Porcelain Child/SessionFourtyThree

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[10:27] <onine> Juno proves to be a very good host, and has his servants cater to your every need, facilities that would have been all but closed to you are open, equipment and supplies hard to retrieve are yours and of course he mentioned pay too... [10:28] <onine> Magpie spends her time tormenting Juno's staff, Yengo works on his own projects and Epheri and Anona are busy with... things most of the time, but there are times when you manage to see eachother over meals in the quarters set aside for Epheri and Anona. [10:29] <onine> The late afternoon snack is as luxurious as it is simple, the servants lay out an array of fruits and breads on the table sitting before the balcony doors of the room. [10:29] <onine> You find that wherever the rooms are in Juno's home, the breeze always manages to enter, brushing cooly and lightly through every room - a constant reminder of the element of Air. [10:35] * Magpie , grubby after an invigorating search of the gardens, squirms in her chair as Tara slowly cuts the bread. She has collected a small horde of half-eaten fruit. She's tasted each kind, alphabetically. [10:36] <Magpie> She grabs the slice of bread as soon as it falls onto the plate, and stuffs it into her mouth. Some loud chewing noises later, she swallows, chokes for a few moments, and then swallows again. [10:37] <Magpie> "So!" she says, eyes bright and dazzling. "When are you going to summon the demon, Anona?" [10:37] <Yengo> "Eat slower," Yengo offers unheeded advice, poking at his own plate. His eyes widen slightly at Magpie's question. [10:38] <Magpie> "I want to watch," she explains needlessly. "And you're going to summon a demon, right? I heard you talking to Epheri." As far as Anona can recall, Magpie was not in the room at the time. [10:39] * Anona sighs. "That would be very dangerous, Magpie." [10:39] <Anona> "It could get loose." [10:39] <Magpie> "�Really�?" [10:39] <Yengo> "Really?" His tone is less thrilled. [10:39] <Magpie> Her smile sparkles. "I want to watch! I want to watch!" [10:40] <Anona> "Oh, it's not LIKELY. Juno has access to the best of equipment, and I have successfully done many summonings in my time." [10:40] <Anona> "But there's *always* a risk." [10:41] <Magpie> "Oh." Magpie sounds somewhat disappointed. "Still. I can watch. Good." She uses a chopstick as a spear to snag a grape and pops it in her mouth. [10:41] <Anona> "I would prefer if you didn't, but I know you'll just sneak in anyway." [10:41] <Yengo> "So..." Yengo blinks, wondering if he really wants to hear the answer. "What... happened to all of the ones you summoned?" [10:43] <Anona> "Oh, they either served their year and day, or were banished when I was done with them." [10:44] <Yengo> "Ah." Well, no fire-related accidents, none of them breaking loose. He frowns. "I don't like it, but I guess we need all the help we can get. Can't be as bad as the OTHER demon we've been dealing with." [10:45] <Anona> "When the Immaculate Dragons forced the demons into their prison, the Dragon-Blooded were given the right to command them. That's why the Anathema are so dangerous; they are a different order altogether, not really the same thing though both are called demons." [10:46] <Anona> "There's nothing to worry about at all." [10:46] <Anona> "But there is one thing you do not play loose on, and that is a summoning. That's it." [10:47] * Magpie nods eagerly, mentally taking notes. [10:47] * Yengo nods, wondering if her definition of "play loose" is a little more... liberal than his. "All right. Magpie, if you insist on seeing this... thing, I'll have to be there with you." He's also morbidly curious about the process... if he's going to be wandering about with a thing from Malfeas, he might as well know about it sooner rather than later. [10:48] * Epheri looks a little relieved at this. Well, maybe she could just get her to treat more things like demon summoning ... [10:50] <Magpie> "This'll be �such� fun." Magpie grins. [10:51] <Yengo> "Yeah," He pushes away his plate, patting her absently on the head. "...fun." [10:51] <Anona> "Well..." Anona hates to admit it, but she agrees, for all the seriousness she places on it. [10:57] * Yengo casts a look around the room, scratching his chin and frowning. "Think Juno's listening in on us?" he says quietly. [10:57] * Magpie looks around. "I don't see him." She checks under the table. "Or any spies, either." [11:00] <Yengo> "Yeah but..." He shrugs, gesturing around at the expansive surroundings. Who knows what all those gems set into the wall and strange constructions jutting out of it are for? He falls silent again. [11:00] <Anona> "Means nothing." [11:01] <Magpie> "Oh." Magpie doesn't seem much interested, and investigates a cherry tart. [11:02] * Yengo frowns. His brooding about Juno's untrustworthiness will have to wait for another day. [11:05] <Magpie> "I've checked the gardens, too." Magpie says suddenly. "And half the hallways, and that big ballroom, and the library, and... I can't find the Fae. Maybe Krietas scares him." She pushes a nut around her plate. [11:06] <Yengo> "Are you still dragging that poor soldier around with you?" Well, if it helped keep her safe... "Whatever that thing is, hopefully it's long gone. No one's seen anything." [11:07] <Magpie> "Hopefully?" Magpie looks at him in astonishment. "But if it's gone..." [11:08] * Yengo ruffles her hair. "Then it can't hurt us." [11:11] <Magpie> "But...but..." [11:11] <Magpie> "He's a loose end!" she bursts out. "We can't just...�abandon� a loose end." [11:11] <Magpie> "He tried to eat us, too," she reminds him. [11:12] * Yengo sighs. "Life is full of loose ends, Magpie." He looks up at the others. "Right?" [11:14] <Magpie> "I bet Anona burns her loose ends," Magpie grumbles in an undertone. [11:16] * Epheri nods to Yengo "It is." [11:16] <Yengo> "See?" He feels somehow vindicated. [11:16] * Magpie looks at Anona. "What do you think?" [11:19] <Anona> "If we find it, we will deal with it. If we don't find it, it isn't threatening us." [11:19] * Magpie , finding this answer unsatisfactory, scowls and bites savagely into a peach. Juice dribbles. [11:22] <onine> Some days later Tepet Juno requests your presence in the main hall - evidently something is about to happen... [11:23] <onine> It is early morning, just prior to sunrise, the city is blanketted in a chill that seems to hang on everything. The chill is dry, and the air is clear of fog though frost cakes metal railings and window ledges. It drips off beautiful all-year flowers like intricate patterns of icing on delicate little cakes. [11:24] <onine> The main hall is open, allowing the chill wind to brush through it, the breeze is fresh, though it slices through clothing with relative ease. [11:25] * Magpie trots at Yengo's side to hear the news. Krietas has slunk off to hide in the kitchens, but Magpie is sure she can find him later. For now, she is curious. [11:26] <onine> Juno sits behind the low wooden table wearing a simple black tunic and slacks - of all the Dynasty you have seen Juno dresses so simple, there is very little gaudy flair about him. [11:26] * Yengo shivers slightly, buckled up in armor which feels very cold this morning. [11:27] <onine> To his right, Lady Aria reclines like a cat on large cushions, wearing her full outfit of intricately wrapped sashes and cloth. Her hair is bound and she wears a whispy veil over her face. [11:28] <onine> Before the regal masters of the house, three others sit awaiting you. Mistral takes the position furthest to the side, dressed in his long cloakes and warm robes - every breath leaves a misty trail from his lips. [11:28] <onine> Also present is the Earth aspect, Tepet Quintus, he looks a little annoyed at the early hour and he does not look at you as you enter. [11:30] <onine> Next in line is the familiar figure of Ledaal Tany. He is dressed as always in his simple blue and white outfit of simple martial arts atire, his cerulean sash scatters playfully over cushions and stone floors like whisps of fog. [11:31] * Magpie sticks her tongue out at Quintus as she enters. This is rendered somewhat less daring by the fact that he is pointedly not noticing any of the mortals. She shivers in the cold, and thinks longingly of jackets. [11:31] <onine> "Good morning..." Juno stands and greets each of you very warmly. Once he has adressed each archon formally, he gestures to the cushioned seating arangements next to Tany. "Please, sit, I have some exciting news." [11:32] * Anona sits. "Oh? What is it?" [11:32] * Magpie plops down on a big fluffy maroon cushion, and sits cross-legged. [11:33] <onine> "First allow me to ask you a question." He smiles cryptically. [11:33] * Yengo , not wishing to risk sitting down in his armor, elects to stand, leaning against a pillar. "A question?" [11:33] * Epheri sits herself carfully down [11:34] * Magpie looks up attentively. Then she frowns in annoyance at Juno's obfuscation, and wriggles on her cushion as she strives to find a more comfortable position. [11:34] <Anona> "Go on." [11:34] <onine> "Are you ready to see creation? Are you ready to see part of a legend for yourself?" He asks. "And are you ready to become part of one." [11:36] <Anona> "Hmm... I'd like to see more, depends on the legend, and of course." [11:36] * Magpie shakes her head in pity at Anona. "Of �course�. Legends are legends," she explains. Lemony Pirates, here we come! [11:37] <Anona> "Oh, I could do without the legend of the bog of eternal stench." [11:37] * Yengo mumbles something under his breath, remembering how often the mortals in those legends fell into ruin. No place to go but forward, now. He nods silently. [11:38] <onine> "You must forgive my husband's attempt at gandeur, Archons. He - and the rest of us are most excited at this stage, now that we are so close to realising a dream." Aria comments, chiding her husband. He chuckles at her remark. [11:40] <Magpie> "A dream? You mean the magic sword?" [11:40] <onine> "No Anona, there is no bog of eternal stench, at least not near Six-Birds." Juno replies. "I have recieved word from my shipyard that the Snapdragon will be ready to sail in a matter of hours - the cargo hold has not been repaired, however she will sail in its absence - and you will likely not be needing a hold on this mission." [11:41] <onine> "Correct young Magpie." Juno answers. "The tragedy of the Anathema that befell the Magistrate has affected all of us. She has interfered greatly in the dream of a united Dragonblooded Realm, but we will triumph over this adversity - we have a duty to creation to do no less." [11:42] <Yengo> "So where do we come in?" [11:45] <onine> "You come in with your impressive investigative skills - and your uncanny and unexpected resourcefulness." Juno explains. [11:46] <Magpie> "You want us to find another piece of the sword, from Six-Birds," Magpie hazards. [11:46] *** Disconnected [11:48] *** Attempting to rejoin... [11:48] *** Rejoined channel #oninegame [11:49] <onine> "I hope so." Juno answers. "At best - at least we will find out the fate of my expedition." [11:51] <Magpie> "Quintus isn't going too, is he?" the girl asks with some trepidation. [11:52] <onine> "Yes," The dragonblood answers with some annoyance. "I will be going." [11:53] * Yengo frowns slightly at this. Maybe talking with Anona and Epheri would keep him off the mortals' backs. [11:54] <onine> Juno elaborates. "Due to the obvious risk of the Anathema, I will be sending Quintus with a unit of heavy-foot and light-foot archers for your protection and for the protection of my vessel." [11:54] <Magpie> "Oh." Magpie looks at Yengo, clearly hoping he would put a stop to such nonsense. [11:54] <Anona> "I suppose we can use the extra help, should it show." [11:54] <Magpie> "Traitor," Magpie mutters �almost� inaudibly. [11:55] * Yengo looks down at Magpie, giving a helpless shrug. What can he do? [11:56] <onine> "You will be quite safe under Quintus' protection." Juno says. "I will place Tany in command of this operation, he is the most qualified for the role." [11:57] * Epheri doesn't scowl at this announcement, though it is close "How pleasant." [11:58] <Magpie> "Better than Quintus," Magpie says, looking more cheerful. [11:58] * Yengo shoots a glance over at her, his mouth almost curling into a smile. Privately, he wonders how Tany is qualified for anything. [11:58] <onine> "What?!" Quintus seems to voice the general displeasure that any others in the room feel about the decision. He glares at Tany and then at his uncle. "Surely you jest, Tany is a *monk* and while he is well suited to the task of caretaker and babysitter he is most certainly NOT the correct choice for a military operation." [11:59] <Anona> "I also wonder if he's the best choice." [11:59] <Magpie> "But he's not as stupid as..." She trails off. Realizing that Yengo would want her to try harder to be nice, she finishes lamely, looking at Quintus ome people." [12:00] <Magpie> (*looking at Quintus, "some people." [12:00] <Magpie> ) [12:00] <onine> "My decision stands." Juno glares at the younger man with a surprisingly stern gaze. The jovial and accomidating Juno has all but fled. [12:00] <onine> (damn that sentence was so hard to type) [12:01] <onine> "But UNCLE." Quintus growls through clenched teeth. "I am an experienced and decorated commander in the legions, I will NOT answer to this - IMMACULATE offcast!" [12:02] * Yengo looks at Magpie. Despite the undiplomatic nature of Magpie's remarks, Tany actually might be less of a problem than this one. He reminded Yengo too much of the Legions and the bad times... "The first duty of a Legion officer is to obey orders," He says, almost inaudibly. [12:02] <onine> Juno is about to offer a rebuke to his young nephew when Mistral speaks up for the first time since you've entered the room. [12:02] * Magpie chuckles quietly to herself, hiding her grin behind her hands. [12:04] <onine> "Actually my lord, I am inclined to agree with the commander. Tany is ill suited for command of such an operation -" Mistral leans forward and smiles apolegetically at the young Immaculate. "-he is a valuable and talented man, but this is not where his abilities lie. And I need not mention the slightly sour relations between Lord Tany and the Archons in the past, such things would interfere [12:04] <onine> with the smooth running of this mission." [12:05] * Epheri raises an eyebrow at the 'slightly sour' but passes no comment [12:05] <onine> "At last some common sense." Quintus smirks with his nose in the air. He sniffs haughtilly. [12:06] <Magpie> "But we like Quintus even less," Magpie points out. [12:06] <Magpie> "Tany is at least funny. Sometimes," she says, lest he value this compliment too highly. [12:06] <onine> Magpie recieves a glare from Quintus. [12:07] * Magpie smiles back at him, enjoying herself hugely. [12:07] <onine> Juno frowns at the discourse. "And you would suggest that Quintus be in command of this expedition then Mistral?" Quintus smiles at this. [12:08] <onine> "Not exactly. I would like to request command." Mistral says simply. [12:08] * Magpie 's eyes widen. She glances at Quintus and Tany to see how the Dragonbloods take this proposal. [12:10] <onine> Tany retains an expression of casual indifference, Quintus looks furious. [12:11] <onine> "YOU?!" he splutters and looks to his uncle for support. "He's just a mortal - I refuse to be subjected to this humiliation!" [12:12] <onine> Juno studies both men. "I agree, however for different reasons Mistral. I need you here old friend - I cannot risk losing you in the threshold." [12:13] <onine> "As you said my Lord, I will be well protected by Quintus and his men. Plus I have suspicions that this ruin is very important - I would like to see it for myself." Mistral explains. [12:13] <onine> "I don't have to sit here and listen to this ridiculousness!" Quintus bitches. [12:15] <onine> Juno frowns in thought. At last he smiles resigned. "Very well. The mission is yours Mistral." [12:16] <onine> "Thank you, my lord." Mistral bows low in thanks to Juno. [12:17] * Magpie does not look ill-pleased by this result. [12:19] * Anona finds the back-and-forth very interesting. And, at least, Mistral should be easier to Peacock-Shadow if she must. [12:19] *** Disconnected [12:24] *** Attempting to rejoin... [12:24] *** Rejoined channel #oninegame [12:25] *** Disconnected [12:27] *** Attempting to rejoin... [12:27] *** Rejoined channel #oninegame [12:27] *** onine has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer�) [12:29] <oni-chan> Quintus humphs. "Fine. I will... *obey* your orders..." [12:29] <oni-chan> Mistral just smiles. [12:30] * Magpie bites down hard on her lip to avoid saying something particularly unwise. She looks at Quintus with misgivings, and moves a little closer to Yengo. Yengo knew all about Dragonbloods like Quintus, she figured. [12:32] *** Attempting to rejoin... [12:34] *** Attempting to rejoin... [12:34] *** Rejoined channel #oninegame [12:35] *** onine has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer�) [12:39] <oni-chan> "Make your preparations Quintus." Juno nods his head in the young Earth Aspect's direction. [12:40] <oni-chan> "My troops will be ready within an hour." The young soldier stands and nods once, giving everyone an arrogant glare before walking toward the exit of the hall, his boots echoe loudly. [12:40] <Anona> "As for us?" [12:40] <oni-chan> Tara's hand grips Yengo's arm a little tighter. [12:41] <oni-chan> "As for you my friends, the Snapdragon will depart within the hour, if you would like to reconvene here in that time?" Juno answers. "Unless there are any questions you would ask of me?" [12:41] * Yengo pats her elbow softly. "Back to the Threshold for us, huh? Maybe we'll see Cenotaph and the others again." [12:42] <Magpie> "What's Six-Birds?" [12:43] <oni-chan> "Ah, now Six-Birds is a relatively famous ruin in the far-far east." Juno answers. "It is not famed for any treasure that it holds, it is in fact famed by a complete lack of it." [12:43] <Magpie> The girl leans forward on her cushion, and rests her chin on folded hands with an air of concentration. "...why? Why is it an interesting ruin? Why doesn't it have treasure?" [12:44] <oni-chan> Aria continues Juno's explanation. "Six-Birds has never been plundered, though many scavengers have tried - the ruin has something of a reputation for a stairway that explorers never return from." [12:44] <Yengo> "Sounds... thrilling." [12:46] <Magpie> "We're going to go down the stairway, aren't we." Magpie's eyes shine. [12:47] <Magpie> "Why is it called Six-Birds? Why not Three-Birds? Or Two-Hawks? Or..." Magpie is prepared to rattle off other possibilities of Number-Avian indefinitely. [12:48] <oni-chan> Juno and Aria shift in their seats. "Only if the archeological team was able to decipher its secret. I would not wish to lose any of you or Quintus' men by foolishly jumping through." [12:48] <Yengo> "Magpie-" Obviously the girl's questions and Juno's measured explanations aren't exactly a match. [12:49] <oni-chan> "It is called Six-Birds because of a design in the center of the first room that leads to the stairs. There is a circular design on the floor surrounded by four circle. On each is the symbol of a bird." Juno explains. [12:49] <oni-chan> (only cause Sara is leaping ahead without waiting!) [12:50] <Magpie> "Oh. Are there any crows?" Magpie looks up at Crow, now smugly perched on a blue-and-gold mantle clock and surveying the scene. She rather thought Crow would like to see stone circle crows. [12:50] <oni-chan> "On these four are an Owl, a Harrier, a Dove and a Swallow or Robin." Juno elaborates. "Beyond these four on either side are a larger pair of circles, one bears an Eagle and the other bears the symbol of a great Falcon." [12:51] <oni-chan> "No." Juno smiles apolegetically. "There are no crows." [12:52] * Magpie shakes her head sadly. "No one likes crows enough. But they're �very� smart." Crow, pecking at the hour-hand of the clock, fluffs his feathers. She glares at him. "Mostly." [12:53] <oni-chan> "The meaning of these avian designs are unknown." Aria adds the point. [12:54] <Anona> "Maybe the architech simply liked birds." [12:55] <Magpie> 'Why do you think Six-Birds has a piece of the sword?" [13:01] <oni-chan> "With our pooling resources the Six Birds ruin has featured in the tales and lore of the sword, and expecially Kreites himself - assuming he was real and that was his name. We dont know how importand the ruins are, but we cannot overlook its importance. And if the Anathema was interfering with the teams and the ruins, that fact only convinces me more of their importance." [13:03] <Anona> "I suppose it's worth investigating, if the evidence is so convincing." [13:04] * Magpie nods. "I bet Kreites fought a famous duel there," she says. "Maybe that's where he died. Or maybe..." her eyes widen, and she says slowly, "he went down the staircase." She looks at Anona. "I'm ready to go." [13:05] <oni-chan> "The Snapdragon will arrive here within an hour." Mistral replies. "It would be best for all of you to prepare for travel." [13:05] <oni-chan> "And if there is anything you need, anything at all, do not hesitate to ask." Juno adds. "Whatever is in my power to supply for you I will be happy to retrieve." [13:05] * Yengo nods shortly, grumbling about how there will be no going down staircases as he moves off with Tara to throw their things together. [13:07] * Magpie looks like she's about to take full advantage of this generous offer, when Yengo leaves. She stands there, torn between greed and a desire for companionship, and eventually runs off after the other two mortals. Crow wings silently out after her. [13:07] * Anona sets off to pack, and to ensure her new "servant" will behave. [13:08] * Epheri follows after anona, to pack her own things [13:09] <oni-chan> (one hour later?) [13:09] <Magpie> (yep) [13:09] <oni-chan> One hour later... [13:10] <oni-chan> The assembled group waits on the large circular garden balcony of Juno's mansion. The sun shines brightly, and the weather is fair, a good omen for the voyage ahead. Juno and Aria wait, discussing and generally being in love, and at the stairs down Mistral speaks quietly with Tany. For a mortal he holds a lot of command. [13:11] <oni-chan> The two finish their discussion, and Tany departs heading down the long staircase and into the city. Mistral walks over to you, smiling broadly. He carries no bags, and none seem to be apparent. [13:12] *** Yengo has quit IRC (Ping timeout�) [13:12] <oni-chan> "What a splendid day for sailing. It has been some time since I traveled, and I admit I am quite excited about this voyage." [13:12] <oni-chan> (owned!) [13:13] * Magpie hops from one foot to the other. "I've never been off the Blessed Isle, except for the pirates." She twirls. "I'm gonna see mutants and monsters and foreigners and..." [13:15] <oni-chan> "You will see all of that and more." Mistral smiles, patting the girl lightly on the head, promising excitement and fun ahead. He looks north. "Ah, there she is..." [13:16] *** Yengo has joined #oninegame [13:17] <oni-chan> From the Scarlet river in the distance a smallish speck appears in the air heads towards the mansion. As it grows in shape you can see the Snapdragon in its full splendour, long sleek hull, fin like sails from its flanks. It is a truly beautiful ship. [13:17] * Epheri looks to north as he points. She smiles alittle at Magpie's antics [13:17] <oni-chan> In the morning light, sailing smoothly it is almost hard to believe that it was once a place of death, horror and loss.. The Snapdragon circles around the mansion and slows to a stop gracefully beside the balcony. Two crewmen extend a boarding ramp across carefully, offering you passage aboard the ship. The vessel hums lightly and musically as it floats on currents of essence. [13:17] <Yengo> "Tara is a foreigner," Yengo says absently, watching the Snapdragon approach. [13:19] <Magpie> "Really?" Magpie looks at Tara as if she'd never seen her before. "You don't look like a foreigner," she says accusingly to the young woman. "Not like Farion's shaman." [13:19] <oni-chan> Juno and Lady Aria join you. "She is a beautiful ship, yes?" Juno beams. [13:19] <Magpie> "Especially when she's not burning," Magpie agrees politely. [13:20] * Epheri nods "She is an amazing vessel." [13:20] <Anona> "I don't know. I kind of liked it that way. I mean, apart from it being destroyed that way." [13:20] <oni-chan> Juno frowns at that. He has lost one ship and nearly lost another. [13:20] <Yengo> "Yes... how long have you had her?" He vaguely remembers seeing ships like it pass over the City when he was young, and wondering what it would be like to ride them. [13:21] <oni-chan> "A recent aquisition in the grand scheme of things. Ten or twenty years. They were discovered on one of the many expeditions sent into the threshold. Though the ruin they were found in, an old hidden launch harbour did not give us any of the lore on the sword, these ships were more than a welcome discovery." [13:22] <oni-chan> "I expect that they were once pleasure craft an age ago, converted into escape ships." [13:24] * Yengo nods, still watching the ship. [13:25] <oni-chan> Quintus walks across the ramp and hops the step down lightly and adresses Juno. "My troops and all the supplies are on board and the Snapdragon is ready to depart. The only thing remaining is for your...troubleshooters to board and we can be underway." [13:25] <Yengo> "Well... let's get started, then?" [13:25] * Magpie doesn't need more than that. She gallops up the plank. [13:25] <oni-chan> "Very good, Quintus." Juno answers and turns to the rest of you. "Well my friends, this is farewell for now at least." [13:26] <Anona> ... and Anona can hardly wait to say "bye" to him. [13:26] * Yengo gives him a wave as he follows Magpie aboard, hoping it passes. [13:27] <oni-chan> "Good luck Anona." Aria adds with a radiant smile. [13:27] <Epheri> "Good bye." Epheri says then boards the ship. [13:27] <oni-chan> "Good luck to you all." Juno smiles to himself as the group boars the Snapdragon. [13:29] <oni-chan> With you all on board the ship begins to hum a little louder, pulling away from the balcony and gliding sideways across the city for a few yards, then slowly and gracefully moves forward, launching off on both the wind and the essence of creation to provide its propusion. [13:30] <oni-chan> The captain of the Snapdragon flies a lazy circle around the upper districts, providing an impressive view of the Imperial City before the ship takes off toward the inner sea. [13:31] <oni-chan> Juno watches the ship depart with a mixture of joy, sadness and hope. He doesn't turn to his wife. "Well?" [13:32] <oni-chan> Aria sighs. "Yes, it is the same. Tepet Anona is stricken as well. She is capable of so much, but soon she will begin to falter." [13:34] *** Attempting to rejoin... [13:34] *** Rejoined channel #oninegame [13:35] *** Yengo_ has joined #oninegame [13:35] <onine> "How saddening... that the candles the burn the brightest melt their wax the quickest." Juno sighs. [13:36] <onine> "If it is related... that is worrying." Aria warns, and Juno encircles an arm around her waist. [13:36] <onine> "You worry too much my love. It will be alright. You'll see."