Porcelain Child/Yengo

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Five years previously, RY 763, Tepet Legion Military Camp, Northern Wastes
<onine> Its happening again. You know it's just a dream, but it feels as real as if it were happening right now. Tara's cries, the rage and pain in your chest, the tactile sense of the coarse dirt under your fingernails as you dig into the ground...
<onine> It keeps coming back to haunt you, how you did nothing. Sometimes, in your worst moments, the thought that you should have intervened and died becomes so much more attractive than the survival you chose.
<onine> It feels so real
<onine> "Doctor!"
<onine> Another scream.
<onine> "Doctor.... doctor....doctor..." Tara doesn't call you doctor...
<onine> "Doctor!!"
<onine> You are shaken awake by the young man's voice and his hands gripping your shoulder.
* Yengo 's eyes snap open at last as he draws in a shuddering breath, jerked violently awake.
<onine> "Aaah! Careful Doctor, its just me, Alebrahn!"
<Yengo> "Sorry Alebrahn... you just shocked me, is all."
<onine> The young man dodges back as your big arms reflexively flail, your body is covered in sweat despite the late winter chill of the north
<onine> "Its okay Doc, you alright?"
* Yengo 's voice is still groggy as he sits up, careful not to startle the other. "I'm... fine... what's all this about? What's wrong?"
<onine> Alebrahn is one of the younger soldiers of the legion, you have been training him recently to work medical in the field, extending the lives of soldiers. He's a young man, but his face has many visible scars.
<onine> "Its just, well, Doc, you gotta see what’s happening out here!" He seems very frantic about something. You notice that you hear a lot of booted footsteps clonking in the mud, along with the characteristic clink of armour. Something is happening, something big.
* Yengo nods and stands, rubbing his eyes, eager to chase away the horrors of his dream, and of reality, with action. He stumbles over to his small chest and begins to hurriedly dress himself.
<onine> "No time no time!"
<onine> Tara is still dozing on the other stretcher in the cordoned off section of the medical tent. You and your team were up late working on a wounded scout. Seems he ran into some trouble with bears...or something similar anyway..
* Yengo quickly throws his medical bag over his shoulder and shoves his sword into his belt before rushing out of the tent.
<onine> Alebrahn runs out in front of you and stops. The Tepet Legion Camp is located in a cleared valley, the ground is mostly mud and packed dirt surrounded by pines. The snow of winter has thawed and spring is only barely arriving. The camp is in chaos, soldiers in various states of dress run around everywhere.
<onine> A lot however are just standing and looking east, along with the young soldier.
* Yengo draws up short. "What...?"
<onine> Following his gaze east you see a bizarre sight...
<onine> ..The dawn sun sitting low on the horizon blazes warm light onto your face, but is ever so slowly being covered by another shape...
<onine> The black form moves slowly across and in front of the sun, casting a massive shadow on the land. You appeared to have arrived just in time, the moon now fully obstructs the sun, and the blazing corona of light now paints a dim, but terribly beautiful ring in the sky
<onine> It is a scene of awe, beautiful and frightening at the same time
* Yengo stands almost dumbfounded, hand gripping the canvas flap of the tent as he gazes upon the sight.
<onine> You hear a few shouts from soldiers nearby, but most watch in awed silence
* Yengo turns back into the tent, calling back to Alebrahn "Wait here."
<onine> "Yengo, what’s the.... oh my..." A quiet voice says from behind you. Tara ceases wiping the sleepsand from her eyes and watches in wide eyed shock
* Yengo smiles, though it is a weak, sickly thing. "I was just coming to wake you... I... I don't know."
<onine> She hugs her arms around herself and comes to stand next to you, barefoot in the mud. "I've... never seen anything like it."
* Yengo starts to place a comforting hand on her shoulder, then stops himself. "Neither have I..."
* Yengo pointedly keeps his eyes fixed on the east, to the chaos and confusion that has seized the camp.
<onine> Before your eyes, the cosmic display of harmony starts to fade, the moon slowly moving away from the sun, bathing the camp in bright white dawn light once more.

* Yengo blinks at the restored radiance of the sun, wondering once more what the hell this is all about.
<onine> "Hmmm, well..." Alebrahn scratches one of the scars on his cheek, "That was kinda strange"
<onine> Officers start wandering around rousing their men to stop gawking and get back to their duties.
* Yengo nods, scratching the back of his head. "Just a little."
<onine> "You there!" An arrogant voice pipes up from behind you
* Yengo turns to face the voice, still blinking a bit.
<onine> Tara shrinks behind you as you face a dragonblooded officer mounted on a horse, his green jade armour gleaming brightly in the morning sun, one thing about these Exalts, they are always impressive.
<onine> Officer (addressing Alebrahn) "Soldier, stop gawking at the sky! Do you not have duties you should be performing?"
<onine> Alebrahn brings his fist to his left breast in salute and shouts a crisp "Sir!" marching off. Not before rolling his eyes at you when the Dragonblood is not looking.
<onine> "Farewell for now Doctor" he sighs quietly as he passes
* Yengo gives a brief nod in response.
<onine> "And you!" The officer turns his beady eyes on you and Tara, "You have patients to attend to, see to it!"
* Yengo stiffly salutes, somehow hiding the bitterness that wants to burst from him. Thinking of her screams, of his hands clawing uselessly at the ground... "Sir."
<onine> The Dragonblood sneers down his nose at you before taking out his irritation on another knot of soldiers nearby.
<onine> Tara shudders and pads back inside the tent quietly. Dragonbloods regardless of who they are leave a bitter taste on yours and her tongue.
* Yengo reaches a hand after her as she goes, then lets it drop, feeling almost as powerless to help her now as he did that night. Best to bury those thoughts under a load of work.
<onine> And a load of work awaits you too...

Two months later.
<onine> The Tepet campaign in the north has not been going even remotely as well as expected, two other legions have been completely decimated in as many weeks, the casualties have been horrific, the injuries, just as bad. As a surgeon, you have seen secondhand the horrors.
<onine> Although trying to put the mangled survivors back together is almost the same as watching them get taken apart on the front. Tempers have worn thin.
<onine> The young Dragonblood officers are starting to chafe in their armour, and continue to take their frustrations out on the men. In all the campaign is going badly.
<onine> You have had other run-ins with officers, but have escaped the worst being a surgeon, and a surgeon is valuable. They know that while a Dragonblood is powerful, mortal soldiers soak up the blows.
<onine> There has been a lull in the flow of wounded from other legions long enough to allow Tara and the rest of your team a short respite, they now sleep quietly in the cordoned off section of the medical tent.
<onine> You however have reports to write out. The Dragonbloods have all the glory, the mortals fill out forms, that’s the way it seems to go.
* Yengo signs and moves over to his small desk, sifting through sheaves of paper as he lowers himself onto his rickety stool.
<onine> The joys of bureaucracy. They are not 'quite' as demonic as some of the requisitionary requests, but injuries are a very 'red tape worthy item' and the Dynasty insists on making even getting an arm amputated for gangrene a confusing mess indeed.
<onine> The stool creaks wearily supporting your weight.
* Yengo writes almost mechanically as he goes, eyes glancing over the forms, quill pen hurriedly scratching his signature in the right places. Still, he can't complain... this is better than the horrifying series of injuries he's been dealing with lately... though he's being far less useful.
<onine> Your musing seems to call the butchers. You hear the agonized cries you know only too well in the distance quickly growing closer, along with the hollow reassurances that comrades give ensuring the poor soul that he would be fine.
<onine> Two soldiers burst into the tent hefting a third wounded man between them. His head hangs down, and blood seeps through horrific torn vents in his armour, pooling quickly on the packed ground.
<onine> He is definitely a mortal soldier by his armour
<onine> "Doctor!" One of the soldiers bursts, "We need your help!"
* Yengo shoves aside the paperwork and stands, flexing his hands. "Get him over to the table," he says quickly. "Careful, careful, lay him out flat."
* Yengo moves across the tent to the wounded man, shouting for his assistants to wake.
<onine> Tara and your assistants know the song and dance, and are soon up preparing swabs and medical gear, washing and suiting up for the gruesome procedure that awaits.
<onine> The two soldiers drag their groaning comrade to the table and try to lay him out flat. The poor man screams in agony and tries to curl up.
<onine> "We need a hand here!" one of the soldiers yells
* Yengo briskly preps himself and moves to the table, gently yet firmly stretching the soldier out, directing his companions to help.
<onine> The young soldier's hands claw at the air as you press his shoulders against the wooden table, blood leaking from his extensive wounding - this would be a tough one. You look down at the stricken young man and are met with a familiar scarred young face, one contorted with pain.
<onine> Alebrahn.
* Yengo swears quietly under his breath as he begins to carefully yet quickly cut through the straps of Alebrahn's armor, letting loose pieces fall to the floor as he probes for injuries. "Alebrahn," he says, "Can you hear me?"
<onine> He opens his eyes which are wet with tears.
<onine> "Doc Do-" His words are cut of by a sickening fluid gurgle.
<onine> One of the soldiers holding his arms explains with a bitter expression
<onine> "One of our wise Dragonblood officers thought it wise to send a scout party north to validate already validated reports of an Anathema stronghold situated there... He was the only one that made it back."
* Yengo grits his teeth and would spit in disgust, if it wasn't so unsanitary here. "Why am I not surprised?"
<onine> "It looks like... it looks like the anathema let him come back, you know, as an example..." The other soldiers says with a small twinge of fear in his voice
<onine> Your staff look at each other over their masks with slightly uneasy expressions
<onine> Alebrahn screams again.
* Yengo feels a reflexive urge from his childhood strike him, and he almost opens his mouth to say that that's what the Dragon-Blooded are there for, to fight the Anathema, to protect the Realm. But he knows now that that's the vilest lie he's ever heard. He says nothing as he tries to assess just how badly Alebrahn his hurt.
<onine> It doesn't take a surgeon to diagnose 'very very hurt' but a surgeon's knowledge is needed to know whether he can be saved.
<onine> He has many many deep wounds, many arteries severed, lots of bleeding and broken bones. There will definitely have to be amputations on some of his limbs, they are just too badly destroyed to save. In your honest opinion it would be humane to let him die, chances are surgery would only prolong his agony before inevitable death.
<onine> "What do you think Doc? Is he going be okay?" One of the soldiers asks anxiously.
* Yengo looks at him for a moment. "I don't know, we'll have to do the best we can." He turns back and calls for Tara to come to his side.
<onine> Tara has arrayed a selection of your preferred and not so preferred medical tools on a tray, freshly cleaned and ready for the job. She looks impassively over the rapidly deteriorating Alebrahn. Her eyes are always so empty in these situations.
<onine> "Ready.. Doctor."
* Yengo leans in close to whisper in her ear. "He can't be saved... anything we'll do will only prolong his agony. All we can do is ease his pain..."
<Yengo> "You know what medicine I need."
<onine> She looks at you and nods, quietly disappearing around behind the curtain
<onine> There is a slight clink clink clink before three new men enter the surgery section of the medical tent, one Dragonblood and two mortal aids
<onine> The Dragonblood dusts off his green armour and demands "What is his condition?"
* Yengo looks up at the officer, somehow holding back his raw hatred. "Serious, as you can see."
<onine> The Dragonblood cranes his neck so he can see a little better, stepping forward and nudging one of your staff out of the way. He surveys the damage and wrinkles his nose in disgust.
* Yengo continues to try to do the best he can for Alebrahn, hoping that he missed something, hoping for the glimmer of a chance that the young man might somehow be put back together again and not finding it.
<onine> Some blood spurts onto the Dragonblood's armour as you work. He rudely grabs one of the swabs from a tray, wiping the plate clean before dumping the swab back where he took it from.
<onine> Your team tries its best to work, around the nosy and inconsiderate Dragonblood.
* Yengo bristles, wanting to turn his scalpel on that arrogant bastard across the table but telling himself that his focus has to be on the wounded.
<onine> The exalt interjects, "So fragile, you mortals... Doctor Yengo, this man has vital information on the enemy’s strength and numbers, I want him fit and able to give a report."
* Yengo looks up at the officer, eyes full of weariness. "A report? Al- this man is delirious and losing blood. His body is broken. He may not regain consciousness and probably..." he pauses, hating to say it out loud but finding no other choice. "Probably won't survive the hour, much less long enough to give you a report." That's all we are to you, you smug bastard, he thinks. Tools and toys for you to use and play with until they break.
<onine> The exalt fixes you with an intimidating glare "Then that's your problem isn't it Doctor... "
<onine> He glares a little more for good measure before pushing one of your staff out of the way and stalking out of the tent, Jade armour clinking the whole way. His aids follow shortly after.
* Yengo balls his hand into a fist, thinking of how pleasant it would be to put it through the Dragon-Blooded's face. Instead, he uncurls his fist and stands there, once more struck with his own lack of control. Over Alebrahn's injuries, over the Dragon-Blooded.
<onine> Alebrahn's labored breaths are growing more and more infrequent
<onine> "We're losing him!" one of the aids exclaims
* Yengo shakes his head, wanting to let the young man go. But he has to try to save him. Not for the dragon-blooded. For the small, small chance that he might actually recover from this. If that fails, he vows not to prolong the boy's agony. There's always the medicine.
<onine> Try as you might, the damage is too great, choking back on blood the stricken young man looks you in the eye and places a bloodied hand against your chest. Then the light behind his eyes fade and the hand slips back down to the table, leaving a crimson smear on your surgeons apron.
* Yengo throws his scalpel aside in disgust, wishing now he'd simply let the boy drift off into eternal slumber with the medicine. He knew trying to save him was foolish.
<onine> One of the soldiers kicks over a stool angrily
<onine> "Cursed Dragonbloods sending them out like that! It was a suicide mission!"
* Yengo gently closes Alebrahn's eyelids before moving away from the bed. He lays a hand on the other soldier's shoulder.
<Yengo> "Remember this. Remember this every time they tell you they are the Princes of the Earth. Remember it."
<onine> The young soldier looks at you and walks without another word from the tent. His comrade walks over to you.
<onine> "You did all you could doctor, for that you are better than they..." He doesn't say it too loudly, and follows his comrade out.
* Yengo nods, thinking, "Not good enough." He strips out of his apron and throws it onto a nearby table.
<onine> Tara quietly cleans the instruments, while a pair of your assistants reverently pull a sheet over the young soldier's body
<onine> "Alebrahn was a good man Doctor," one of your people says. "We'll all miss him."
<onine> It's true too, he was a bright and attentive learner, he quickly picked up what you taught him of stitches, bandages and anatomy.
<onine> The assistant moves away quickly when the Dragonblood officer enters the tent again. Staring at the covered body and then at you.
* Yengo nods slowly. "You did all you could. I'll miss him, too." At least, his voice is bitter in his own head, he died for a worthless cause.
* Yengo meets the gaze of the officer, seething inside, threatening to boil over with rage.
<onine> the exalt walks over to the covered body and lifts the sheet, looking at the soldier's now serene face. He tosses it back down and glares at you.
<onine> "Tell me..." he begins. "Do you have a problem with authority Doctor?"
* Yengo is considering his chances of springing upon the officer, wringing his worthless neck... but no, there are the others to think of. "I... tried sir. His wounds were too great for me to mend... as you said, we are only mortals." He cannot help but make that last turn of phrase sound somewhat sarcastic.
<onine> "Evidently... I ordered you to restore this man, and yet you failed me. Do you know what that looks like to me? Incompetence."
<Yengo> "This man was my friend, sir. I assure you, I could have tried no harder to save his life. No one could've saved him. The damage was too great. Possibly the Anathema themselves did this to him."
<onine> "Doctor. Are you a soldier?"
<Yengo> "If the need arises. I've stood my place on the line with the others before."
<onine> "Ah. Not a true soldier. As that is the case you may keep your opinions of battlefield matters to yourself. Yes, it is possible that the Anathema did this, because the man is now dead-" He thumps the chest of the corpse meaningfully with a gauntletted hand, "-we cannot be certain."
* Yengo grinds his teeth almost audibly, wanting nothing more than to throw himself at the man before him and choke the life out of him. But once more, he holds back. Part of him says its for the sake of Tara and his assistants, but the other part calls him a coward. "I've treated hundreds of cases in my time with the Legion, sir. Sometimes even officers such as yourself, on those rare occasions I was needed. The body can only take so much."
<Yengo> "Whether the anathema did this to him or not, he was a dead man when he came through that door. I tried, but there was never much hope."
<onine> "I am well aware of the ... limitations of the bodies of mortals thank you very much doctor. Either way a second mission will have to be sent." He pauses a moment with a sadistic smile tugging the corner of his mouth. "Who else do you know?"
<Yengo> "Does it matter? Isn't one mortal the same as another to you?"
<onine> "Yes yes, quite true. Perhaps some of your incompetent medical staff are suitable for the task, they do not seem apt at much else."
<onine> The medical team watches the exchange in pure silence
<Yengo> "I... it would be a waste to use them this way. I've trained them for months, their place is here, saving the lives of the Realm. If you take them, you will lose more men, more battles. Let them work here. Let the soldiers fight."
<onine> The man laughs when it becomes obvious that you are not taking his bait.
<onine> "Of course of course, after all, a coward is a coward!"
* Yengo takes a step forward, hands clenching into fists. "I don't send others to die in my place."
<Yengo> "If you want someone from here, take me."
<onine> He advances a step to mirror yours. "You speak out of your place human."
<onine> "Perhaps I will...."
* Yengo wants to strike him, wants to finally release his frustration and shame. But the thought of what would happen to those he would leave behind after his death is too much. At least, that is what he must tell himself, whether it is true or not.
<onine> The Dragonblood sneers at you, somewhat aware of the mental battle going on within you.
<onine> "No... I didn't think you would."
* Yengo stands silently, trembling with barely repressed rage, fists clenching and unclenching. But he does not speak.
<onine> The Dragonblood turns, but keeps his eyes on you as long as possible, walking to the exit where his aids await quietly trembling.
<onine> "I'll decide what to do with you in the morning. For now I have a mission to plan."
* Yengo says nothing, could almost be carved of stone as he stands there, quiet and monolithic.
<onine> The medical team seems to breath a collective sigh of relief when the exalt leaves, but all eyes turn to you rather than continuing the postop process
* Yengo walks over to his desk, still not speaking, eyes drifting over the sea of paperwork that still remains to be filled out. Then he raises his fist and drives it down against the center of the desk with all his might.
<onine> With a resounding crack one of the legs of the desk breaks and gives under your strength, sending papers and ink jars clattering across the floor noisily. The medical team jumps with the shock and one-by-one they stealthily continue their work, each keeping at least one eye on you.
* Yengo speaks at last, quietly. "I'm done with this."
<onine> The medical team listens intently, but no one speaks
<Yengo> "I thought we were doing good here, and maybe we are. But it's not enough. Not when those bastards just send more out to die. The more we mend, the more they have to break again. And I won't do it anymore. Not for... this. Not for them." ...
<Yengo> "I'm leaving. Tonight. And any of you that want are welcome to come with me."
<onine> The medical team exchange worried glances and continue their work...

Later that night...
<onine> The camp is completely silent, most of the torches have been doused. Only the occasional cough of a soldier on picket can be heard, that and the distant calls of bizarre northern wildlife.
* Yengo stands at the flap of the tent, eyes glancing across the camp, his pack strapped to his back.
<onine> "Doctor?"
<onine> A lantern brightens a little to show your medical team
* Yengo turns at the sound, tensing and then relaxing as he sees the familiar faces.
<onine> The woman holding it, Fran smiles a little sheepishly at you
<onine> "So you're really going?"
<onine> The team listens intently for your answer, even though they know it will be a yes
<Yengo> "Yes. I... I don't expect you to understand, but I can't stay here any longer."
<onine> "Well um, we understand, and we've made our decisions also. We can't go with you. We respect you, and will miss you, but a lot of us have family back home, so most of us have nowhere to go, and well... we're scared of getting caught deserting...
<onine> She grins and so do the rest of the men and women you've gone close to
<onine> "To that end however....you're going to have a tough time getting off camp right?"
* Yengo nods. "I understand."
* Yengo nods again.
<onine> She doesn’t wait for an answer, but each of them holds up a bottle
<onine> "Well, the punishment for aiding the desertion of legion personnel is far more severe than being caught drunk and disorderly..."
<onine> Some of the young men chuckle in the dim light, taking turns at swigging from a particularly large bottle.
* Yengo cracks a smile. "In the morning, tell them I'm gone before they discover it. That will help remove some of the suspicion."
<onine> "Hehe, well, we're also gonna be noisy, you know, to cover you. All of us owe you at least one favor right? And besides, we didn't see you two leave did we?"
<Yengo> "Of course you didn't."
<onine> The team laugh quietly
<onine> "Anyway, good luck Doctor" She shakes your hand, followed in turn by the rest of the medical team
* Yengo shakes hands, giving them all one last appreciative glance as he does so.
<onine> "Anyway guys, we've got drinking to do!" Fran says enthusiastically with a smile
<onine> A few quiet 'woos' reply, and the team files out, heading down a row of tents giggling profusely
* Yengo turns to Tara, beckoning her to follow him in the opposite direction.
<onine> You find that she is not inside the tent, but has been waiting outside with a small pack cradled in her arms
* Yengo looks at her, grateful that at least she has chosen to support him, even if he doesn't deserve it. "Ready?"
<onine> She nods and offers a smile that makes her face look even more haunting in the moonlight.
<Yengo> "Then let's go."
<onine> She follows you with amazing stealth, she has always been a quiet person on the move
<onine> You hear familiar voices carrying on in the other end of the camp, sounds like the medical team is progressing well
* Yengo continues on his way, as quietly as he can, scanning and listening for the approach of any patrols.
<onine> You dodge two patrols of paired men easily, hearing them long before they get close, but as you are nearing the edge of the encampment, indeed very close to the border, when a few voices and booted footsteps are heard around the corner of one of the tents you are hiding along side, they are definitely coming your way.
<onine> You're pretty sure that this one is used as a storage for basic armour and supplies, no weapon supply tents on the edge of the camp. This one will be food or armour, you're not sure which. Its too small for a soldiers' tent and too large for an officer.
<onine> (much as I'd love you to pop in while the general is in the tub, its too close to the edge of the encampment)
* Yengo takes a moment to listen to the approaching voices, then quickly lifts up an edge of the tent and ushers Tara within, following after her, scanning the rows of tents for the patrol as he does so.
<onine> Your foot catches on the tenterhook, ripping it noisily out of the ground and pulling down half the tent.
<onine> Soldier "Hey... you hear that?"
<onine> Soldier "Look!"
<onine> Soldier "What in the-?"
<onine> You hear booted footsteps trudge quickly up to the edge of the tent, then they each patrol around it carefully
<onine> Soldier "Alright, who goes there!"
<onine> Soldier "No use hiding, we know you're here."
<onine> Tara glances around in fear
* Yengo places a hand on the hilt of his sword, mind racing.
* Yengo breathes "Stay quiet," in Tara's ear. "I'll get us out of this."
<onine> "Uh-huh"
<onine> Soldier "Open the tent..."
<onine> Soldier "What, why don’t you do it?"
* Yengo stands up, taking Tara by the hand, pulling her gently after him.
* Yengo freezes, waiting for the inevitable. Go away, he thinks at them. Would you just go the hell away?
<onine> Tara "Uh?"
<onine> Soldier "Just do it"
<onine> Soldier "Fine!"
* Yengo sighs and puts on a sheepish expression.
* Yengo thinks Well, we'll see if they buy this story.
<onine> A spear pokes in and lifts away a tent flap, allowing light from the second soldier's lantern flow in
<onine> Soldier Okay, there's nowhere to hi- eh?"
<onine> He blinks confused.
<Yengo> "Oh, by the dragons... can't a guy find ANY privacy in this camp?"
<onine> Soldier "Halt! You're not allowed in here!"
<Yengo> "Look, I know, I know. We didn't mean any harm. I just wanted a little privacy... you know?"
* Yengo gives a wink, hoping it's not as artificial as it feels.
<onine> Soldier "Er..."
<onine> Soldier "Doctor?"
<onine> The first soldier seems to finally recognize your face, sure there are a lot of soldiers in a legion, but they ALL know the doctor.
<Yengo> "You think I'm going to try to romance someone in the middle of the medical tent? I'm sorry, really. I didn't know anyone would be out here..."
<onine> The two soldiers glance at each other with a skeptical look
<onine> Soldier "Er, sir you know that fraternizing is against the legion regs..."
<onine> Soldier "Er right! Especially around the supplies!"
<Yengo> "Of course... but so are some of the allowances I make for the wounded soldiers under my watch (which, he reflects, is true enough). Are we really doing so much harm?"
* Yengo fights the urge cradle his face, ashamed, except that's one of the few things that could make this situation worse.
<Yengo> (they're almost as stupid as I am ridiculously unsubtle)
<onine> The first soldier looks from you to Tara then back to you. Hopefully she doesn't have the same bland expression on her face as she usually does, but that’s a high hope...
<onine> The second Soldier, probably the authoritative one of the pair licks his lips and frowns, trying to come to a decision
* Yengo shrugs. "I'm sorry for causing you trouble... there's just few places as quiet as this around this camp. But consider me warned and having learned my lesson."
<onine> The first soldier looks over at his comrade who nods.
<onine> Soldier Yeah alright... just fix the tent up when you're done, for the love of the dragons...
<onine> He closes the flap behind him and the two continue their march arguing the decision and lamenting why they never get any 'fun'
* Yengo tries to ignore the shaking in his legs, barely believing that worked.
* Yengo waits for the soldiers to move along, listening carefully to their receding voices.
<onine> After a while you feel relatively confident that they are long gone, but you probably don’t have a lot of time before another patrol does its rounds
* Yengo beckons Tara along with him as he exits the tent. He actually does take the time to try to fix it, since the next patrol is bound to see it, but he listens carefully all the while.
<Yengo> "Sorry about that," he whispers to Tara. "It was all I could come up with on short notice. I'm just glad they bought it."
<onine> When we left our troubled doctor and his young colleague, their escape had just been made, guards had just been duped and the two had just made it to the encampment 'ditch'

<onine> Tara stops and pants behind you as you survey the ditch. Its more of a deterrent for cavalry than an effective barrier. Only about meters wide by . deep, but it is lined by wickedly sharpened logs to kill horses that try to cross it at speed.
<onine> The bottom you are sure, is filled with mud, or at the very least, water.
<onine> The snowfalls have been melting with the spring, and most of the landscape's gullies are filled with a slurry of mud and ice.

* Yengo wanders around the ditch, carefully probing for the best place to cross.

<onine> Its not exactly a wall, just stakes lined up every foot or so, aimed out to impale cavalry trying to jump it.
* Yengo creeps to the edge of the ditch, looking into the bottom as he beckons Tara close. "I'll lower you down easy first," he says. "Then I'll follow."
<onine> "Okay" she whispers back
* Yengo takes Tara and lowers her gently and carefully into the trench, being sure to grip her hands tightly until he's sure she's found her bearings. He waits until he's certain she's all right.
<onine> There is a quiet splooshing as her feet find places on the trench floor. "Ech, its full of mud..." She whispers back
* Yengo chuckles a bit. "Thought so..." He releases her hands and levers himself into the trench.
* Yengo briskly crosses the trench and starts pulling himself up the far bank.
<onine> It is indeed full of icy half frozen mud as Tara reported, and the cold quickly finds new and exciting ways into your boots.
<Yengo> "Guh... let's get out of here as quick as we can..." he says as he sets about doing just that. After he's up, he'll pull her after.
<onine> You're soon out of the encampment and running quickly towards the treeline. Your legs up to your knees are caked in mud, and Tara's dress now has a muddied hem.

<onine> You're soon out of the encampment and running quickly towards the treeline. Your legs up to your knees are caked in mud, and Tara's dress now has a muddied hem. You crouch by the treeline looking back at the camp, small trails of smoke slowly make their way to the sky and occasionally you think you see a patrol here and there.
<Yengo> "I think... I think we may have gotten away with it."
* Yengo smiles a little. "For now, anyway."
<onine> "Where do we go now?"
* Yengo sighs and looks at Tara for a moment, still unsure. "I don't know. Away from here. Maybe we can find a place in the Threshold that will take us... maybe Nexus. Just... away from here." He pauses a minute, unsure of how to say it. "I'm... I'm glad you decided to come with me, Tara, even though I don't know where we're going."
<onine> She doesn't say anything in response, merely looks at the camp with her sullen blue eyes
* Yengo looks back as well, thinking of the Dragon-Blooded in the camp, wondering how many men they'll kill tomorrow.
<Yengo> "May the Bull piss on all your graves. I just wish something could save all the good soldiers that you're dragging down with you."
<onine> Maybe some particularly alert dragonblood heard you, but chances are most of them are lounging on comfortable couches swilling wine and dining on succulent pork in their lavishly appointed tents.
<onine> For now however, the clouds move to obstruct the moon, allowing the black shroud of true night to cover your tracks
<Yengo> "Let's go. We'd better be as far from here as possible when the sun comes up."
<onine> Tara nods and waits for you to pick a direction.
* Yengo leads the way, moving south, away from the camp. (I assume..?)
<onine> She follows you quietly, and apart from the crunching sounds of your boots on pine needles and the hoot of a distant owl, quiet shrouds the forest...

In the Scavenger Lands…
<onine> With Tara you travel west, towards the warmer, greener climate of the scavenger lands. A month later you discover that in revenge for the Tepet Legion's intrusion into their territory, the Anathema wiped them out in months. Your Legion in particular was the first to go, not a fortnight after you left, with very few survivors.
<onine> You travel from place to place, buying your way with medical skills, a night here in this village for a common cold, a week in that village for curing a simple virus easily stamped out in the realm.
<onine> Eventually, over the years you make your way down to the rivers south of Sijian, and you find yourself some way north of Lookshy...

Present Day, RY 768, somewhere north east of Lookshy
<onine> You and Tara are traveling towards Lookshy in the hopes of reaching Nexus within a few weeks, when you get there... well, you'll decide what to do *when* you get there anyway.
<onine> The woods are warm this morning, and quite beautiful.
<onine> You trek over moss covered rocks, brushing past ferns and trees sprouting all manner of colored mushrooms. Shafts of morning sunlight filter through the trees and cast lines in the slight mist in the forest.
* Yengo stretches his shoulders as he adjust the straps of his pack as he walks, finding himself in a fairly good mood thanks to the pleasant scenery.
<onine> Tara follows behind you, occasionally stopping to examine some of the numerous fungi. She pays a lot of attention to the luminescent ones. She falls behind every now and then, but jogs quickly to catch up to you.
<onine> You feel... good... in this forest. There is something about it that is so...you cant really put your finger on it.
* Yengo almost feels like whistling as he goes along and wonders idly when the last time he did that was. He occasionally looks back to make sure Tara's keeping up.
<onine> You trek on, and in the distance you think you can hear running water, it reminds you that your waterskins are running low, and you feel a little thirsty.
* Yengo turns back to Tara. "We should probably fill up our waterskins while we have the chance."
<onine> "Mmm," she nods
* Yengo continues onward, homing in on the sound of the water.
<onine> You climb over a knot of rocks intertwined in a network of roots and see the source of the sounds...
<onine> In a large clearing, you can see a small pristine lake, its water, so deep and blue and reflective that the trees on the other side are perfectly reflected on its surface.
<onine> On the other side you can see where a wide forest stream, possibly an offshoot of the main river, emptying into it.
<onine> There are many many almost flat moss covered rocks large enough for you and Tara to sit on in the water here and there, linked with smaller stepping stones, but this is but the beginning...
<onine> ...floating over the water, are many small green dancing lights, the small ones mere pinpricks, the largest the size of your large fist. There must be at least a hundred of them, possibly more. As you watch one of them floats past your face and stops a few feet from your nose, casting a dim green light over your face.
* Yengo looks at the spark with more than a little trepidation. "What...?"
<onine> The light seems to float near your face, not coming much closer, but if you didn’t know any better, you'd say it was inspecting you. A few more gather a little more distant than the first.
* Yengo makes a brief, sharp motion with his arm for Tara to stay back. His other hand strays to his belt, ready to grab his sword if needed.
<onine> "Oof!" Tara stumbles on the rocks then gasps as she sees the scene before her. With your motion and Tara's exclamation all the lights seem to jump back as if startled, scattering to a safer distance, including the 'braver' one that came close before.
<Yengo> "Are you all right?" Yengo asks softly, but he keeps his eyes fixed on the drifting lights.
<onine> "I'm alright I just twisted my ankle but..."
<onine> "What *is* this place??"
<Yengo> "I... I don't know. They don't seem dangerous, though... yet..."
* Yengo continues to watch the dancing lights.
<onine> More of the lights seem to be congregating, curious of the newcomers, but none come particularly close
<onine> You notice all manner of colors in them, some red, some white, blues, whites. You think you even saw a purple and an orange one, but the dominant color seems to be green.
* Yengo continues to hesitate, wondering if it's safe to approach them. Wondering if it's even safe to start moving away.
<onine> A small group of the larger ones come closer again, they stop about two meters away at head height and begin to cluster together. As they cluster you see that they're forming what looks to be a humanoid head and shoulders, about your size before one of the red ones comes closer and the greens scatter quickly returning to the main group.
<onine> "They seem almost, playful." Tara murmurs quietly
<Yengo> "Yeah. They haven't acted to harm us yet... maybe..." He stands up carefully and addresses the motes of light. "Hello?"
<Yengo> "We don't mean you any harm... we're only passing through."
<onine> The lights don’t respond visibly to your words. A few form little chains and fly like serpents before scattering again.
* Yengo tells Tara quietly, "Stay here." And carefully begins to approach the body of water and the lights.
<onine> As you walk across the lush grass towards the shores of the mini-lake, the lights part to allow you to pass. Not that they would be able to restrain you if they didn't move. Most keep a 'polite' distance away, never coming nearer than two feet of you.
<onine> In fact only the largest ever pass closer than five feet.
* Yengo moves slowly and steadily to the edge of the lake, carefully looking around him before kneeling and beginning to fill his waterskin.
<onine> The crystal water flows into your waterskin easily, and you are nearing full when you hear a cry from Tara
<onine> She is standing with her back pressed against a tree-trunk, and one of the green dancing lights is floating about a hand's breadth from her nose
* Yengo stands up and begins to rush back towards Tara, hoping he hasn't made an awful mistake by leaving her.
<onine> She waves her hand at you to stop, "Wait wait!"
* Yengo stops, a little confused now.
<onine> With a shaking hand she reaches out and touches the light with her fingertips. It darts madly away when she touches it, eliciting an 'eep' from the young woman, before it slowly floats back to her.
* Yengo watches, a smile almost starting to creep across his face despite himself.
<onine> She shakily touches it again, but this time the light doesn't flee. With an amazed expression she starts to lightly stroke it as if petting a cat.
<onine> She laughs a little, "It feels kind of, tickly!" she says.
* Yengo laughs a little, too. "Guess they're harmless, whatever they are."
<onine> "Here, try it," she says.
* Yengo carefully makes his way over and gently runs his hand over the floating light, still a little nervous at what it might do.
<onine> As you approach the light jumps up almost as if surprised, then flees madly around you and darts back to the lake to where the others have congregated
<onine> "I think... I think you scared it...somehow?"
* Yengo shrugs. "I don't know... I didn't do anything differently than you did..."
<onine> You noticed its path took it on a wide circle around you.
<onine> "Maybe, maybe they don’t like you?" she smiles apologetically
* Yengo smiles. "They wouldn't be the first."
<onine> She smiles at the joke at your expense.
<onine> You remember that you left the waterskin at the shore.
* Yengo holds up a hand and then makes his way back to the waterskin, barely paying attention to the lights now.
<onine> The lights as before part to allow you to pass, and you collect the waterskin where you left it, then you hear Tara's voice again
<onine> "Yengo, look!"
* Yengo snaps his head up quickly, looking around.
<onine> Tara stands there with her arms out, as a small cluster of the larger lights float around her. The form a small 'conga line' and travel off a short distance along the shoreline, then come back to her, then they do it again.
<Yengo> "I think... do they want you to come closer?"
<onine> "Maybe..." She follows the direction of the lights and they bounce up and down when she follows.
<Yengo> "Just be careful... don't get too far away from me..."
<onine> The continue to dance around her then beckon her to follow, eventually they lead her around the bank of the mini-lake.
* Yengo 's inner voice taunts him. "You've done so well at protecting her so far, after all."
<onine> "Come on!" She calls as she grows further away
* Yengo follows after, fingers nervously drumming along the hilt of his sword as he walks.
<onine> The lights lead her far along the bank, and eventually you are close to the other side of the pristine lake where the stream empties into it. There are a lot of the lights clustered around the rocks in the water, which the 'guide' lights soon zoom off to join.
* Yengo continues to trail after Tara, staying as close as he can without "frightening" the lights.
<onine> The lights seem to be more interested now in the cluster of moss covered rocks just offshore near the mouth of the small river
* Yengo eyes the rocks as he and Tara both draw nearer to them, wondering just what the lights are interested in.
<onine> As you grow near, you see a color that should not be in the greens of the forest, a bright purple of a tunic, a tunic worn by a limp form slumped over one of the rocks
* Yengo gives a shout of surprise and moves toward the form in the river. The more cautious part of him tells him it may be some sort of exotic and complicated trap, but even after all these years, he's still a doctor first.
<onine> The lights scatter as you plunge into the knee-deep water, perhaps from the sudden noise, or perhaps from the bizarre aversion they seem to have to you.
* Yengo wraps his hands under the arms of the limp body and begins tugging it towards the shore.
<onine> You reach the rocks waist-deep to find a young woman, probably a teenager, slumped there and drag her to shore. She wears a purple silk tunic that looks *very* well made, and a long skirt of a similar quality white silk. There are patterns of flowers adorning it.
<onine> She is pretty but young with light red-brown hair down to her jawline which is now plastered to her head from the water. Around her waist is a white scabbard with a gold-hilted thin-bladed short sword.
* Yengo gently pats the young woman's face and listens to her chest, checking for signs of life.
<onine> She is breathing shallowly, and has quite a few bruises. Her left arm seems to be broken and her cheek is swollen, perhaps shattered.
<onine> Tara pulls the medical kit out of her pack without being asked and sets it down beside the young woman.
<onine> "Lord, what happened to her? How did she get out here?"
* Yengo had just opened his mouth to ask, and gives a quick nod of approval to Tara before opening the bag and setting to work.
<onine> The girl moans quietly and her brow furrows in pain
<Yengo> "Your guess is as good as mine... she's still breathing, fortunately, but I think her arm is broken... I'll need to splint it." Even as he says the words, he sets about doing so.
<onine> Tara starts to investigate the mouth of the river as you work, then calls back "I see a wagon's wheel in the water! And - there's another person up here!"
<onine> As you are about to answer-
<onine> The young girl opens her eyes a little and moans "Wha-?"
<Yengo> "Stay still," he urges the girl. "You've had an accident, it seems."
* Yengo calls back to Tara, "How's the other one?"
<onine> "I was just coming back to the caravan and then we were attacked by Dra-"
<onine> With amazing speed the girl rolls away from you and onto her feet drawing the small shortsword from its sheath and brandishing it in front of her to hold you at bay.
<onine> "Who are you?! Stay back!!"
* Yengo takes a step back, raising his arms before him. "I don't mean you any harm. We were just passing through and we found you unconscious in the river. I'm just trying to help you."
<onine> She frowns and hesitates for a moment, the blade lowers a little (you notice it is made from white jade) but then it comes back up again.
<onine> "Who are you with?!" she demands, "Lookshy?! The Realm? Another Caravan?!"
* Yengo is growing slightly annoyed, but still doesn't make a hostile move. "If I'd wanted you dead, I could've cut your throat when I found you floating in the river. And we're not with anyone. We're travelers, looking for work. I'm a physician, Tara is my assistant." He smiles a little. "Maybe I should ask who YOU are."
<onine> "That armour looks Realm made."
<Yengo> "It is. So am I, for that matter. But I'm not with the Realm any longer."
<onine> The girl concentrates hard on you for a moment, her eyes seem to bore into you before she seems to relax a little
<onine> "You're telling the truth." She concedes.
<onine> Tara pokes her head up from the rocks and calls out, "He's going to be alright I hope, but he has a concussion and his leg is broken badly, he wont be able to walk, and- oh!"
<onine> Tara inspects the scene wide eyed, you held at bay by the dishelved teenage girl with the shortsword.
* Yengo turns to look back at Tara and waves his hand disarmingly. "It's all right, I think we're coming to an agreement." He does keep one eye glued on the girl's sword, though.
* Yengo turns back to the girl. "Now, are you going to keep me like this all day, or should we go help your friend?"
<onine> "Yeah... yeah okay."
<onine> She slowly sheaths the shortsword, but glares at you
* Yengo shrugs and begins making his way to where Tara found the other one, not checking to see if she's following.
<Yengo> "I'm Yengo, by the way. That's Tara. I don't suppose you'd do me the courtesy of introducing yourself?"
<onine> "Uh yeah, I'm Teresu Miella, but everyone just calls me Saika now."
* Yengo nods shortly. "Pleased to make your... uh... acquaintance." (If that's what you call it, he thinks, when glowing lights lead you to an unconscious girl who holds you at swordpoint).
<onine> She follows at a discreet distance as you walk over to where Tara works on the other victim, a middle aged man in an orange tunic. He isn't nearly as opulently dressed as the young woman, he looks more like a yeddim driver or a farmer.
* Yengo kneels by the other victim, checking the extent of his injuries, cooperating with Tara. "You know this guy?" he asks Saika as he fishes in his bag.
<onine> "Yeah, he's from our caravan..." she says as she sits cross-legged on one of the rocks
<onine> Tara's diagnosis is right on the mark, and she has already bandaged up the man's wounds and has started work on a splint. The man's head is bandaged down to his eyes. He moans painfully.
* Yengo helps Tara with the splint, taking a moment to glance up at Saika. "We can help you with that arm, too, you know."
<onine> She smirks "No, no, its fine."
* Yengo shrugs as he continues to work. "So... what happened to you two, anyway? Doubt you hit a bump on the road."
<onine> "Huh... yeah well... that’s kind of a long story. People like me... er, that is, in my line of er... work, make enemies." She cradles her arm. "Every now and then I run into trouble, though usually I'm prepared for it, but it was a long day."
<onine> "We got ambushed carting supplies back to our caravan, and most of us got knocked off a ridge and into the river."
<onine> Tara murmurs quietly to you "We are going to have to carry him, he wont be able to walk."
<onine> By 'we' she means 'you' as neither she nor Saika are large enough to heft the man.
* Yengo nods, tying off a piece of cloth on the splint. "All right." He stands up, dusting off his hands as he prepares to lift the man. "But where are we going?"
* Yengo turns to Saika. "Was your caravan bound for Lookshy?"
<onine> "That's right, it'll most likely be north of here nearer to Sijan, but not actually AT Sijan. Not much trading to do there you see."
<onine> As you look at her, you notice the swelling in her cheek is almost gone.
* Yengo had suspected from the moment he first saw the jade, but now he knows. Despite himself, a flash of loathing creeps through him as he stares at the healing cheek. "You.. you're..."
<onine> She looks blankly at you
<onine> "A what?"
<Yengo> "One of the Dragon-Blooded... no wonder you were still alive when we found you... and came to so quickly."
<onine> "Eeeh? Hahahahahahaahh!"
* Yengo cocks his head back a little defensively. "Eh?"
<onine> "I can assure you, I'm no Dragonblood!"
<onine> She doesn't have any of the usual aspect features that the Dragonbloods normally have either.
* Yengo shakes his head, reflecting that maybe he's come to loathe the Dragonblooded officers so much that he's eager to find a DB around every corner. "My mistake, then. I assumed from the jade and your healing..."
<onine> "Eh, I'm just lucky I guess, and the sword? A trinket really."
* Yengo shrugs, not wanting to press the issue, but reflecting that he saw no such "lucky" mortals in the time he served in the Legion.
<Yengo> "In any case, he's not walking anywhere. I'll have to carry him. Tara and I are heading towards Nexus... but we may be able to meet up with your caravan."
<onine> Tara "He's ready to be moved now Yengo..."
* Yengo walks over to the prone man, picking him carefully up and draping him across his shoulders in the position most comfortable to his injured limb.
<onine> The man murmurs as you heft him.
* Yengo adjusts the weight as best he can, turning to the other two. "I'd rather not stand around with this weight on my shoulders for long... we might as well get moving."
<Yengo> "That is... if we have a deal."
<onine> Saika nods "Okay, sure. What do you want in return?"
<Yengo> "Well... as long as you keep us fed along the way and make up for any emergency expenses we have, I'll be satisfied."
<onine> "Hah, I'll see what my boss is willing to give up when we get to the caravan."
<onine> "Hmmmm," she observes the dancing lights. "What an odd concentration..."
<Yengo> "They led us to you. I'm not sure what they are."
<onine> "How odd..."
<onine> She wanders up to a group and the swarm around her curiously.
<onine> Tara packs away her medical gear while you talk.
<Yengo> "They don't seem to like me much..."
<onine> "I wonder why?" She walks back up you you and the dancing lights scatter away from her and you. "No no, they don’t like you at all"
* Yengo smiles and would shrug if he didn't have the body of the man draped across his shoulders. "Maybe they just don't like men."
<onine> Tara pipes up, "No no, they were floating around the man on your shoulders here, maybe it is just you? Sorry..."
<onine> "Anyway," Saika interrupts. "We should probably head north along the stream, and see if my caravan is near Sijan still. I er... don’t know how long I've been out."
<Yengo> "Sounds good to me. The sooner we get underway, the better."
<onine> "Okay, lets go"
<onine> She walks up ahead of you, picking up a long stick on the way. She strips off her silk tunic and hangs it on the stick which she carries over her shoulder like a makeshift clothes-line.
* Yengo follows after, shaking his head slightly as he thinks about the situation he and Tara have wandered into.
<onine> The dancing lights follow a little (staying clear of you of course) but soon trail back to the small lake behind you.

South of Sijan
<onine> You continue up the small stream, and it begins to widen until you reach the main river running south of Sijan
<onine> The woods grow sparser and give way to northern pines and other trees with very dark green foliage.
<onine> Saika leading the way along the rocky riverbanks whistles cheerily.
<onine> "How are you going back there?"
* Yengo grunts under his burden. "Good enough."
<onine> She takes the tunic off the makeshift clothesline and slips it back on over her undergarments, but leaves it unbuttoned to allow airflow then tosses the stick into the river. As you travel the opposite bank grows rockier and soon becomes cliffs.
<onine> "We'll have to travel a few miles up to where the cliffs stop and cross the bridge there."
* Yengo nods, breathing a little heavily under his burden but continuing on with no real problems.
<onine> Tara walks up along side you
<onine> "She's an interesting one..." she muses quietly
* Yengo answers in the same quiet tones. "Seems so... I still wonder how she recovered so quickly."
<onine> "Maybe she *is* just lucky?"
<Yengo> "Could be, I guess. There's plenty of stranger things in this world."
<onine> It definitely doesn't look like luck any more, she seems to be swinging the left arm freely, considering that it was broken, or at least fractured or dislocated when you found her.
<Yengo> "But I am inclined to doubt it..."
<onine> "Yes..."
<onine> In the distance you can see a huge bridge spanning the width of the wide river.
<Yengo> "Looks like we're almost to the crossing."
<onine> Saika calls back "There's the bridge up ahead! The Caravan cant get across the river this far south, so we'll have to cross."
* Yengo nods, shifting the burden on his back slightly as he walks.
<onine> The load on your back is getting rather heavy, you've been walking for quite some time and it is now late morning. The cliffs on the opposite shore are getting smaller, and the land around is relatively level now, allowing you to see for quite a while. Small clumps of trees poke out of the long grasslands here and there.
* Yengo considers maybe stopping for a rest soon, but definitely wants to make a little more headway first. He shakes a few droplets of sweat off his forehead as the march continues.
<onine> As you walk you hear a slight moaned 'Thank you" from your wounded passenger.
<Yengo> "Don't...*huff* mention it."
<onine> Saika reaches the bridge ahead of you, and what a bridge it is. The river province is named specifically for the rivers, and the estuary branching north of Lookshy is no exception, its width nearing meters or more in most points, with many small villages and towns dotted along its banks to run ferries of wood and supplies up and down.
<onine> This river in particular is also a road for the Sijanese funeral barges, the huge black boats sloughing like ghosts across its waters in the heavy twilight and predawn hours.
* Yengo briefly wonders if the Dragon-Blooded officer who raped Tara ever sailed down this river on a barge. He hopes so. Actually, better if the Bull left nothing to sail.
<onine> The bridge spanning this river is a marvel, probably from the first age. Arched slightly and made of wood with stone supports, you can still see red paint, most of which has long since flaked from its railings. The bronze caps on the vertical supports have oxidized to an algae green, but in some areas there is still a coppery shine.
<onine> Saika crouches at the start of the bridge and taps the wooden boards meaningfully with the tip of the sheathed sword.
* Yengo pulls up short, watching her actions, in case it would be prudent to repeat them.
<onine> "See, the caravan would never have made it across here. The only way for it to get here is to cross AT Sijan or the city north of it, but Sijan doesn't take too kindly to our folk, so we rarely stop there or pass through. Chances are, the Caravan has continued south to the stone bridge near Lookshy."
<onine> The bridge is very wide and still in excellent shape, whatever couldn’t cross here must be 'large' to say the least
<onine> It would be about - lanes of a modern bridge, narrowing to about - in the arched midsection
* Yengo nods, stepping onto the planks of the massive bridge confidently.
<Yengo> "We should hopefully be able to catch up to your caravan."
<onine> Saika doesn't walk as far ahead of you now, staying within speaking distance so you no longer have to shout to communicate
<onine> "I hope so too, obviously. It's not wise to be alone in this day and age."
<Yengo> "No... but then, you can't always trust the ones who are supposed to protect you, either."
<onine> "Uh yeah... that’s true as well." She coughs and changes the subject, "So you were a Legion man eh? You guys bought yourselves a sound thrashing up north I'm told."
<Yengo> "Yes..." he pauses for a minute, his voice uncommonly bitter when he speaks again. "A reckless and overconfident campaign... I saw a lot of good soldiers die there for the whims of the Dragon-Blooded before I left."
<onine> She raises an eyebrow curiously at you and speaks slowly. "You don’t really like the Dragonbloods do you?"
<Yengo> "I used to, in a way. The Realm trains you to respect them, if not love them. And when I joined up, there were commanders you could respect. But now... no, I can't say I've cared for most of the ones I met lately. And I go out of my way not to meet them most of the time."
<onine> She nods and continues walking
<onine> Tara seems to have trailed back during the conversation on the terrestrial exalts
* Yengo glances back to make sure Tara is all right. At least, as all right as she gets these days.
<onine> She just seems to be gazing upriver and not taking in your conversation.
<onine> The boards creak as you walk on them, and the river flows noisily around the supports below. A stiff breeze tosses your hair around.
* Yengo looks up and down river, turning his head slowly, view slightly obstructed by the man on his shoulders.
<onine> Saika wanders to the sides and climbs up one of the railings to look down at the river. It occurs to you how childish she appears.
<onine> "I think... I think it was near here...." she frowns and looks down river.
* Yengo cautions, "Don't fall in again," then realizes how ridiculous he sounds. "Eh?"
<onine> "I think this is near where we went over the side."
* Yengo shifts his burden again. "By the way... er.. you never did explain just what happened..."
<onine> She opens her eyes wider and gazes intently down river to where the cliffs begin, as you watch her face, you notice her green eyes, the pupils visibly shrink to pinpricks. Her eyes make only the slightest movements.
* Yengo starts to comment, but thinks better of it. "Do you... see anything?"
<onine> She doesn't respond, merely looks on silently down river for a while. Her pupils return to a more normal size quickly again and she shakes her head as if clearing a fog. "No... but I am fairly certain that we were driven off over there..."
<Yengo> "Driven off by what?"
<onine> "Attackers, ambushers, impolite undesirables."
<Yengo> "I gathered that much," he says with a trace of exasperation. "I'm just wondering of what variety. Bandits, angry river spirits, what?"
<onine> "Are you certain you want to know." Its more of a statement than a question.
<onine> "You wont like it."
<Yengo> "Of course I want to know. We're helping you out here, the least we deserve is to know what we're up against."
<onine> "An organized hunting party."
<Yengo> "Well... yes, that's not very good news."
<onine> "Thank you for that brilliant deduction, no, it is NOT very good news, and quite frankly I-"
<onine> Tara pipes up "Horses."
* Yengo snaps his head up, looking around quickly even as he kneels and gently lowers the man he's holding to the ground.
<onine> You and Saika follow Tara's arm to see a small unit of gray-armored cavalry entering the opposite side of the bridge. You can see coming from the north a thin cloud of kicked up dust. They pause at the bridge and then their leader orders them to cross, heading towards you.
<onine> "Oh no! Oh no! Oh no, its them! Its the one's that ambushed us!"
* Yengo 's hand strays to the hilt of his sword, wondering just how the hell they're going to get out of this one.
<Yengo> "Maybe we should consider jumping again."
<onine> Most of the soldiers carry spears held aloft, each with a triangular flag. If these guys are bandits, you're a flying hog.
<onine> She rushes up to you.
<onine> "I - I - I can't hold them off, I’m too weak! You have to help me, please!"
* Yengo blinks. "I... I barely even know you... damn it..." but even as he says it, he knows he will. There's nowhere to run even if he was going to abandon her, and it's not as if they're going to stop and ask who he is.
<onine> "Please!"
* Yengo groans. "All right, all right." He seizes the prone man under the arms and begins dragging him out of the way, calling out to Tara, "Stay close to me, I'll protect you as best I can."
<onine> Tara "Right."
<onine> "What do I do what do I do!?"
* Yengo whispers to her as she draws near. "If it starts looking bad, I want you to jump for the river, you understand?"
<onine> Tara "Right."
<Yengo> "What do you...?"
* Yengo almost feels like slapping his forehead in exasperation.
<Yengo> "Don't let them trample you. That's a good first step."
<onine> She rushes over to behind where Tara is and starts climbing through the railings and hangs on to one of the supports lowering herself ever so carefully over the side.
<onine> There are about of them.
<onine> The column trotting towards you is almost to where you are, you have barely seconds before they reach you.
* Yengo backs up against the railing himself, drawing his sword uncertainly. So this is how it's going to end, he thinks, unless that girl really is as "lucky" as she says.
<onine> The leader holds up his fist to halt his men as the column draws up along side of you. He surveys you, Tara and the wounded man slumped against the railings with haughty eyes.
* Yengo looks up at the others, letting his sword drop a bit. He nods up at them.
<onine> The leader has wavy red hair and orange colored eyes. Unlike the other soldiers he has red trim on his armour. He just looks at you, but seems to be concentrating mostly on the wounded man.
<onine> "You there. The man in the orange, on your feet."
<Yengo> "He can't walk."
* Yengo sheathes his sword. "Broken leg."
<onine> He scrutinizes the wounded man from horseback for quite sometime as if he doesn't believe you. The sound of the river below seems grating in the tension.
<onine> "I see. Who is he?"
* Yengo shrugs. "A friend of ours. Damn fool fell and broke his leg, we're trying to get him to the nearest village."
<onine> "He seems to have more than a mere broken leg to me, a fall you say?"
<Yengo> "Yeah, he took a spill down a hill, hit three or four rocks on the way. I told that idiot not to climb up there, but he just had to do it. Always was too curious for his own good."
<onine> The corner of the leader's mouth goes up, but it seems more out of polite recognition of your humor than of genuine amusement.
<onine> "Well now. Who are you then?"
<Yengo> "Name's Jafran. My sister and I are traveling merchants. Nothing too big, nothing to get the Guild's attention, but it keeps us eating. This guy's our partner, sorry to say. I've got no idea how much of our profits it'll take to pay all this off."
<onine> "And his name...?"
<Yengo> "Orso." He says it firmly and clearly, on the off chance the barely-conscious man is following the conversation.
* Yengo gives a half-grin up at the man he hopes is disarming.
<onine> "You are by far the strangest business partners I have ever seen... no matter. Regardless of that however, we are seeking to bring justice to a... criminal known to be in this area. Can you offer any information to assist us?"
<Yengo> "Haven't come across anyone... what would they look like?"
<onine> "Short. Female. Young. Red hair. Last seen in purple."
<onine> "She was pushed into the river south of here, and you seem to have come from the south, perhaps you may have seen things... suspicious?"
* Yengo shrugs. "We came across some torn up clothing in a stream south of here, but we didn't see anyone. What're you after her for, anyway? Anything... dangerous? Anything we should watch out for?"
<onine> "Yes, your own lives and souls. She may appear innocent, but she is more dangerous than you realize. Do not be swayed by her foul words."
* Yengo nods. "If we run into her, I'll be sure to take care."
<onine> "See that you do." He motions his cavalry forward with his hand and they trot over the bridge in the direction you came. The leader eyes you for a while before continuing onwards.
* Yengo fights the urge to collapse against the railing of the bridge in relief, looking back as the riders recede into the distance.
<onine> They cross and head south again down the river, some move further inland on their search.
<onine> "Phew!" A voice comes from below and Saika clambers up through the railings. "That’s what they always say..."
* Yengo regards her curiously. "More dangerous than we realize, huh?"
<onine> "Oh yes, they always say that too, dangerous this, evil that, criminal this, must be brought to justice that, sheesh!" She motions the 'jaw flapping' with her left hand.
* Yengo can't resist a small smile. "Those were no bandits. Feel like telling us just what kind of trouble you're in?"
<onine> "Oooh well you know, cultural differences and what-not, but we should probably leave here rather than discussing the insignificant little details like said misunderstandings and foolishness whaddayou say? hahah!"
<Yengo> "I don't know... from the sound of all that, you might be leading us off to cut our throats, or worse." But, he thinks, do I really want to take the word of another stuck-up Dragon-Blood?
<onine> Its been nagging at the back of your mind for a while, but the name Teresu sound's familiar, but you cant place where you've heard it.
<onine> "Well er, I promise not to cut your throat, there, does that help? Can we get going?"
* Yengo shrugs. "I guess if you were going to, you would've done so already when you had me at swordpoint."
<Yengo> "Yes, yes, we can get going." He says, mulling over where he's heard her name before.
<onine> Tara tightens up some of the bandages on the wounded man's injuries before you hoist him up to continue the journey. You cross the bridge and led by Saika, travel south east across the lush countryside. Forests crowned with snowcapped mountains loom in the north-east, and pastures and rivers await you in the south.
<onine> Soon you happen across a road that looks fairly well traveled and you follow it south. It is nearing late afternoon when Saika stops and turns around.
<onine> "I'm hungry and could use a rest, do you have anything to eat?
* Yengo steps off the side of the road and lays "Orso" carefully on his back, stretching his shoulders. "A little, I think."
<onine> "Great!" she replies
<onine> "I think," Tara says, "that we could all use a rest."
<Yengo> "I'll second that." he sits heavily on a nearby rock. "You know, you eventually get heavy." he says to the mostly-unconscious man.
<onine> "Ugh..." he groans as you rest him against a log.
<onine> "So!" Saika sits down on a rock and arranges the short-sword more comfortably, "What’s to eat?"
* Yengo leans back and starts rummaging through his pack. "Well, we've got a decent amount of long-term rations in here, they should split a couple more ways easily enough..."
* Yengo pulls out hardtack, cheese, dried and salted meat, and begins to divvy it up.
<onine> Saika accepts the food with a grin and chomps into it quickly, the wounded man does not deign to eat at least for now. Tara gets him to drink some water however.
<onine> "Don’t *chmp* worry, when we get back to the *crnch* Caravan, I'm sure the boss will give *chmp* you one doozey of a meal *chmp*"
* Yengo smiles a little and nods, liking this strange, exuberant young girl despite all the trouble she's brought him. It feels good to be doing something again, to have a goal, a mission other than wandering, however brief it might be. He wonders if Tara feels the same way.
<onine> A brief glance over to Tara merely shows her quietly taking small dainty bites out of her meal and chewing each one carefully while staring absently at the ground.
<onine> The sky begins to orange a little as the sun dips downwards towards the western horizon, the shadows of the trees and rocks grow longer.
* Yengo finds himself, once again, wanting to offer comfort to her yet finding no real way to do so, not after his last failure. Instead, he gazes at the sun's path across the horizon.
<Yengo> "How far do you think it is to your caravan?"
<onine> "Oh, I think it would be -" with her back to the horizon, Saika only just notices the late afternoon.
<onine> "Woooouuuh-oh"
<Yengo> "What?"
<onine> "I lost track of the time, that’s all..." she doesn't look at you directly
<Yengo> "Oh really?" he asks, a trifle suspiciously.
<onine> "Yes really, come on, lets get going, the Caravan isn't going to come to us!" She seems in a bit of a rush to leave, she stands and turns her back to you, facing the south.
* Yengo shrugs again and stands up, once more heaving the wounded man over his shoulders, which complain for only a moment at the resumed burden. He turns to Tara, "Ready?"
<onine> Tara chews slowly, very slowly, her eyes rather intently looking at young Saika's back
* Yengo looks at Tara for a moment, his body language asking, "What's wrong?" before following her gaze to the other.
<onine> You look over at Saika and just see the young woman, back turned, tapping her foot impatiently. Tara stands slowly tugging her bag onto her shoulders, not taking her eyes of the other young woman
* Yengo whispers quietly over to Tara, "What's wrong?"
<onine> "I don't know... Its just that I though... I thought I.... I guess it was just nothing."
<Yengo> "You know you can tell me..."
<onine> "Its nothing really, I was probably just seeing things."
<onine> "Are we going or what?" Saika demands childishly
<Yengo> "Yes, we're going, we're going." he says, with a touch of irritation. Then, quietly, to Tara "Tell me on the way."
<onine> She shrugs
<onine> You head off once again over the rolling hills, with Saika in the lead. The sun slowly sets washing the sky with crimsons yellows oranges and purples.

A strange caravan
<onine> The sun soon sets and twilight arrives. Saika stops at the crest of a hill and waits for you, her hands perched on her hips. As you and Tara reach the top, a tremendous sight awaits your eyes in the valley below...
<onine> ...centered around what appears to be a massive wooden boat on wheels is a large evening market set out in the valley near a few rural towns. Stores and shops my torch, candlelight, lantern-light and many other lights cluster the area. Dancers and performers traipse here and there entertaining the locals and the shouts of auctioneers ring out.
<onine> The boat is a similar shape to a galley with giant wooden wheels on the sides. Built mostly of wood, but with varying protrusions made of metal, doors balconies and chimneys sprout generously from the hull. Flags fly from its unused masts and you think you can see the yokes for Yeddims on the front.
<onine> It looks like most of the shallow farming valley's inhabitants are here enjoying the party.
<onine> Saika smiles broadly at you. "Well, here we are. This, is my home."
<onine> You're fairly sure she means the ship rather than the valley...
* Yengo steps up to stand alongside Saika. "Looks like we're here."
<onine> It looks like most of the shallow farming valley's inhabitants are here enjoying the party.
* Yengo jogs his shoulders. "Well, should we go see your boss, then? And maybe have a bit of fun?" he addresses the last question mostly to Tara, hoping to see her enjoy herself for a change.
<onine> Tara seems, awed by the sight, but not quite the way you had hoped.
<onine> Saika leads the way down into the valley and through the markets, where traders, misfits and locals mix together and enjoy the nightlife. Quite a few of the obvious members of the troupe wave and greet Saika as she passes, asking what happened to her, and her companions. She relays some of the stories but dodges them quickly to get to the Caravan.
<onine> Many people wave from the ship's slapped-on balconies and wave streamers, some throw confetti on the crowd. Many people are obviously drunk too.
* Yengo looks around, taking in the sights. It's been quite a while since either he or Tara stumbled across a caravan.
<onine> Saika leads you along quickly to a door on the side about a meter and a half up on the ship's hull, a set of removable stairs lead up to it, you can also smell the characteristic odor of Yeddim dung this close to the ships bow.
<onine> There is a guard waiting at the platform outside the door, dressed middle-eastern style and with a curved slashing sword at his side.
* Yengo wrinkles his nose at the unfamiliar and unpleasant smell, reflecting that there are certainly negatives to encountering a caravan, as well.
<onine> "Halt! No entry for those not... Oh miss Saika its you, welcome back, we were growing somewhat concerned for your well being and-" he adds sternly "- Master Cenotaph is rather concerned about the supplies and yeddims you are supposed to have with you...speaking of which...?"
<onine> "Yes, that is what I need to speak to him about..."
<onine> "Oh my, he is going to be most unapproachable after he finds out"
<onine> "I know, I know... anyway, better sooner than later don’t you think?"
* Yengo listens, a bemused grin on his face.
<onine> The guard moves aside "Yes yes, good good - er wait, who are they, they cant come in here!"
<Yengo> "What should we do with this fellow?" he asks, cocking his head to indicate the man he's still carrying.
<onine> Saika grins pleadingly with the guard, "They'll be coming inside with me, you know, to back up my story... what do you say?"
<onine> The guard looks indecisive, "Errr.. .well-"
<onine> "If they ask, just tell them I hit you."
<onine> The guard stands aside shaking his head, allowing you to enter the darkness of the ship's hull...
* Yengo enters, cautiously, stooping a little in consideration for the man he's still carrying.
<onine> Saika leads you through the narrow corridors of the ship, you (and Tara behind you) are slowed considerably. Even without the man, the ships corridors are tight for a man your size
<onine> Eventually, following her around bends and twists that shouldn’t be in a ship normally, you reach a small section in front of two large doors. Two men rush over to you, both dressed in a similar orange to the chap you carry on your shoulders.
<onine> They take him off your hands and rest him on a bench.
* Yengo nods at the men, gratefully stretching his shoulders and standing a little taller.
<onine> "Miss Saika, thank heavens you're back, Master Cenotaph has been most uncomfortable in your absence!" one of them says
<onine> "You don't have to sweeten it, you and I both know that Master Cenotaph has been more concerned about the Yeddims...which I lost..."
<onine> The two men wince visibly, possibly indicating the extent of 'Master Cenotaph's' annoyance.
<onine> "Anyway..." Saika says, "Follow me..."
* Yengo wonders privately if Saika wouldn't have been better off just not coming back. He remains as silent as Tara as he follows the girl, however.
<onine> She walks up to the large double doors in the atrium and pushes them open, into an enormous space.
* Yengo follows, glancing around.
<onine> There is a large open roofed hall probably in the center of the ship, with balconies either side, indeed it looks as if you are in the center of an apartment complex... surrounding a pub. On the main floor directly opposite to you, you can see a large set of kegs and bottles, with a portly bartender serving drinks to various members of the troupe.
<onine> Tables and chairs cluster around with patrons drinking and dining, and a din of voices and music fills the area.
<onine> In the center of the hall, one of the masts stretches into the black starry night sky.
* Yengo is practically rubbing his hands together at the sight of that ale... it has been quite a while, after all, and he's a man who appreciates such things. Still, better to get business taken care of first.
<onine> Tara gasps in awe beside you
<onine> Saika grins at you. "Our little paradise. Impressed?"
<Yengo> "A bit." He chuckles.
<onine> She pouts a little, but beckons you to follow her up to the bar, elbowing and pushing through the throng of people. Each person wears at least one article of clothing that is orange, it seems to be the 'caravan's uniform'
* Yengo makes his way through the crowd, clearing a path as best he can for Tara to follow behind.
<onine> The stocky bartender pours ale and other concoctions with a smile under his heavy moustache and turns to Saika
<onine> "Hi, hi, what can I get - Why Miella, you've returned to us alive and well, we were all growing worried, especially Maste-"
<onine> "Yes yes, I know, Master Cenotaph is most concerned about the yeddims and supplies" Saika cuts in with an exasperated tone.
<onine> The barman blinks, "You... DID bring them back yes?"
<onine> "Well now, that’s the tricky part..."
<onine> The bartender tsks and shakes his head. "You'll be in trouble for that, you know how he is, business man through and through."
<onine> "Yes yes I know, where is he by the way, I'd best get this over with."
* Yengo thinks, "She seems to get in trouble with lots of people..."
<onine> "Oh he's up in his cabin entertaining some VIP, probably best to leave him be for now.... oh, who are they? They aren't one of ours."
<onine> He looks at you and Tara with a raised eyebrow and scratches his balding head, indeed, you've noticed quite a few suspicious glances from the patrons both in the bar and above from the balconies. The outsiders are definitely attracting some attention
* Yengo nods in greeting. "I'm Yengo, and this is Tara. We... stumbled upon Saika and her friend and helped them get back here."
<onine> "Oh I see I see, what happened exactly?"
<onine> He serves another drink but never takes his eyes off you.
<Yengo> "Found the two of them on the banks of a stream. His leg was broken, so someone had to carry him."
* Yengo shrugs.
<onine> "In a stream?!"
<onine> "Yeah we were attacked and the Yeddim bolted, throwing most of us off into the main river..." Saika adds
<onine> "Attacked? By who?"
<onine> "A cultural attack..." Saika clarifies.
<onine> "Ooooooh, well now that's different." The bartender nods understanding.
* Yengo glances back and forth between the two, trying to figure out just what the meaning of "cultural attack" is.
* Yengo shrugs again. "In any case, she was pretty vague about it, but we didn't mind lending a hand. And so..." he looks around. "Now we're here."
<onine> "Well now!" The bartender booms, "I have no doubt that Master Cenotaph will allow you to stay for a while and enjoy the carnival, but why not have a drink on the house!"
* Yengo chuckles. "Right now, I can think of little I'd like better."
<onine> "What will you have then?"
<onine> All the while he talks to you, he hears and fills other drink orders without missing a beat
<Yengo> "Give me an ale... something stout." He turns back to Tara. "What would you like, Tara?"
<onine> "I er... don’t..."
<onine> "Little miss, I have a case of peach juice acquired from the blessed isle, perhaps you may fancy that in contrast to ale and mead?"
<onine> Fruit juice is usually a luxury for the Dragonbloods, especially in the realm
<onine> Tara smiles and nods at the barman.
<onine> He turns to Saika, "And for you Miss Miella?"
<onine> "The usual thank you Grimn"
<onine> He grins, "One Sap-silk Brandy, Ale and a Peach juice, coming right up."
* Yengo leans his back against the bar, facing outward and taking in the sights around him.
<onine> He serves your drinks, the Ale in your tankard is blacker than the night itself. Tara sips her peach juice and looks to be thoroughly enjoying it. Saika simply downs her Sap-silk brandy in one fell swoop and takes in the sights next to you.
* Yengo tilts his ale back and puts it away in one long, lingering drink before placing it back on the bar. His eyes continue to sweep the room.
<onine> "So you look like a military man Mr Yengo, you've done service?"
<onine> The bartender leans on the bar and rubs down a tankard with a washcloth.
<Yengo> "Yes... did a stint in the Legions a few years back."
<onine> "Oh yes, terrible business in the north that, terrible. Anathema all over the place eh Miella?" Saika grins as she pretends to not be eavesdropping on the conversation. "That would make you realm-born wouldn't it?" the barman asks.
<Yengo> "Right in the Imperial City, in fact." He tries not to let bitterness creep into his tone. He'd firmly believed then, even despite his hardship, that the Realm was the greatest nation in Creation.
<onine> "Yes, losin' its strength the almighty scarlet dragon, ever since the empress went on that little 'sabbatical'" He holds the tankard up to the light and inspects it a little too intently.
* Yengo nods, unsure if that's a good or a bad thing these days.
<onine> "Used to live there myself, had a friend in the Imperial City too, glorious place that. But I prefer it out here."
* Yengo runs a finger around the edge of his empty mug. "I prefer it here too. In the Threshold, it's what a man can do that lets him make his way... it doesn't always have to do with whether he's touched by the dragons or not..."
<onine> "Indeed, there is so much more to the world than what you find in the realm and it's dynasty."
<onine> "Anyway..." Saika interrupts
<Yengo> "So we've found. And the farther away from that controlling Dynasty, the better..."
<onine> "We'd better go an see Master Cenotaph, and get this over with, where is he, outside watching over the carnival?"
<onine> "Actually no," the bartender responds, "He's up in his cabin entertaining some VIP, (he glances at you) a Realmer too I believe."
<onine> "Oh? This just keeps getting better and better, what a day... Thanks Grimn"
<onine> She turns to you. "Ready?"
* Yengo looks over the crowd casually, though the thought of meeting a Dynast fills him with more than a little dread. Hopefully the "Realmer" has already left.
<Yengo> "Yeah, let's go."
<onine> The bartender waves a casual goodbye and returns to serving as Saika leads you up the stairs and onto the balcony overlooking the tavern, then up another that leads to the deck of the 'ship' from the deck you can see for miles. Saika turns towards the stern of the ship where you can see the 'captain's cabin, its windows glowing with yellow torchlight.
<onine> "Uh oh... here comes trouble" Saika moan's quietly as she spots another young man coming in the opposite direction.
* Yengo looks at the approaching young man, raising a curious eyebrow.
<onine> In the dim light you can see that he is an angry looking youth, dressed almost tribally in a pair of leather pants made of fur segments from various creatures. He is shirtless even in the evening chill, but wears armour on his left arm. His chest is tribally tattooed.
<onine> He has straw blonde hair that hangs over his forehead in spiky bangs, and he peers at everything with a brooding expression. He stops and blocks the path.
* Yengo pulls up short, letting Saika handle this since she seems to know him.
<onine> "Why Siress, how nice to see you, what are you doing up on deck tonight?"
<onine> Siress glares at Saika, then at you, his eyes betray great suspicion. He looks you up and down, Tara seems to have melted into the darkness behind you.
<onine> "Who are they."
<onine> "That's none of your business Siress, they're friends that I am taking to see Master Cenotaph okay?"
<onine> Saika seems a little nervous.
<onine> Siress doesn't take his eyes off you. "He looks realm. Why is he here."
* Yengo picks up a bit of the nervousness from Saika's tone and stands ready, just in case there's trouble. Paranoid, he thinks, but in this world it pays to be.
<onine> "Uhh, he's not realm, he's ah... from the north, you know, lots of realm stuff circulating up there since the wars."
<onine> He remains silent and Saika speaks again with nervous annoyance, "Well are you going to let us pass or not!?"
<onine> Siress steps aside and allows you three to pass. As you draw abreast of him you hear him say, "I'm watching you. You and your friend. Don't try anything dumb Realmer."
* Yengo grits his teeth. "Of. Course. Not."
<onine> He doesn't make any moves, but you can almost feel his eyes boring into your back as you walk. Tara scoots ahead to put you in-between Siress and herself.
<onine> Saika breaths a heavy sigh of relief. "Damn... I really hate him, such an attitude on that one, but don’t worry, he's like that with everyone."
* Yengo chuckles a bit. "What's his problem?"
<onine> "That's what I'd like to know. Has a huge bone to pick with the Realm for some reason, but then doesn't everyone? Siress on the other hand wears the chip on his shoulder a lot more seriously than most civilized people."
* Yengo nods slowly. "Ah..."
* Yengo shrugs and walks on.
<onine> You reach the door to the cabin and Saika pushes it open and walks inside.
<onine> The cabin is well appointed with a large desk in front of the windows and comfortable chairs situated around. There are opulent rugs on the floor and many decorations from various regions adorn shelves and what not.
<onine> There are two men already inside, one man stands with his arms folded in front of the desk. He is a big man, build heavily just like you. He wears a burgundy cloak over light armour. He has a pitted scarred face with long graying hair that connects up with a heavy moustache.
<onine> His one crystal blue eye looks ever alert (the other is hidden under a heavy scar). On his temples, you can see small colored crystals growing almost like fingernails. If this man isn’t a dragonblood, you're a meat pie.
* Yengo tenses almost unconsciously in the presence of the Dragonblood, but remains outwardly calm.
<onine> The other man sits behind the desk in a large comfortable chair, he has long raven black hair and is very handsome. His dress suggests a rich merchant, but is cut to allow him ease of movement and is mostly in blacks and grays. He is presently working with a calligraphy brush.
<onine> He blinks at his work then holds a page up to the light, displaying a large smear that he painted incorrectly when distracted.
<onine> "Oh dear... Saika, it is considered polite to knock when entering a person's abode. Your manners are too lax, and especially in front of a guest. Tsk tsk tsk."
<onine> He has a light feathery voice, but the reprimand is easily heard.
<onine> "Oh, oh I'm so sorry Master Cenotaph, forgive me please!" Saika bows low
<onine> "No matter, I can easily do this sheet again..." He continues painting, but with a speed and exactness you have never seen, this man is incredible.
<onine> He lets the silence drag on, and Saika grows uncomfortable, shifting from foot to foot, and she fidgets nervously with her bracelets.
<onine> "Um, Maste-" Cenotaph holds up a finger that urges her to silence.
<onine> "Now then, I trust you are about to apologize for the loss of the yeddims, supplies and personnel, is that correct Teresu Miella?"
<onine> Saika flusters both from the fact that he knew what she was about to say and from the use of her full proper name.
<onine> "How did you-?!"
<onine> "This is my ship, I know everything that goes on within it. And I am most curious at how you came to be here, and also of your guests...please step forward and introduce yourself."
<onine> He beckons you lightly with his hand.
* Yengo takes a cautious step forward. "I am Yengo, a travelling doctor. This is my assistant, Tara."
<onine> "Does she not speak?"
* Yengo starts to say, "Of course she does," but that would be a little ridiculous. He closes his mouth and gently motions her forward, trying to give a reassuring smile.
<onine> "Uh... Tara..." she says shyly
<onine> He smiles disarmingly in response. "Welcome Tara and Yengo to my Caravan. Now then Saika, perhaps you had best get started explaining my Yeddims and how you will compensate for this loss."
<onine> "Well ah..." She glances at the Dragonblood who has said nothing since you entered.
<onine> "I can leave if you so wish," the large terrestrial assures Cenotaph.
<onine> "Of course not Magistrate, it is quite alright Miella, he is well aware and has assured me that he will behave himself while remaining as our guest."
<onine> Saika glances at the Dragonblood again before beginning.
<onine> "Well, as you ordered we retrieved the supplies requested from Lookshy and were heading back here along the river when we were attacked by... when we were attacked by the hunt. One of the yeddims was speared by a flaming javelin and its fur caught fire, causing all of them to bolt. I don't know what happened to the rest, but most of us were thrown into the river."
<onine> "The hunt? Are you positive they weren't mere bandits?"
<onine> "Positive Sir, we encountered them a second time, and at least three... at least three were exalted."
<onine> "I see, so I may bill the immaculate order for my losses?"
<onine> The dragonblood chuckles. "I do not expect that they would allow a single jade bit to slip through their fingers in this case."
<onine> "Hmmm," Cenotaph smiles. "Please continue Miella."
<onine> "Well that's pretty much the end of the story, then I met these two and they helped me get back here."
* Yengo smiles a bit at the Dragonblood's comment despite himself. It's true enough.
<onine> Cenotaph leans back and brings his fingertips together in contemplation. "A 'travelling doctor' did you say Mr Yengo?"
* Yengo nods. "Yes. We perform surgery, cure common ailments, things of that nature. Usually in exchange for some food and a roof over our heads."
<onine> "Certainly an odd profession, one that is seldom seen."
* Yengo laughs shortly. "The better for us to make a living at it, I suppose."
<onine> "Indeed, you speak of business principals, supplying a demand that is not filled, I like that."
<Yengo> "Well, it brings its own satisfaction when you can help someone, but one has to make a living somehow."
<onine> "Hmm" He smiles. "Now then, perhaps you will grace me with accepting a business deal of sorts?"
* Yengo smiles back. "Maybe. What kind of deal would that be?"
<onine> "We don't have a doctor aboard presently, she left us recently. The man you brought in *he looks at Saika* yes I know of that too, is still injured, and may require additional treatment. Saika here is only adept thus far at healing herself rather than others, so that would make you the most medically adept in the area."
<onine> He adds, "I still have yet to repay you for aiding and returning my people. Would you consider staying on even temporarily?"
* Yengo rubs his chin thoughtfully for a moment. "I'll certainly consider it, but I need time to confer with my assistant first. Will that be a problem?"
<onine> "Of course not, take all the time you need."
* Yengo says "Thank you, Master Cenotaph", then leads Tara gently over to the corner for a whispered conference. "What do you think?"
<onine> "I don’t know" she shrugs.
<onine> Cenotaph continues his scribing, the dragonblood stays exactly where he is, and Saika fidgets some more, the subject of disciplinary action still has not come up.
<Yengo> "It sounds like a decent idea to me... it's not like we had any definite destination, and we've been wandering for years anyway, wouldn't be much of a change..." he pauses for a minute. "But if for some reason you don't want to, we won't do it."
<onine> "Its alright, I'll accept either decision. The man, er, Orso, will still need to be monitored, as the blow to his head was serious..."
* Yengo nods and adds, "And of course, if we don't like it, we can always leave, right?"
<onine> She nods
* Yengo pats Tara once on the shoulder, gently, and turns to the rest. "I believe we've come to a decision, Master Cenotaph. We'll stay on at the least until the injured man is well, I'd hate to abandon a patient-" for a moment he thinks of Alebrahn. "We may stay on after, depending on how well we fit in."
<onine> "Marvelous, here, take these" He hands you the two sheets he was working on. Each is beautifully signed 'Cenotaph' "This is my seal, this will allow you to come and go, and use the facilities on board my vessel. Show them to crewmembers until they grow used to you."
<onine> It occurs to you that he was already writing them when you came in.
* Yengo nods, grateful and a little perturbed. Still, he takes the sheets and hands one to Tara. "Thank you."
<onine> "How exciting," he smiles contently. "Assisted by two men of the realm in as many days, and having them enjoy my hospitality. Truly a wonderful set of events to be sure, don't you agree Saika?"
<onine> "Yes sir..."
<onine> You also note that you didn't mention that you were from the realm either...
* Yengo finds all this extremely odd, but there's not exactly a tactful way to say so.
<onine> "Oh yes and Magistrate, here are the tax sheets and files you requested, and the order to release the jade to you once we arrive at Lookshy, a pleasure doing business with you. I can't thank you enough for your assistance in this matter."
<onine> Cenotaph hands a bundle of beautifully written documents to the dragonblood. He bows his head slightly to the caravan master. "When dealing with dirty men, it is best to use dirty tricks."
<onine> "Indeed indeed. Now as for you Saika, the matter of the lost supplies...."
<onine> "Yes sir, I accept full responsibility for them." Saika looks at her feet sadly.
<onine> "How so? Three of the four arrived not minutes before you burst in here, without knocking I might add."
<onine> "Also" he adds "A hunt is a very special situation, so whatever punishment I consider for this will be lenient if any."
<onine> Saika looks overjoyed "Thank you sir!!"
<onine> "Now off you go and show Tara and Yengo around before I change my mind."
<onine> "Sir!"
* Yengo gives a short nod in farewell.
<onine> Saika bounds out relieved "Come on Yengo, Tara."
* Yengo follows after, bemused at the young girl's obvious relief, but glad she's not in any real trouble.
<onine> The dragonblooded magistrate follows quietly as Saika leads you down to the bar once again. You are watched carefully by the other members of the crew, but are met with a smile from the bartender. Saika buys you a round of drinks, evidently the relief has also loosened her purse as well.
<onine> "Phew! That went a lot better than I thought it would"
* Yengo chuckles. "And I doubt either of us expected to land a job out of the deal."
<onine> "Oh yes! That’s right, I should go and see about finding you a room to set up in. Wait here and I'll be back as soon as I can okay?"
* Yengo leans back against the bar and waves her off, keeping his eye on the dragonblooded magistrate. He can't help but wonder just what the man is doing here... maybe he should ask, but the memories of the North linger with him still.
<onine> "Hmmm..." Saika follows your gaze. "Well, as long as Cenotaph said he was alright..." She returns her eyes to you and Tara. "Look, I er, didn't thank you before, and well, I’m not very good at thank yous. But thank you." She zips off quickly without waiting for an answer.
<onine> Leaving you and Tara at the bar. Up above in the open night air you hear booms and look up to see colored fireworks exploding, fired from the main deck of the ship. Each flash lights up the bar a little with colored light. Tara watches in awe, the explosions reflecting sparkly in her eyes.
* Yengo smiles up at the explosions. He hasn't seen fireworks like this since the annual celebrations of the Scarlet Empress's birth day in the Realm. He guesses Tara, coming from the Threshold, might never have seen such a thing.
<Yengo> "Impressive, isn't it?" he asks her, still grinning.
<onine> "Hmmm, much like the revelry in the Isle cities during the Calibration." A rumbling voice says from beside you.
<onine> You don’t really know how the huge man snuck up on you, perhaps you were distracted by the fireworks, or perhaps is was some of his exalted majesty coming through.
* Yengo nods as politely as he can at the Dragon-Blooded, trying to suppress his anger at them, and his even more shameful fear. "Or in the Imperial City on auspicious occasions."
<onine> "Indeed, but there is a dark side to everything. The parties are frequently fronts to assure the people do not grow chagrined under their ruler's boots, and the calibration, time of debauchery and revelry though it may be is a black time for us."
* Yengo nods again, seriously this time, considering the curious words coming out of this man's mouth. "Forgive me for saying so," though he's not really sorry at all, "But that's hardly the sort of statement I expected from a Realm magistrate. Most of them don't seem to mind reveling in debauchery."
<onine> "Oh I enjoy my 'fun' as it were, but in these times I am not one of those who conveniently forgets his duties. The empire is in decline, and I would say that any fool can see that, but clearly they cant. They squabble and bicker and backstab for power in the Deliberative and out, and always at the expense of the realm as a whole."
<onine> "To abandon my sworn oath to the empress would be to abandon what makes me a noble creature. I would be just like them, and that is something I refuse to do. Whether the empress is present on the throne or not.”
* Yengo takes a drink of his ale. "It is true. I was taught that the Dragon-Blooded were meant to guide us mortals, to protect us and the Realm. I believed that, once. The things I've seen since then..."
<onine> "Ah the Immaculate Philosophy, quoted as if from the text themselves. How perverse those words have become, bitter in many mortal mouths."
<Yengo> "Cowardly commanders, sacrificing their men for nothing. Corruption, lies, abuses that are so ridiculous they would be almost funny if they weren't so grotesque."
<Yengo> "That's the Realm, and I consider myself well shut of it."
<onine> "Your Tepet armour and your words betray your involvement in the North, a blundering abomination of a campaign, trying to silence the Bull when they should have been sorting out their own problems after the Empress...left."
* Yengo grimaces. "That campaign... changed the way I thought about the Realm and the Dragon-Blooded forever. If I had stayed with them, I'd be dead now, for nothing but their cowardice and corruption."
<onine> "A deserter then?"
<onine> There is no accusation in his voice, only curiosity.
* Yengo finishes off his ale. "Yes. There was nothing there I could serve anymore. Not and still consider myself a human being."
<onine> "Yes, I felt the same way. How could I serve that and still consider myself moral and just. And thus I have wandered the threshold for the past half a decade. Do you ever regret the decision?"
* Yengo thinks it over for a moment. "No. I don't regret the decision. I regret the things that forced me to make it. I regret that my faith in the Realm was false, that I wasted years of my life and that countless others died for an ideal that our commanders could have cared less about." And there are other things, he thinks, and his eyes glance briefly over at Tara. Other things.
<onine> "Aye..."
<onine> "I don’t regret my decision either, the time has given me clarity and resolve. I know that I may not be able to fix the realm, but that does not stop me from returning to my sworn duty. If I can make life easier and better for those living under its yoke, then it is my duty to do so."
<onine> "Although I may be conforming to the spirit of the Immaculate philosophy, I will never conform to its reason for existing."
* Yengo smiles a little. "That's the most admirable thing I've heard out of a Dragon-Blood's mouth in a long time. It's a little shocking, actually. I've spent the last five years hating you all."
<onine> "I am hardly surprised. Closer to enlightenment? Pah! We are merely stronger beings, but not the strongest. I have met creatures with powers that make the dragons children pale in comparison, and I have met mere mortals with strength of character far above that of some Dynasts I have had the misfortune of dealing with."
<Yengo> "I couldn't agree more. You seem like a reasonable man," Yengo says, thinking of the Dragon-Blooded commanders he once respected. "Maybe if more of your kind felt the way that you did, the Realm would be a better place."
<onine> "Maybe, but who can say? I hardly think that a Deliberative full of men like me would function either. Either way, that is something I intend to do my part in finding out. We all have our place in the world, and my place is the Realm. When we reach Lookshy I am taking a ship to the Blessed Isle to be its Magistrate once again."
<onine> "I have been away for too long."
<Yengo> "I'm sure anyone would be privileged to serve under you. And considering our past with the Dragon-Blooded, that's the best compliment I can give you."
<onine> "Indeed. I have made many enemies working the Empress' will. I have never needed Archons, but time has changed a great many things."
* Yengo nods. "I didn't ask you your name. Or where you'll be assuming control."
<onine> He straightens a little with pride "My apologies, I am Mnemon Diamandus."
<Yengo> "I can honestly say I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. I hope that you have some success in improving the Realm. I'd like to think that the things I saw among the Tepet Legions could be stopped.
<onine> "I am but one man, but I thank you for your words..."
<onine> You become aware of a prickling sensation on the back of your neck, and the bizarre and familiar feeling of being watched.
* Yengo says it suddenly, impulsively. "If your words are true, I would-" then he thinks of Tara, and falls silent. Dragons, how could he ask her to go with him to the Blessed Isle, the seat of the Dragon-Blooded Dynasty that- eh?
* Yengo turns around, curious.
<onine> Sure enough it doesn’t take much to spot young Siress watching you and the Magistrate from across the hall.
<onine> Without turning from the bar Mnemon remarks "Ah the young warrior watches us again..."
* Yengo scratches his beard. "I wonder why he's so suspicious..."
<onine> "You will soon learn young Yengo -" he finishes the last of his drink. "- that the Realm is not well loved the world over, it steps on many toes. Just as the Dragonbloods oppress the weaker mortals, so too does the empire force its will upon lesser nations under its gaze..."
<onine> "If my words were true you would...?" He repeats. "Think about the question wisely son, it is not an easy path."
<onine> He pats you lightly on the shoulder and walks to the double doors and out of the hall.
* Yengo sits quietly, thinking over what he has heard.
<onine> Siress watches the Dragonblood leave then returns his attention to you.
* Yengo looks back at Siress, a curious and mild expression on his face.
<onine> The fireworks begin to fade and slow above you, and it seems as if the evening market is dying down, at least a bit. More people are filing into the bar, taking a break from working the market outside.
<onine> After a while young Siress gets up and leaves, perhaps temporarily content that you are not up to anything.
<onine> "Angry boy that one. Can I get you anything else?" Grimn the bartender asks.
* Yengo waves him off. "I'm fine, thanks. Tara?" He notes that she's been silent for a long time.
<onine> She shakes her head and sips the peach juice. "I’m fine. You seemed to enjoy that discussion...or at least didn’t hate it."
<Yengo> "He said a lot of things I agree with. Didn't think I'd ever say that about a Dragon-Blooded again."
<onine> "Mmm."
<Yengo> "I wonder..." he falls silent.
<onine> "?"
<Yengo> "I don't know. He's returning to the Realm, trying to make things different, right... and part of me wonders if I shouldn't go with him."
<onine> "Do you want to?"
<Yengo> "Yes, but..." he lowers his voice. "I-I don't want to leave you. And I don't want to force you to go there."
<onine> Yengo..." she takes your hand "You're my best - and only - friend, and I'll follow you anywhere you have to go."
* Yengo squeezes her hand softly. "Are you sure? It... it's different there, you haven't seen it, you don't know."
<Yengo> "The Dragon-Blooded are everywhere. They control everything... you have to move aside for them in the streets, bow your head, speak respectfully at all times. It's not like the Threshold. It's the seat of their power."
<onine> "And I wont know if I never see it... I'll be fine, really."
<Yengo> "If you're sure..."
<onine> "I'm sure if you're sure."
* Yengo wonders what he's afraid of, really. Is he afraid for her, or just afraid he'll fail to protect her again?
<onine> She smiles slightly for a change
<Yengo> "I'm...I'm sure. If I can do anything to stop the kind of things that happened... back there, I'll do it."
<onine> She nods and looks at the floor.
* Yengo squeezes her hand softly, once more, then releases it. "Thank you."

<onine> -----
<onine> After a while in the caravan's bar, Saika returns and shows you to a small cabin on the ship that she tells you will act as both a room for you and Tara, and a small surgery for the duration of your stay. It is fairly large and will function well. The yeddim driver has already been set down on one of the beds, ready for you and Tara to take care of him.
<onine> A few hours before dawn you feel a lurch as the caravan continues its slow trek south towards Lookshy.
<onine> Along the way you find that you are kept busy, news seems to have gotten around that you are a physician, and a great number of the crew come to you with ailments and various boils and fluid filled afflictions.
<onine> The trip takes you around a month, and during that time you spend your days using your expertise (indeed your techniques for treating intoxication become quite popular with the more 'festive' yeddim drivers who drink up until their shifts out the front of the caravan)
<onine> You have a few encounters with the dour Siress, and Saika visits you fairly frequently. You also see the magistrate, but he respectfully keeps his distance, aware of your distaste for the terrestrial exalted. Odd, respect for a human...
<onine> The long journey comes to a halt with Tara gently shaking you awake. The injured Yeddim driver has long since recovered and for the most part, you now have the room all to yourselves. The characteristic vibration and rumble of the caravan has ceased.
<onine> "Hey...wake up, we're at Lookshy."
<onine> You're tired, you feel like you've had no sleep whatsoever.
* Yengo sits up on his bunk, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and stretching. "What *yawn* time is it?"
<onine> "I'm not sure, some time before dawn, it's still dark out." Tara pulls open the curtain to a dim blue, pierced with many lights.
* Yengo stands up and begins to slowly and somewhat sleepily ready himself for the day - not that it's really the day yet.
<onine> Tara sits on the bed opposite. "So... are we leaving, or staying here with the others?"
* Yengo stands at the window, looking out over the dim blue morning. "It hasn't been bad here, you know... we could certainly do worse. But what Diamandus is offering, if it's real... it could mean so much. I- we- could make a real difference in the Realm."
<onine> "...really?"
<Yengo> "It might only be a slim chance... and I'm loathe to live under Dragon-Blooded power again. But we've spent the past five years powerless to do anything to shape our fate. This gives us a chance to do something real, to try to prevent- to prevent the kinds of things that happened then. Even if that chance is nearly impossible, I want to take it..."
<Yengo> "But if you don't want to go... I won't leave you."
<onine> A slight smile tugs at the corner of her mouth. "Maybe you should stop talking and start packing?" She hefts her small pack, already laden with her equipment and belongings.
* Yengo opens his mouth to say something, grateful to Tara for making this easy for him. But anything he said would only be awkward, so he instead busies himself with packing his things.
<onine> As you pack, a piece of your surgical gear slips out of a bundle and clatters noisily onto the wooden deck.
* Yengo crouches to retrieve the gear, looking at it askance for a moment before repacking it.
<onine> It turns out that it isn't one of your surgical tools, but that worn old iron spoon that helped you years ago, it barely reflects in the dim lantern-light. Tara leans down beside you and looks at it quizzically
<onine> "A...a spoon?"
<Yengo> "Wondering why I keep this thing around?"
<onine> She shrugs, "A little."
* Yengo holds out the spoon, tapping it against the back of her hand. "Iron. Cold iron. A year or so before I met you, my detachment of the Legion was camped near a Borderland when a troop of Fair Folk came at us. I was eating with this thing at the time."
<Yengo> "It's a bit of a long story, but it saved my life. Since then, I keep it around as a kind of memento, you know, a good luck charm. Maybe it even works." He smiles.
<onine> "... that's weird"
* Yengo shrugs. "A little. But even if it's not really lucky, maybe at least thinking it is makes me a little braver, eh?"
<onine> "If you say so...I don’t really believe in luck. Things just...happen."
<Yengo> "Could be, I guess. I can't say either way, but I'd still rather have this thing around than not. Just in case, after all." He doesn't mention that when you're mortal, most of the time things just DO happen to you, luck or no.
<onine> Tara shrugs and straightens the room out for its next occupants, pulling up covers, folding blankets and cloths.
* Yengo finishes packing his things and setting his side of the room in order in silence.
<onine> Soon enough the room is in order and you're packed and ready to go, the lights of Lookshy outside blur as an early morning fog covers the land and city
<Yengo> "Well, should we meet with Diamandus and tell him we're coming along, then?"
<onine> "And tell the caravan master we are leaving?"
* Yengo nods. "Of course."
* Yengo then proceeds to start doing just that. ;)
<onine> (Alrighty then)
<onine> Eventually you make it to the bar, and the chill of the early morning air coming in from the open ceiling hits you. There are few people in the bar, those that ARE there are more than likely the yeddim drivers who were steering the caravan before it pulled into Lookshy.
* Yengo moves up to the bar, leaning against it as he surveys this place, maybe for the last time. He casts his eyes about, for once looking out for a Dragonblooded because he actually wants to see him.
* Yengo drums his fingers on the surface of the bar and wonders if Cenotaph is awake yet.*
<onine> The bartender who seems to be ever polishing tankards with a washcloth when he is not working, eyes you curiously.
<onine> "Good morning Doctor..."*
* Yengo nods at the bartender in greeting. "Morning. Master Cenotaph up and about yet?"*
<onine> "Oh he's always awake the Master, I truly wonder if he ever sleeps" he chuckles, "Probably up in his cabin more than likely. I...take it you'll be leaving us then?"*
<Yengo> "I'm afraid so. Still, it's been good, I've enjoyed my time here." He hefts his pack up a little higher on his shoulders.*
<onine> "Well then Mr Yengo, you'll be sorely missed, and indeed the crew will be a little sorer with you gone, hehe."*
* Yengo extends a hand across the bar to shake. "Thank you."*
<onine> The bartender tosses the washcloth over his should and swallows your hand in one meaty paw. "Aye, best of luck to you Doctor, may your travels be eventful yet safe."*
* Yengo nods once more in farewell then sets out for Cenotaph's office.
<onine> You're somewhat glad that you don't see Siress around anywhere, who knows, maybe the angry youth would burst into tears and hug you tightly, not wanting to lose his two brooding stare targets?
<onine> Up on the main deck to the port side you can see the glory of Lookshy in the dim misty morning, its many colored lights blurring into the fog. Your breath puffs out condensation into the air, it is cold, but refreshing. On the starboard you can see the docks and all manner of ships moored there, great and small.
<onine> The familiar yellow glow is alive and well in the colored stain glass windows of Cenotaphs cabin. Unless he sleeps with the lights on, he is home, and he is awake.*
* Yengo steps to the door of the cabin and raps sharply one the door, once.*
<onine> Almost as you rap, the smooth familiar voice says "Enter."*
* Yengo opens the door and steps within, nodding in welcome. "Master Cenotaph."*
<onine> "Doctor Yengo..." Cenotaph is sitting on one of his plush lounge chair and is polishing a fine curved blade with a quality piece of cloth. A jeweled and decorated scabbard along with numerous cleaning liquids rests on the small glass lounge table in front of him, along with an unidentifiable steaming drink.
<onine> It is a pretty blade, with a long curved yellow-tinted blade and gold hilt and handguard.*
* Yengo notes the craftsmanship of the blade, but little else. "I've come to tell you that Tara and I will no longer be staying with the caravan. I appreciate the place you've made for us here and I've enjoyed your hospitality, but we must be moving on with Diamandus, back to the Realm."*
<onine> "Oh." he says and sets the blade carefully down on the table without a sound. "The realm... why on earth would one want to go there?"
<Yengo_> "I was born in the Realm, as you know. I grew up on the streets of the Imperial City and still believed it was the greatest place in Creation. But after my time in the Legions, I came to hate the Dynasty. Everywhere I looked, I saw abuse and corruption. Diamandus says he means to change that... if I can help... then I must, for whatever good 'just another mortal' is worth."*
<onine> "I see, a sense of loyalty for nation. You have high ideals Doctor, it is admirable, but you seem to think that the Realm can be saved. You are not the only man to despise the dynasty, nor are you among the strongest."*
* Yengo nods. "A fact I'm all too aware of. And maybe I'm a fool for thinking that signing on with Diamandus will help at all. But when you've felt powerless against something your entire life and finally get a chance to make a difference for others like you, however small, you have to take it. At least, I have to."*
<onine> "I used to think the same way, but I decided that little good would come of crushing the Realm... so I satisfied myself with making my own corner of heaven for myself and my people." He opens his arms to indicate the landship.
<Yengo> "I don't want to crush the Realm, but rebuild it. Maybe that's possible. If I can make the smallest change for the better, then I have to try. I don't expect you to understand... but I'm glad you found peace here. Maybe I can find the same there."*
<onine> "I understand, and I will give you one piece of advice before you leave, in fact two pieces..."
<onine> "First of all, things are never in black and white. Throughout your life, and now especially with your return to the realm, that you will find your beliefs and ideals challenged. There is no black and white. What is black for you may be white for me, and vice-versa. Everything depends on your point of view."
* Yengo nods. "And the second?"
<onine> "If you can find even the smallest piece of happiness that you can share, share it." He smiles meaningfully.
<Yengo> "Thank you for your advice, Master Cenotaph, and your hospitality. You've built a good life here for a lot of people... but it can't be mine."*
<onine> "That saddens me, but I hope you find what you are seeking."
<onine> "Oh, one more thing...."
<Yengo> "Yes?"
<onine> He crosses over to his desk and collects a small bundle and a bottle.
<onine> "I knew you would be leaving, and I didn't pay you for aiding my people as you did. Also, to see you off, this is a bottle of fine Haslanti Pine Brandy... even if it isn't your taste it is popular in some circles of Dynasts. It may prove to be helpful in gaining you leverage."
<onine> He hands you the small package of jade bits and lays the bottle on top.*
* Yengo accepts them carefully. "Thank you again. I'm sure I'll need all the leverage I can get. Farewell, Master Cenotaph. May our paths cross again some day." He gives one last nod of gratitude and turns to leave.*
<onine> "Travel safe, and you are always welcome in my caravan. We don't travel to the Isle, but if you are out in the threshold again, any of the guild caravans can tell you where to find us."*
* Yengo says, "Certainly." He extends one hand in a wave as he opens the door and steps out, closing it behind him.*
<onine> Out into the chill morning air again, the only thing remaining to do is collect Tara and track down the Magistrate
* Yengo heads toward the bar. Maybe the magistrate will be out and about by now.
<onine> Tara waits by the bar, the tender is trying to engage her in conversation, well, he seems to be doing most of the talking, but that's how conversations with Tara seem to go.
<onine> "...did I tell you about Ol Gibs, an upstanding man and a good friend, I remember we... oh the good Doctor"*
* Yengo waves as he approaches, turning to Tara. "Well, I cleared things up with Master Cenotaph. He gave us his best wishes and some jade... I guess all we have to do now is wait for Diamandus to show up."*
<onine> "Oh leaving with him are you?" the bartender interjects, "He left before you first came in, something about a ship??"*
* Yengo turns to look at the bartender. "Which ship? How long ago? I hope he's not already gone..." But maybe, a voice inside him whispers, that would be for the best after all. It'd save you the decision, wouldn't it?
<onine> "Er, I'm not entirely sure, but if you hurry to the docks you could probably catch him!"*
<Yengo> "Thanks, thanks." He turns to Tara, "Well, we'd better hurry."*
<onine> "Right!" She says. As you hurry off the bartender calls out a good luck. You meander through the lower ship's corridors to the exit, the guard greets you as you leave.
<onine> "Leaving Doctor, a shame, oh, by the way, thanks for clearing up that rash a week ago...very embarrassing..."*
<Yengo> "...er, don't mention it, just remember my advice." As he hurries past, Tara in tow.*
<onine> The docks even in this early morning are bustling with activity, people walking here and there, and dragonblooded... many dragonblooded. Ships line the harbor great and small, some new, some very very old... You pass one ship in particular, very beautiful, sleek and streamlined, with embossed gold dragons and beautiful finlike sails folded at its sides.
<onine> As you bustle past people you see a familiar burgundy-cloaked back in the crowd, the towering magistrate. Over his shoulder hangs a huge black mace with white jade studs and trim.
* Yengo calls out to the magistrate as he hurries through the crowd.*
<onine> The big man turns around, along with a few other people. When they see there is little of interest they return to their business. "Doctor Yengo... I was beginning to think you would not join me."
* Yengo looks at the other. "I was questioning the decision myself until the last moment... but now that I've made it, I'll stand by it."*
<onine> He chuckles. "Very well... follow me." He leads you to the northern docks to the ship - a rather unjust name for it really... a bathtub would be more accurate. The old merchant hulk is leaky and looks like it has seen better days... numerous better days.
<onine> "Behold, the Glitterstar, our passage to the realm. She isn't a easy on the eyes, but she is seaworthy, as is her captain. Shall we?"*
* Yengo takes one last look back across the expanse of Lookshy behind them, and at the caravan, bidding farewell to his life in the Threshold. "Let's go."*
<onine> You board the ship and are shown to the cabins that will be yours for the voyage, you are just settling in when there is a knock on the door. It's the magistrate, and he is hefting a haggard looking young woman...
<onine> "Dr Yengo, I am in need of your expertise..."
<onine> He easily lays the woman down on the straw bed, and her eyes roll back in her head, a slight moan issues from her lips.*
* Yengo moves over to the woman and begins to examine her. "What happened to her?" he asks the magistrate as he begins.
<onine> "Unknown as yet." The magistrate rumbles. "She ran on board and insisted on passage, wounded as you see here... odd"
<onine> Diamandus leaves things in your hands and moves up to the deck, you can feel the ship beginning to set sail under you. Tara is instinctively unpacking her equipment for the task at hand...
<onine> You begin to unhook her armour then you see something that makes your blood run cold and the bile rise in your gut. Obvious signs of a vicious rape...
* Yengo bites his lip in repressed anger as he continues his work.
<onine> The work is hard, but she is a hardy young woman. Soon her wounds are cleaned and bandaged... her many wounds. Tara says nothing as she assists you.*
* Yengo finishes up and makes sure the woman is resting quietly, moving back away from the bed. In his five years of wandering the Threshold, he never saw anything like this.*
<onine> The woman, or rather, not much more than a girl, looks to be about years old. She's short, with short brown hair and an odd tattoo under her left eye, and she's quite pretty. There is a small pile of bloodied red-jade armour and a fine jade Reaper Daiklave. An Exalt definitely. She'll heal physically...
<onine> ...but mentally...
<onine> Tara leaves quietly...*