere. The unfortunate one, the one he couldn't help but feel sorry for. If there was a way to drag her from the abyss of her existence, he would. He highly doubted it would come to pass - and he wouldn't hesitate to do what needed to be done, should she threaten his brothers and sister again.

So much on his mind - his battles with Aekino and Devil Blossoms, the shadowlands so close by, the memories and nightmares of Thorns... he let them parade through his mind mostly to keep his mind from the latest task at hand. They were on a collision course with the tomb that held the remains of a woman he used to be, and the corpse of her lover. He wondered how Thorwald must be feeling.

Aekino pushed incessantly for the tombs, among other strange behavior. Zera understood that. He knew the importance of what could lie within those walls. That wouldn't make it any easier to stare into the desiccated face of Kuro the Raven.

It was not his way to be emotional. He actually envied Aekino's ability to scream and cry and say exactly what was on his mind. He envied Li and Thorwald's ability to push aside what was inside in order to get their goals accomplished.

He glanced back at his companions as they made their way behind him. They were stoic, prepared for whatever lay before them. Soldiers of the Realm lay in wait before him, along with Heaven knew what from the First Age. Well... he would draw on the strength of his brothers - let them come. They would prevail together, or not at all...