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The Aspects of the Shining Exalted

The Shining Exalted are divided into five Castes (or Facets as they prefer to call them) - Sunlight, Moonlight, Starlight, Whitelight and Shade castes. Each Caste was chosen by Aether for a certain function, and are listed below.

Sunlight Caste
The Sunlight Caste are the warriors of the Shining Exalted, defenders and attackers. They represent the light of the Unconquered Sun.

Moonlight Caste
The Moonlight Caste are the prophets and mystics of the Shining Exalted. They represent the light of ever-shifting Luna.

Starlight Caste
The Starlight Caste are the leaders and generals of the Shining Exalted. They represent the light of the stars in the night sky.

Whitelight Caste
The Whitelight Caste are the sorcerers and artificers of the Shining Exalted. They represent light in all its primal glory.

Shade Cast
Every light must cast a shadow, and the Shade Cast understand this most of all. They are the thieves and spies of the Shining Exalted, and represent the darkness cast by sources of light.