Porcelain Child/Faesupport

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"Chaos is the name we give to an order so different that all we see in its structure is confusion." --Unknown.

The Fae - Supporting Cast

Windswept Boughs

"Deep in the woods at the foot of the mountains west of Noble was a forbidden and ancient place. Forsaken by the locals for reasons no one truly remembers, the woods were left well enough alone by supersticious villagers, for the tales of the place were ones of horror and nightmare. Perceptions of time flowed strangely, where one was always seemed to change and where one had been never existed. In the heart of this place was the grotto, a sacred area of power in which the dancing lights had made their home. Villagers disobeying the signs awoke on the road with memories of nightmares and horror but were only superficially harmed...untill recently. The lights no longer stayed in their grotto alone, they strayed and people went missing, forever lost."

Taking their own mission, the archons marched into the hinterland of the foothills to solve a problem with bandits stealing taxes but what they found was far more disturbing. Blocking the passage into the mountain villages was the woods of Windswept Boughs, the melding of the dancing lights that once inhabited the forest. They formed together to form a single fae entity, an entity set on its own survival in a land of stability so alien to it. To rescue her companion crow, Magpie and a village boy Luc treked off into the forest. Magpie found her friend, but Luc's mind was swallowed by the fae. Seeing only one course of action the archons moved to slay the beast.

Windswept Boughs threw many obstacles in the path of the archons, visions, strange warpings and even posessing and using Magpies voice. Using the emotions of the archons she strengthened herself before facing them. Such a lofty and powerful creature was brought down by the simplest of things - an iron spoon thrown by an eleven-year-old girl.

Master Hiroke

Another manifestation of an odd fae presence on the Blessed Isle. Deep within a monastery on a mountain side south-east of the Imperial Mountain is a private meditation cave for the fire-aspected abbot of the immaculate temple. The cave is reachable only by a thin wooden walkway that finishes on a small veranda overlooking the hot springs used by the monks to bathe. Inside the are small lava flows and glowing fire crystals - a demesne far to small to construct a manse over, but a beautiful and harmonic place to the Chosen of Hesiesh. The other natural inhabitant of the cave were dancing orange lights. Mistaken for firesprites, they were more of the tiny fae shards.

Hiroke, the ancient master of the temple for nearly four hundred years was beginning to fade, and he spent more and more times meditating in the cave, writing his last thoughts. When he finally weakened and succumbed, the lights set upon him, rushing in and feeding upon his divine essence. Resting in the near-dead master's heart the shards gained a body and combined to be a new being, one that would be free to walk outside the cave and grow in strength. Feeding first upon a few of the stronger monks Hiroke likewise converted them into similar beings, investing a few of the shards in their near-dead bodies. He sent those he corrupted out to feed and bring him energy, and those he had not to hunt down the beasts.

Drawing upon its newfound powers, the fae concocted a plan to reach a more powerful body, a younger, stronger body. There were two such creatures it could use to ride the bodies of - weapon-master, and the young Fire-aspect monk Sesus Orihime. It attempt to use the Weapon-master failed, and while it was able to create a useful and powerful servant, it was unable to use the body fully - after which the weapon-master became the fae known as One-leg, the apparent leader of the swarm of leaping dead that now descended upon the villages below. Disturbed, the fae considered that it would need a great deal of essence to combat, defeat and then pour its soul into the fading shell of an exalt, so it concocted a plan to lure two dragonbloods to the monastery - Orihime as the sacrifice, and Vana the new shell. By doing this, the fae hoped to create a body of its own, one that wouldn't decay over time.

As was the fate of Windswept Boughs, Master Hiroke likewise fell to the spoon wielded by Magpie.

The Leaping Dead

The progeny of the fae occupying Master Hiroke's body. By investing some of its energy into a nearly dead human, the shard of the fae's essence can occupy and enslave the body, eventually swallowing the faded soul of the host. After this, the body becomes truly dead, decaying at the normal rate, though still under control of the fae shard which would be able to continue to use the body untill it fell apart. Swarms of these beasts ravaged the villages south of the monastery harvesting essence for their progenitor. Eventually a combined army of guards, militia and archons were able to halt the leaping dead in the trading town of Glie.


The product of Master Hiroke's first attempt to invade a superior body. The weapon master of the temple suffered an excruciating death and lost his right leg trying to fight the corrupted Hiroke. Ultimately the fae failed, and the weapon-master became the strongest of the fae's army of enslaved bodies. Believed to be the leader of the pack of beasts, One-leg was pursused zealously by Sesus Orihime. One-leg was defeated by Yengo and Anona beneath the traitorous Merchant Master's mansion in Glie.

The Glade

During their flight from the Tepet Legions, Yengo and Tara journeyed far across Creation, from the frigid north all the way to the verdant east in only a year. One such place they stumbled across was a breathtaking lake, ringed by enourmous trees and filled with all manner of dancing lights. The lights were a myriad of colours, but primarily they were green. These lights seemed entirely harmless and even helpful in a way in leading Yengo and Tara to Siaka.