Porcelain Child/SupportingCaravan

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"Not every day is a carnival my friend - if it were, what good would we be?!" --Ikuyi, snakeman juggler

Supporting Cast - The Caravan

The Caravan

The Caravan is Cenotaph's rolling sanctuary for all manner of misfits and scallywags in the East. Resembling an old cargo hulk on enormous wheels pulled by six yeddim, the vessel has been modified over countless years, sprouting balconies, external ramps and other such odities from its hull. The Caravan features many folding ramps which facilitate swift unpacking from its cargo holds and the launch of horses whilst moving. Inside the vessel features a large bar, stable, countless crew quarters, cargo bays, armouries and a host of hidden passages. The heart of the ship has been emptied to facilitate the installation of a large bar, eatery and meeting hall under the stars. The bar serves around the clock from kegs as tall as a man, and four levels up numerous banners hang from the main deck of the ship. Canvas sails can be pulled across in case of rains from the main deck of the old ship to shelter those below. On the main deck is Cenotaphs office which occupies what was once the captain's quarters and conference room. Over the years the Guild prince has filled the oak paneled room with decorations from across the threshold. Anique weapons, masks from Linowan, spears of the Icewalkers - the list is endless.

