Porcelain Child/Tepet Krennell

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"Preserving the status quo does not always require that you preserve the status quo." --Immaculate introspective wisdom riddle.

Tepet Krennell

Tepet Krennell is a wealthy dragonblooded land owner and an active member of the deliberative. As one of the primary Tepets in power, Krennell has a great deal of influence and owed favours amongst the Dynasty, though he rarely excersises them. Krennell is a careful man, always planning to maintain his holding in the immediate area around Noble. Though Noble is not legally controlled by Krennell per se, the favours he is owed, and the bureacrats in his pocket there make him the primary power in the province.

Tepet Krennell is an older dragonblood, around two or three hundred, and he has two (and a half) children, but only one by birth. Tepet Epheri was born to a mortal patrician lover, but she died giving birth to Krennell's daughter who exalted as an Earth Aspect before entering the Heptagram Academy. Krennell's late marriage and subsequent *very* late fathering of a dragonblooded child had caused rumours to spread, but Epheri's talent (and the semi-prestige of being the guardian of Tepet Anona) has quashed the whispers somewhat.

Krennell's other 'child' was by marriage to Cathack Zora, a fellow socialite and 'mistress of ceremonies.' Tepet Quintus was an officer in the Tepet legions that fought and lost to the Bull of the North, and one of the few dragonblooded officers to survive the carnage that the Anathema wrought in the battles.

Krennell is the brother of the dragonblood collector Tepet Luen, who is known to have squandered his portion of the family resources chasing fairytales and was generally considered a madman. Luen died a raving lunatic shortly after Tepet Anona's birth and his wife Tepet Greiha died before Anona exalted. After both parents died, Krennell took hold of their meager holdings and took Anona in as part of his household in the intent that should Anona exalt she may take posession of the two estates after she graduated from her chosen academy.

Krennell is an old regal man, air aspected and preferring to wear simple clothing and uniquely tailored suits rather than the robes that have recently been favoured. He has a sharp proud nose thin lined features that would appear feeble if not for his hard blue eyes. He has the charismatic and well spoken voice of a well-born aristocrat, and he has high breeding.