Porcelain Child/Tepet Alphaeios

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"Cruelty is a thing so profound in that it exists at its highest in those of unfathomable wisdom - and in those of such sweet childish innocence. Is cruelty most horrific in one with understanding of the implications, or one with no understanding at all...?" --Fly Matis, mortal philosopher.

Tepet Alphaeios

Alphaeios is the older exalted child of Tepet Juno and Ledaal Aria. Alphaeios was schooled as standard in the realm, and an equal part of both very high breeding and good fortune resulted in him exalting as an Air aspect when he was only eleven years old. It was an exaltation that resulted in three deaths, one of which a school instructor. Too young to enter proper dragonblooded schooling, Aria and Juno opted to train the young man personally untill he was old enough to enter proper academies. Trained in sorcery by Aria and combat arts by Juno, Alphaeios was already talented by the time he entered his schooling.

His age and appearance brought him unsavoury attention from other students and he was almost ejected from the academy after the death of another student in a three-on-one fight. After the impending investigation and bribes from his parents it was decided that he would be allowed to remain in the school. Since the incident, young Alphaeios became feared by the other students. Though no deaths resulted after that, Alphaeios' penchant for violence, cruelty and bullying disturbed even the instructors. After his graduation his instructors could thing of only one avenue where the Tepet scion's ruthlessness could be turned to the Realm's benefit. The Wyld Hunt.

Alphaeios was placed in a unit with an experienced Wyld Hunt captain along with his (now) fellow hunters V'neef Oke, a wood aspect Immaculate and Cathak Tristi a strategy graduate. Alphaeios was a valued member of the hunt... for a time. After numerous reprimands for engaging in senseless slaughter, Alphaeios challenged the captain to single combat and beat him soundly. Before he could be stopped he murdered the captain and thoroughly destroyed the body. By a vote of unanimous fear, Alphaeios was promoted to leadership of the unit.

Over the years he and the Demonslayer Cavalry became famed as hunters, with numerous anathema deaths documented. His methods are considered extreme, and no one is glad when they hear that the Tepet unit has entered a province. Some may even go so far as to say that Alphaeios is worse than the anathema he hunts.

In recent activities Alphaeios destroyed one of Juno's two skyships, the Clover and murdered three of his mortal soldiers in careless spell cross-fire. Since then he has hunted an anathema that has been running rampant on the south of the Blessed Isle. He is now in a race, as other Wyld Hunt units have likely been called on to join the hunt for the danger so close to home. Alphaeios is driven by his goal, and considers anyone he meets as either a rival or beneath him. He worships skill and strength and respects those of unparalleled prowes in his own way. There is a sort-of child-like malice about him that is deeply disturbing, an innocent evil devoid of motive and reason. Darkness for the sake of darkness.

Alphaeios is around fourty-five years of age, but his early exaltation, and perhaps something to do with his dabbling in sorcery so young has left him still of a very youthful appearance. He is boyish, only five and a half feet in height and his features are sharp and affeminate. He has a shock of white hair, casually brushed back. His eyes are a warm amber yellow, but there is little warmth conveyed in them, indeed Alphaeios seems to view everything his eyes cross with a calculated look, as if evaluating whether it would be pleasant to kill. His voice is soft, melodious and sweet, somewhere between male and female in its pitch.

Most often he wears the uniform of the Demonslayers, charred black armour with red trim and dark cloaks. When not on the move the Tepet scion prefers to wear white and gold. In battle Alphaeios uses a mixture of sorcery and specially developed charms that match his artifact Daiklave, an Air-aspected Daiklave named Singsong.