Porcelain Child/SessionFifty

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[06:59] <onine> Anona and Mouse enter the command tent where they have the situation at Palas explaned to them, you and Six were not allowed inside [06:59] <onine> I think we could start a short scene here [07:01] <onine> unless you're cool with me explaining it [07:01] <beri> Ok. So it's at this camp, somewhere in the East, Anona made a new/old friend, and Six and I are just...hangin' out. I'm cool with playing or listening, either way [07:02] <onine> Groovy [07:03] <onine> The two soldiers guarding the command tent cross their poleaxes in front of you. "Only staffmembers and the Princes of the Earth are permitted." The left soldier says. [07:04] <onine> Anona turns and shrugs. "I'm sorry, but it IS probably best if you wait out here... for the moment, anyway." [07:04] <onine> "Sorry." Mouse adds quietly. [07:05] * beri opens his mouth to protest, then closes it. "Right. Well, take your time, I guess, I wouldn't want any secret deliberations to come out rushed. We'll be around." [07:06] *** beri is now known as Kt [07:06] *** Kt is now known as Kess [07:06] <onine> Anona and Mouse enter and close the tent-flaps behind them. The two guardsmen watch you and Six carefully, along with another mortal who sits nearby. [07:07] <onine> She's young by human standards, but you cannot tell how young. Her face is wrapped entirely in cloth, only her eyes are revealed through a gap in the wrapping. [07:07] <onine> She wears simple clothing, but holds a large curved slashing sword while sitting on a pile of tree stumps. [07:08] * Kess sighs and turns to Six. [I'm sorry, things are probably moving pretty fast for you. I know I'm having enough trouble keeping up.] [07:09] <onine> [It's alright.] He shrugs. [I'll catch up, after all, the world wont wait for me.] [07:10] * Kess glances over at the woman, the first question in his mind being whether or not she knows Old Realm. "Good evening," (or whatever time of day it is) he grunts, not really trying to start a conversation. [07:10] <onine> The woman's eyes shift to you, but she says nothing. [07:11] <onine> (tis evening) [07:11] * Kess turns back to Six. [The world does turn, mercilessly. Hopefully the next memory of your past won't come when the world is unravelling around us. Glad we found the sword, though.] [07:12] <Kess> [So you don't remember anything at all, before you woke up under that tree?] [07:12] <onine> Six pats the weapon tucked into his belt. [I'm sorry, I cannot even offer you an explanation why. It cannot even cut fruit with the edge it has.] [07:16] <Kess> [Don't apologize.] He taps his head. [I've got more than a few holes up here, myself. I know you'd remember if you could.] [07:16] <onine> As you are talking, a low sound begins to flow over the military camp, its the sound of a flute. A few soldiers moving nearby, and the guards of the tent stop and look into the sky towards the fortress. The flute plays a long slow, mournful melody. [07:16] <onine> [What in the world...?] [07:18] * Kess instinctively draws a hand back towards his sword. [I have no idea.] [07:19] <onine> "The flute-player of Palas." The masked woman says simply, not needing translation for your questions. "He begins every night after the sun goes down. Letting us know their moral isn't breaking." [07:20] * Kess relaxes slightly. "Is that what this camp is? A siege on Palas?" [07:21] <onine> She nods. "The lake and the armed camps surrounding their fortress wasn't sign enough?" [07:24] *** Kess has quit IRC (Ping timeout�) [07:43] *** Kess has joined #oninegame [07:45] *** DK has joined #oninegame [07:45] <DK> I will lounge here SPECTATING in a disruptive manner! [07:46] <onine> (then get into the dice channel DK, sheesh [07:46] <onine> [07:20] * Kess relaxes slightly. "Is that what this camp is? A siege on Palas?" [07:46] <onine> [07:21] <onine> She nods. "The lake and the armed camps surrounding their fortress wasn't sign enough?" [07:47] -> [onine] PING [07:49] <Kess> "Call me unobservant. I get that way, traveling with the Dragon-Bloods. So tell me, then, what interest does the Realm have in an outpost this far East?" [07:50] <onine> "The circlet." The woman replies simply. [07:52] <Kess> "I'll guess that's either got something to do with the Scarlet Throne or the Anathema. Judging from what I know about what gets the Realm excited." [07:53] <onine> The woman shrugs. [07:53] <onine> [Archers.] Six says without warning. [07:55] * Kess brings his hand again toward his sword - not an uncommonly repeated motion when he's tense. [Where do you see them, Six?] [07:57] <onine> Six waves his hands to disuade you from drawing. "No no no, I can hear the legion archers training.] [07:57] * Kess chuckles. [I'm never quite sure whether I'm expecting an ambush or not. I don't feel totally comfortable here, especially without Anona.] [07:59] <onine> [I'll be back...] Six replies and walks off through the camp in the direction of the characteristic noise of bows being drawn and released - which now you hear over the background noise. [08:01] * Kess starts to call to Six, but hesistates and stops. Letting him go off alone might be bad, but having to deal with Anona pissed because she can't find them...that would be worse. [08:04] <Kess> On the other hand, he might get himself carelessly perforated on the archery field...[Six, wait. Let's go together.] [08:05] <onine> You move through the camp together, a few soldiers stop you, but are put at ease by your explanations that you are the 'servants' of a dragonblood. Whether you say that or not isn't the point, its how they take it. [08:06] <onine> Most of the army seems to be split into multiple outposts to fully surround the fortress and its new lake, so as Legion settlements go, this one is rather small, housing only a few hundred troops. [08:07] *** Sunset has joined #oninegame [08:07] *** Sunset is now known as Anona [08:08] <onine> The archery range that the light troops are practicing on is small at best, only five targets at varying distances, and only a few soldiers are using it. [08:08] <onine> [This is familiar.] Six says quietly as you approach. [08:09] <onine> One of the higher ranking troopers observing stops you when you approach. He's not particularly worried, since you came from the heart of the camp, but you are questioned nonetheless. "Stop right there and identify yourselves." [08:09] <Kess> [That's good.] [08:11] <onine> [What's he saying?] Six asks quietly. [08:11] <Kess> "That's fine. We're servants with Tepet Anona, who is currently meeting with your command staff, I believe." [08:12] * Kess turns to Six. [The usual, who we are, what we're doing. This is still a military camp, after all.] [08:12] <onine> "Right." He replies, resting his foot on a box once more. "Just dont run onto the range now, alright? Safety first." [08:12] <onine> [Right.] Six answers. [08:15] <Kess> [You're free to go, just don't get shot. Do you know how a range like this works?] [08:16] <onine> [I can figure it out, but you'll have to communicate my wishes to the officer - I'm a bit out of my depth here.] [08:23] <Kess> [Have fun, then, I'll stay with you.] [08:24] *** Disconnected [08:25] *** Attempting to rejoin... [08:25] *** Rejoined channel #oninegame [08:27] <onine> After the appropriate negotiations the soldiers allow Six the use of a bow and a set of target arrows. For their own amusement they place him on the longest range target. [08:28] <onine> He checks the draw of the bow and readies an arrow. It shrieks out of the bow and lands wide in the dirt. [08:29] <onine> "Account for the wind from the lake, and aim high at that range. You need to release the arrow smoothly otherwise your aim will be off." One of the spectating soldiers calls. [08:30] <onine> Nodding, Six readies another arrow and looses it towards the target - closer this time, it imbeds itself on the wooden support. [08:30] *** Sara has joined #oninegame [08:30] * Kess repeats this to Six, adding [Better than I expected, honestly.] [08:30] <onine> "Better!" They call. [08:30] <onine> Six doesnt really understand what they're saying, but he seems to know where he has gone wrong. He looses another arrow, this time hitting the targed above and to the left of the center. [08:31] <onine> The soldiers clap quietly. "He's not bad, has he done this before?" [08:31] <Kess> "I'm not sure. I think so." [08:32] <onine> Six's fouth shot hits the bullseye, and his fifth is only half an inch from the fouth. The soldiers wistle and clap a little louder, shouting encouraging words. [08:33] <Kess> [Excellent. This is their longest range, you know. You're pretty close to a master at this, maybe better!] [08:35] <onine> [It's so easy now, I can feel scraps returning.] Six looses another arrow, not as accurate as the previous two, but still with lethal accuracy. [08:36] <Kess> [Maybe we can negotiate a bow from this camp that you can carry. It'd be useful - I certainly don't specialize in ranged engagement.] [08:37] <onine> [That would be nice.] Six replies as he continues to shoot. [This is relaxing and natural in a way, a link to what I've forgotten.] [08:39] <Kess> [I'm sure Anona can work it out, either to borrow or purchase one.] [08:40] <onine> Six seems like a different person while practicing archery. Confident, sure of himself, perhaps older. [08:41] <onine> You spend quite some time at the range when there is something of a commotion - the soldiers are moving en masse towards the dark shore of the artificial lake. [08:43] * Kess calls out, "What's happening?" [08:43] <onine> Night has well and truly fallen, only a cresent moon and varied torches lights the camp now - the time for such commotion has long passed - yet commotion there is. "What on earth?" The archery officer likewise asks. [08:43] <onine> One of the soldiers moving past shouts back, "They're going into the fortress!" [08:45] * Kess motions to Six. [Come on, this looks interesting. Bring your bow, too; we may need it.] [08:47] <onine> [Very well.] Six follows you as you are pulled along with the tide of soldiers in various states of armour and clothing. More than a few were likely bathing or shaving and wear an array of towels and rags, and sporting suds and half-beards. Along the way, the general mood is that the dragonbloods are going in to kick the hell out of the Fortress. [08:49] <onine> Down on the shore, the soldiers stand a respectful circle around the dragonbloods Anona and Mouse. Two other soldiers stand in a long landing boat. [08:54] * Kess tries to nudge his way to the center of the circle, still somehow convinced that Anona could use his help. Why are they making this assault in the middle of the night? [08:55] * Anona is making her way towards the boat, Mouse trailing. [08:57] <onine> Mouse looks a little nervous, but determined, carrying a blunt jade-headed staff with a long fabric tail attatched just below the head. [09:01] <onine> [What's going on?] Six asks, still carrying the bow and quiver of arrows. [09:03] <Kess> [It's Anona...and Mouse. I think they're going to raid Palas, immediately!] [09:04] <onine> [We cant let her go in her condition.] Six says quietly so that Mouse does not hear. [09:04] * Kess tries to call out to her over the crowd. "Anona!" [09:05] * Anona looks around, seeing Kess. "Kess! Over here!" [09:06] * Kess pulls Six with him as he pushes through to her. "Do you prefer to do your raids by moonlight?" [09:07] <Anona> "This isn't a raid, exactly." [09:08] <Kess> "Sorry, I haven't exactly been kept up to speed. What's going on?" [09:09] <Anona> "It's... complex. The gist is, there's a thing in there that's been killing off the soldiers and the commander here... some dying little god." [09:12] <Kess> "That is troubling, and it means that all these soldiers won't do any good. Battling spirits isn't exactly my specialty either, but I'll back you up if you'll have me. [09:12] <Kess> " [09:13] <Anona> "I wasn't intending to BRING any soldiers along. They're just straining for a chance to see what's going to happen." [09:16] <Anona> "I'd really prefer not risking you, either... but I don't suppose you'll give me a choice, hm?" [09:18] *** Disconnected [09:20] *** Attempting to rejoin... [09:20] *** Rejoined channel #oninegame [09:21] <Anona> "Hm. To be honest, I'm going to try an unusual tactic; talking to it." [09:22] <Kess> "Oh." He thinks a moment. "Do you think this god, this place, has anything to do with Six Birds?" [09:23] <Anona> "I think it may have something to do with Dragonwrath, given that would be the reason Juno would have any interest here, I imagine." [09:25] <Kess> "In that case, I do insist. I want to hear what this godling has to say." [Six, Anona is going to talk with a god who has been killing soldiers. It might have something to do with your past. Are you in?] [09:26] <onine> [Of course, despite the foolishness of it all - it sounds interesting.] Six replies. [09:27] <onine> "The lander is ready." Captain Kargan reports. [09:27] <Anona> "Let's go, then. The sooner we get this over with, the better." [09:29] <onine> Mouse steps into the boat and lays her staff down. Six follows, but is halted by an archer. "Hey kid!" The soldier tosses Six a fresh quiver with broadhead arrows, which he holds up to salute in thanks. [09:29] <onine> With the four of you in the boat, the two soldiers cast it off, and bring you about to face the fortress. As you close the winds seem to howl through the eaves and gaps between the walls and parapets. Then all of a sudden, the haunting flute's song halts, and all you have left is the howl of the wind... [09:30] <onine> The dark fortress looms over you as the small boat drifts below the overhanging walls and rooves, the shape blots out the skyline like a careless blotch of paint on a canvass, nothing more distinct than a malevolent presence that begins to take up every corner of your vision. A few specks of light pierce the gloom ahead from the few torches still burning, but it does little to diminish [09:30] <onine> the imposing feel the fortress gives. [09:30] <onine> Palas differs from construction in the realm, which focuses on perfect lines and square design, with arched rooves and complicated eaves of wood and tile rain gutters. Palas looks almost southern in its design, arches and domes play a dominant role, along with the shogunate era sloped and pointed rooves in places. [09:30] <onine> Such construction is largely rare especially in the east, the only similar references being the great first age buildings of Nexus and Lookshy. It departs from the two great Scavenger Land cities by its construction of marble - a stone rare in the plains areas. [09:31] <onine> Light glows from below in the water, eternal globes of light lining the long bridge over the mote that once protected the great fortress from invaders. A defense that now became an access when overdone. The city sits squat in the eerie light, ghostly and abandoned. [09:31] <onine> Trees sway slowly in the watery winds below. The soldiers move the oars slowly frightened to make too much noise or to disturb the water, they glance fearfully above, waiting for arrows to descend. [09:32] <onine> The two soldiers rowing look up at the looming dark shape as you drift into its shadow, they look edgy. [09:33] <onine> "I have a bad feeling about this." Mouse says quietly. [09:34] <Kess> "We'll make it through." [09:35] <Anona> "We will." [09:35] <onine> Six says nothing as his eyes watch the peaks of the great fortress carefully, the moonlight reflects in his eyes, then they seem to disappear as the form of the great fortification arch swallows up the light. [09:38] <onine> [Lo sat the fortress, impregnable. Imperishable. They prepared and fortified, and the lords of this castle felt safe. Protected. But lo came the fire from within, gutting the heart of the great bastion and the lords in their infinite preparedness for attack from without were slain by attack from within. Lo this bastion remains, a gutted and empty testament to fools.] [09:41] <Anona> [Hm?] [09:42] <onine> Six coughs. [I know there is more that that poem, but only that verse comes to mind.] [09:42] <onine> The boat coasts slowly through the main arch, passing half submerged flags and banners that once decorated the entrance to the Kingdom's fortress. What would have towered over you if you'd walked the bridge is now close enough that you could toss a stone and hit the arch. [09:42] <Kess> [That's...impressive. It doesn't help the mood...but never mind that.] [09:43] <onine> [Sorry, it came to mind] Six shrugs. [09:44] <onine> [Please no more. For the sake of others hearing your words as well as I.] Mouse complains. [09:44] <onine> With the glow from the imperishable lights dulled by the water, the details of the mosaic of intricate tiles can be seen from up close. Designs so fine they appear as brushwork. Glorious battles, verdant fields, justice, peace, all are depicted in an intricate mosaic of coloured stone. Now they just seem washed out and false. [09:45] <onine> Beyond lies the plaza... [09:46] <onine> Free from the fortress shadow, you are able to see details on eachother once more. [09:46] <onine> The area was once a grand plaza, with pillared balconies on all sides facing the main entrance to the fortress. Slender arches span over you, holding torn banners of chivalry and country. Now the plaza is ghostly and desolate, the floodwaters covering the stone patterns on the ground. [09:46] <onine> With a little imagination you can almost see the maidens and celebrating noble families that would throw flower petals down upon the valiant return of the armies of Palas. A return that would likely never happen again... [09:46] <onine> One of the many arches has collapsed, rendering the massive doors largely unusable, and likely the defenders of Palas barricaded the hall from the inside as well. The shattered stone has collapsed pillars and smashed into marble, caving a massive rent into one of the main walls, providing some access - an access which is allowing the water to cascade into the fortress. [09:48] <Anona> "Look alive, everyone." Anona repeats this in Old Realm for the benefit of Six. [09:48] <onine> The boat grounds itself as stairs rise up below it in the courtyard., and the soldiers secure it against one of the fallen stone slabs. [09:49] <onine> The whole area is silent but for your own breath, the wind, and the sound of water flowing into the passages behind the broken wall. After all this time, their stores are likely flooded and useless along with their food, supplies, weapons and any escape tunnels. Next to the hole there is a small boat similar to the one your soldiers have rowed you in. Likely the one Tide has entered. Such [09:49] <onine> flooded chambers would be of no concern to him as a water aspect. [09:50] <onine> "Oh no, Tide..." Mouse splashes through the knee-deep water to look into the boat for any sign of his recent passing. [09:51] <Anona> "He's probably inside, Mouse. [09:51] <onine> "I know-" She says, her voice choking off. "I was just checking..." [09:52] <onine> Six steps over the ruined arch and presses his hands against the door, and listening for sound on the other side. [Nothing, but these doors are fairly thick.] [09:53] * Kess steps out of the boat onto dry stone, or at least the shallowest water he can find. [09:54] * Anona examines the doors. what are they made of? about how thick? does it burn real good? [09:55] <onine> There are a few options, the doors are thick and of stone, force wouldn't likely work. The flooded corridors below are another avenue of travel - or climbing to the ramparts and using the upper-fortress to move around. [09:59] <Anona> [I'm no water-aspect, so trying to swim won't be much use. Guess I'll have to climb up...] [09:59] <onine> Jumping and catching one of the banners to use as a climbing aid could work, though they are a lot higher than regular jumping. [09:59] <Kess> [We could probably work through this door, but it wouldn't be subtle.] [10:00] <Anona> [Times like these I wish I was paying attention when they mentioned the Lighting-Spider spell...] [10:01] <Kess> [Going vertical would get us there...but Six, one slip will be deadly. Do you want to stay with the soldiers?] [10:02] <onine> [I don't want to be left behind.] Six replies, following. [10:04] <onine> "I know the Lightning Spider spell, but it'll leave me with less energy when we need it." Mouse comes up beside Anona. "I can get us all up there." [10:04] <Anona> "How so?" [10:05] <onine> "Well, there are extensions to the spell which allow me to create a tether behind me, which I can lift you up on." [10:06] <Kess> "I think I could manage myself, at least. If it saves any effort." [10:07] <onine> "It's not a problem, unless you're heavier than you look." Mouse shrugs. [10:07] <Anona> "I think that's our best option. It may leave you less able for later, but there won't BE one if we dont' get in safely." [10:11] <onine> "Alright - stand back." Mouse replies. A few breezes blow in and converge on the Air Aspect, swirling around her and disturbing the water at her feet into white froth. She places her left palm forward and with her right she marks the old realm sigils for the five elements. On her call of air, the winds at her feet rush upwards and begin to glow white and turquoise. [10:11] <onine> They swirl around then shoot down and spin around her, disappearing into her back. [10:12] <onine> The glow is gone for a moment, then returns, brighter as four slenter legs and a spool of thin glowing wire emerge from her sides, planting themselves on the ground and lifting her up. [10:13] <onine> The winds still swirl about her when her eyes stop glowing.. "There, that ought to do it." [10:15] <onine> With unsettling ease the legs pull her up the wall and over the ledge where she disappears for a few moments - then the thin wire drops over the edge. "One at a time please." [10:17] <Anona> "I'll go first." [10:19] <Kess> "I'll hold the ground until Six and you are up. Take your time." [10:20] <onine> Anona and Six climb up swiftly and easily. [10:22] <onine> Mouse examines the blue-lit area with an expression of nauseated shock. Bodies. Bodies that were men once. Bodies torn, shredded and ripped. Soldiers. Civilians. No discrimination. They lie here and there in pools of dry blood, a stark deep maroon in the strange light. [10:22] * Kess grasps the wire in his hands, then pulls himself up, walking along the stone wall to the top. [10:24] <onine> Six crouches over the body of a female soldier, or at least judging by the headless torso. [Incredible.] He says quietly. [This body hasn't just been hacked apart - it has been bodilly torn.] [10:25] <Anona> [And whatever did it, is still here.] [10:25] <onine> The wall continues and slopes upwards to a parapet. To your right is the lake, and below you on the left is the flooded Plaza. From here you can better see the expanse of the fortress. [10:25] <onine> [I would probably agree - this didn't happen too long ago.] Six confirms. [10:26] <onine> [She's still...] Six examines the blood on his fingertips. [Moist.] [10:26] <Kess> [How pleasant.] [10:26] <onine> [How come no birds and flies have come to feast?] Mouse murmers. [10:27] <Anona> [That IS interesting...] [10:30] <onine> "This place is probably on the way to becoming a... a shadowland." Mouse says quietly to Anona. [10:31] <Anona> "Possibly so. From what I know, not every place of death does... but this looks like a good candidate." [10:32] <onine> [Movement.] Six cautions. [10:33] <Anona> [Where?] [10:34] <onine> He points to the massive central dome, which looms up over the surrounding areas. [Up there, there's a lantern moving.] Sure enough there is a faint moving light against the windows. [10:35] <Anona> [Let's try to quietly move that way, then.] [10:38] <onine> The four of you move up towards the parapet, an outpost aling the wall. Inside there is more of the slaughter you have faced, there is a ladder down, and a bridge to the main entrance hall of the castle to the left (the main entrance beyond the stone doors.) And of course, the shielding wall continues onwards around the castle perimeter. [10:39] <Kess> [What a waste of life.] [10:40] <onine> Six throws the stale uneaten bread and plates of the small guardhouse table, his teeth clenched and his breath ragged. [10:41] <Anona> [We're TRYING to be QUIET!], Anona hisses between her teeth, [10:42] <onine> [Forgive me...] He mutters. [10:42] <onine> "Which way now?" Mouse changes the subject. [10:42] <Anona> "Whatever's here, is probably at that light. even if it's a trap... what choice do we have?" [10:43] <onine> Down would lead you to the armouries and soldiers quarters, the bridge to the hall, and the wall would continue on to another guardhouse parapet like this one. [10:46] <Anona> What looks like the best way to that dome? [10:48] <onine> It is unlikely that the wall path will lead there, the likliest is taking the bridge over to the main hall, though it is likley well barricaded. The Barracks would be a more indirect route, but not barricaded. [10:51] <Anona> "We'll take the scenic route." Anona makes her way down to the armories... [10:53] <onine> The ladder-way leads down to a small courtyard, likely a practice and martialling ground at the base of the wall. Another ladder continues down to the barracks. [10:55] * Anona continues down, keeping an idea of where she is in relation to that dome at all times. [10:55] <onine> The martialling yard is hauntingly empty, no bodies here. At the far end is a wall with arches, another bridge spanning above most likely, you cannot see what's beyond. [10:57] <onine> It does not take powerful exalted senses to smell the death. Unfortunately, it may to actually see, there are no lanterns lit. Six and Mouse follow down behind. The glow of her Lightning Spider legs provides some unsettling lighting effects. [10:57] * Anona waits for everyone to catch up, then continues doing the brave and stupid thing by charging ahead. [10:58] <onine> Directly in your path, the bunks have been fused together and broken, metal bars sprout everywhich way. Tortured wide eyes stare at you, glinting lifelessly in the light. [10:58] <Kess> "What the hell was this? I think 'little god' may have been an understatement!" [10:58] <onine> Soldiers, torn and broken have been twisted into the frames, impaled numerous times in the metal cages. Little whispers seem to trail past. But it could just be the wind. [10:59] <onine> There's no telling how many broken bodies are in each bunk frame... the answer doesnt include the words 'one' and 'intact' [11:01] <onine> "Ugh..." Six groans, covering his mouth. It translates well enough. [11:03] <onine> The charnel house of the barracks continues unabated, where more furniature is used for purposes morbid and not in the original manufacture specifications. [11:04] <onine> The animals may be gone, but squirming maggots seem to abound - without flies. [11:05] <onine> "Maybe the high road was the better choice." Mouse squeeks weakly. [11:06] <Kess> "It's just gore. It's hideous, yes, but it's not hurting us." [11:07] <Anona> "It doesn't fill me with confidence, though." [11:09] <onine> Soft bone and flesh crunch wetly under Six's feet as he stares closely into the eyes of one of the dead soldiers. "Gah!" He jumps back and nearly falls over into the crimson mess on the ground. [11:12] * Anona "ew"s. "Come on..." [11:14] <onine> Six shakes his head, to clear the visual out. The wind seems to snicker as it flows slowly through the barracks. At the end of the barracks, a corridor is dimly lit by ambient light. [11:14] <onine> Mouse follows, thankfully using her lightning spider legs to keep her feet dry of the gore. [11:16] <onine> The corridor zig-zags and enters a large room , with many empty tables. Blood likewise covers the floors and furniature, but there are few bodies, just a few bones. Three upright black cooking pots sit over lifeless coals. The pots are huge, for making enough nourishing gruel for an army. [11:16] * Kess doesn't enjoy the experience, but it'll wash off. More important is just getting this task done as quickly as possible. [11:17] <onine> "Where are... the bodies?" Mouse says, moving around the wall of the room near the pots. [11:18] <onine> Something drops onto Anona's hand. [11:19] * Anona looks. [11:19] <onine> Dangling from the simple candle fittings high above are countless skins, emptied of their contents, hanging like slack clothing on a line. [11:21] <Anona> "EWWWW!" Anona snatches her hand back. [11:22] <Kess> "I think I'm going to be sick." And he probably will be - but later, back at camp, when the crisis is over, he will be free to be nauseous to his very core. But not now. [11:24] <onine> "Oh dragons-" Mouse 'steps' back, the spidery leg finding purchase against the stone wall. Her solid body bumps into one of the upright pots, knocking it free of its frame and tipping it, spilling the contents with a deafening metalic noise and the rushing sound of spilt stew. [11:25] <onine> Masses of bone, blood and unrecognisable chunks cascade across the floor of the eating hall, skulls roll, organs skid, all in a broth of blood and fluid. [11:25] <onine> "Uuaah!" Mouse groans, walking up the wall to put as much distance beteen herself and the mess. [11:26] <Anona> "There goes being quiet...", says Anona, too annoyed to be properly horrified. [11:27] <onine> [Can we move on as swiftly as we can...?] Six murmers. [11:28] <Anona> [Yes.] [11:31] <onine> You continue swiftly up the stairs at the end of the mess, and into the corridors of the castle proper. They likewise are littered with bodies, but nothing as mortifyingly horrendous as the fate of the soldiers in the barracks. You walk along a raised veranda, lined with pillars and gardens. The gardens strangely are overgrown already, creeper vines have traversed the floor and grow up [11:31] <onine> the opposite walls. [11:31] <onine> Some larger vines even work their way in the seams of the stone, cracking and distorting the ground. Such growth is... unheard of. [11:32] <onine> It seems like the scene out of a book, the perfect depiction of a deserted fortress... [11:32] <Anona> "This just isn't natural." [11:33] <onine> Six lifts up one of the vines. It coils slowly around his finger. [11:35] <Kess> "Mouse, Anona, is there anything more you know about what we're dealing with here?" [11:35] <Anona> "Just how perfect this is... kind of reminds me, a little, of one of the Fae we found... on the Blessed Isle itself..." [11:36] <Anona> that said, Anona fills in the details she was told. [11:41] <Kess> "Sounds risky. Can we pull it off?" [11:42] <Anona> "I haven't the faintest idea, but what else can we do?" [11:43] <onine> "We have to save Tide. Somehow." Mouse adds. [11:48] <onine> Just beyond are a set of wooden doors, these lead into the ceremony chamber of Palas, and above is the throne room, where the Palas council meets - the dome. [11:50] <onine> The wind flows through the walkway, cold and dry, lifting clothing and shearing through garments to chill the flesh beneath. Six pushes experimentally on the large door, and then a little harder. [Locked. Or baricaded. One or the other.] [11:51] <Anona> "Yes, but they're wood." [11:51] <onine> [So?] Six asks, trying the large ring. [11:51] * Kess taps his sword. [I brought a key.] [11:52] <onine> [This is a *fortress door*, not a cottage bedroom - mere steel wont have any effect.] [11:53] <Anona> [I much prefer MY key.] The air aroudn Anona heats up noticibly. [11:54] <onine> Six jumps swiftly to the side to clear room for the inevitable. [11:54] <Kess> [Far be it for me to stand in your way.] He draws his sword anyway, though - he's probably going to need it. [11:55] * Anona begins launching bolts of flame against the door, in approved pyromaniac sorceress fashion. [12:00] <onine> A portion of the door splinters inwards, large enough for one to squeeze through. [12:00] <onine> Flames lick around the edges, but not enough to cause damage. [12:02] <Anona> "Like I said... no problem." [12:02] <onine> You are admitted through the side door of a hall nearly a hundred and fifty feet long and fully half that up to the domed cieling. [12:02] <Kess> [I'll take point.] He moves forward, and barring any objections, through the remains of the door, sword drawn but held low. [12:03] <onine> The hall is dark, though moonlight streams in from the windows above. Pillars line the hall, and thick carpets and drapes hang on the walls. Two long ankle-deep pools run down the center. [12:03] <onine> At the very end of the hall is a wide spiral staircase that stretches up into the darkness - the throne room. [12:04] <onine> Littered around are the bodies of Palas' elite troopers, and barricades. Whatever attacked made short work of them, and DIDN'T come in through the main entrance which remains closed. [12:06] <onine> A sharp wail echoes from the throne room far above - the only sound of habitation you have heard since passing the arch. [12:07] * Anona looks around, instinctively. [12:08] <onine> The cry is cut short. [12:09] <onine> "Tide!?" Mouse begins running towards the stairs on her electrical spider legs, heedless of what threat would lie above for an unwary dragonblood. [12:10] <Anona> "Mouse, be careful!" Anona runs behind. [12:12] <onine> [Oh no...] Six runs after them, as Mouse continues, reaching the foot of the stairs. [12:13] * Kess sprints in the same direction as Mouse, trying to overtake her and get in front, but not slow her down. If anything, he charges on ahead with even more aggression than she. [12:13] <onine> Six skids to a halt and drops to one knee, drawing an arrow and aiming it upward, loosing it quickly and with little aim. The arrow screams upward and shatters agains the wall, a few yards in front of Mouse, this stops her cold. [12:13] <onine> "What the hell are you doing???" She yells. [12:13] *** zzzzzz has joined #oninegame [12:14] <zzzzzz> hi [12:14] *** zzzzzz has quit IRC (Quit: �) [12:14] <onine> (Hi zzzzzz, this is a private game channel, you're welcome to observe, but ...) [12:14] <onine> (fine!) [12:15] <Anona> "Looks like he was stopping you from killing yourself, to me." [12:15] <onine> "Don't get in my way, my husband is up there!" [12:18] <Anona> "And we're going to go up there. But if you go alone, you'll meet the same fate as everythign else here, at best. Think! It's not just you you'd be risking!" Anona gives a meaningful glance to Mouse's abdomen. [12:19] <onine> Mouse looks at the stairs ashamed. "I know... I know, you're right. I'm sorry..." [12:20] <Kess> "Come on, then," Kess calls. "Let's not waste time." [12:21] * Anona makes sure to advance ahead of Mouse, this time. [12:24] *** Kess has quit IRC (Ping timeout�) [12:24] *** Kess has joined #oninegame [12:25] <onine> The stairs seem to go on forever, the tower looked high from the wall, but now it seems higher. [12:25] <onine> You arrive in a small reception and guardroom, empty. The green and gold doors are ajar... [12:26] * Anona peek around the corner. [12:26] <onine> There are noises coming from within. [12:26] <onine> The throne room is aptly named, a large room, domed and with a high beatifully crafted roof. Pillars and arches line the walls, spaced with intricate iron and coloured glass windows that would likely date back to the old realm. Fine red carpets line the floor, trimmed with gold, and patterned intricately with maroon. [12:27] <onine> Wavey torchlight provides enough light to see what lays before you. [12:28] <onine> A man, a gigantic man bulky with muscle, hooded like an executioner. His hands are red, not just bloodied, but his skin has been stained red up the the forearm from handling so much blood. His piecemeal leather clothing covers only his torso and legs, leaving his massive arms bare, and a large tabard hangs from a skull buckled belt. Bones and other ornaments hang from it. [12:28] <onine> His hair sprouts from a tie a the top of the hood, and the black and red locks cascade down his back. [12:29] <onine> He seems to be working on something, and you see soon enough that he is wrenching the spine from a freshly killed soldier. [12:29] <onine> You also see that he is not alone... men and women lie chained yet unharmed all over the place. [12:30] <onine> He throws the spine onto a pile of disembodied parts and heaps the body upon another. The spectators wimper. [12:30] <onine> Finished with his grizzly activity he sits down upon one of two great thrones, a gargantuan sword stuck into the stone and carpet at his side. [12:31] <onine> In the 'queens' throne sits a partly decomposed body dressed partly in red jade legion armour and funerary wrappings. [12:32] * Kess 's hands tremble on his sword, wanting to spring forward, but he holds himself back. Anona wanted to talk, didn't she... [12:33] <onine> Also, on the stairs before the raised dias with the thrones is another red shape, the familiar form of Nellens Slaine, alive and well. He has his own jade direlance spearing him to the ground through the stomach. He could remove it, but he would likely perish without medical treatment right away - assuming the brute didnt kill him. [12:33] <onine> "My dear, I believe we have visitors." He grunts, crossing his legs as he sits, adopting a regal thoughtful pose. [12:34] <onine> Strangely, there are also a few out-of-place bookshelves scattered about the area. [12:34] <onine> There are many discarded pages around the floor. [12:35] * Anona murmurs to the rest, "Wait here, will you..." and strides in, head held high. "You do." [Or do you understand this better?] [12:36] <onine> [Old Realm or High Realm, whichever suits you, I care not which, language is all the same, yes?] He grunts. [Please, allow me to introduce myself! I am Brattica, lord of this castle and appointed king of Palas!] [12:37] <onine> He gestures to the body to his right. [Allow me to introduce my lovely wife, queen Akemi - and I believe you already know my scribe/vizier/page - I no longer care - Tide!" [12:37] <onine> There is a muffled wail from behind the door, but Kess and Six are doing a good job keeping Mouse quiet. [12:38] <Anona> [I am Tepet Anona.] [12:38] <onine> [I know!] He laughs, pleased with himself. His eyes glow an unearthly purple when he turns his face away from the torchlight. [12:38] <onine> The men and women on the floor look up at you with pleading eyes. [12:39] <onine> [And I know why you're here! You want me to give up my wife and page, yes?] [12:40] <Anona> [I would like to know why you persist in this mockery, yes.] [12:41] <onine> [Mockery?! Please, dignitary, I am hurt that you would accuse me of such things!] Brattica tries to look hurt, but fails when he barks out with laughter. [12:42] <onine> [I will continue to hold my post and badge of office as long as you terrestrials keep seeking it - for you amuse his highness!] [12:45] * Anona closes her eyes, breathing deeply, drawing on her gem of sorcery, essence flowing out to cover the bottommost portion of her face. When next she speaks, it is with an unnaturally resonant voice. "I AM NOT HERE FOR YOUR AMUSEMENT." [12:48] <onine> Brattica leans forward in his throne. [A sorcerer? Marvelous!] [12:49] <onine> He claps his hands in appreciation. [Spells or no, I am not inclined to give up the badge, Akemi or young Tide here - so long as they attract entertaining beings, perhaps what I truly seek will arrive.] [12:49] <Anona> "And what is that?" [12:50] *** Disconnected [12:51] *** Attempting to rejoin... [12:52] *** Rejoined channel #oninegame [12:52] <onine> [This...] He casually pulls an item from Akemi's lap. [What she sought - the circlet of office of Palace - or known more coloquially in the proper circles as the Terrestrial Ring.] [12:53] <onine> "Get out of here Anona, this situation is far from what it looks like-" Tide begins to warn, grimacing with every effort. He is cut off by Brattica who leaps to his feet. [12:54] <onine> "My ministers should know the proper respect - instead of adressing important guests without permission!" Brattica grips the shaft of the dire-lance and twists it, wrenching a cry of pain from the dragonblood. [12:56] <Anona> "What manner of beast ARE you, anyway?" [12:57] <onine> [One growing swiftly bored by your presence!] Brattica grumbles. [12:59] <Anona> "But why be bored, Brattica? LOOK!" - hoping the thing is started enough to look up at Anona so she can make eye-contact - if only for an instant... [13:01] <onine> The god's mouth slackens noticably as he looks at you. [13:03] <Anona> "Now, I ask again... what are you, and why do you persist in this mockery?" [13:05] <onine> [Because it amuses me... because it is a vector for what I seek...] The god mumbles. [13:06] <Anona> "and what DO you seek?" [13:08] <onine> The god exhales but does not answer. [13:08] <onine> Either he is resisting the enchantment somehow or he simply doesn't have an answer [13:08] <Anona> "Is it that ring?" [13:09] <onine> [This is a mere piece of the puzzle, a line on the page.] He answers. [13:10] <Anona> "A puzzle I think I know how to solve. If it is not the object you see, why not let me have it?" [13:11] <onine> "I have not seen a sign to give it to you, it is too early. But..." He holds it out in his open palm. [13:12] * Anona reaches for the ring. [13:13] *** Kess has quit IRC (Ping timeout�) [13:15] <onine> As your fingers brush the ring to grip it, Brattica's massive hand closes around yours tightly. [13:18] <Anona> "I think both you and me would be much happier if you didn't do that." [13:19] <onine> "A word from one far more worldly Dragonblood..." The giant man's mouth moves as he speaks low, the sound coming from all around the room, but quiet enough that only the intended recipient hears. "To trick someone you must first not be tricked yourself!" [13:20] <onine> With his spare hand, Brattica backhands you across the face, sending you sliding across the carpet to come to rest against one of the columns. [13:21] <Anona> "OOOOF!" Anona collides with the column, but remains standing. "Why doesn't anybody ever want to do it the EASY way?" [13:22] <onine> He roars with laughter and walks back to the throne, tossing the Terrestrial Ring into Akemi's lap and retrieving the massive sword. "Because the easy way is ill fitting of a grand story, Dragonblood!" [13:23] <onine> He wrenches the sword out of the stone, it is massive, to him it is a mere chopping sword, but to a human of normal size it is a greatsword. The blade is straight, curving savagely at the tip, many brass rings jangle from the spine of the sword. [13:25] <Anona> "You know, it's times like this... I really wish I had a spoon." [13:33] <onine> Brattica's huge legs eat up the distance between you and the throne room, the gargantuan sword whirls with a deep whush of air to cleave you in two. [13:37] <Anona> With unnatural speed, Anona dances to the side. "Too slow!" [13:38] <onine> The great blade shears straight through the support with such speed and force that it remains upright, only a cloud of white dust and the spark of steel on marble is evidence of the damage. [13:39] <onine> The two massive doors burst inward, and Mouse leaps in with Kess close behind. "Bastard!" She charges at the god, swinging her staff in a wide arc, trailing the long flowing fabric behind her... [13:40] <onine> Twisting around, Brattica thumps a hand twisted in the shape of a claw against Mouse's chest, halting her motion and wreathing her in weaving sparks. [13:42] <onine> "AAH!" Mouse shreaks as she is thrown bodily back as the sparks flash brighter. She staggers, electricity still sparking on her body. [13:43] <onine> Kess follows in low, his blade flashing in the torchlight and whispering effortlessly through the air like a feather. [13:46] <onine> The sword delicately slices upward, pushing the beastly Brattica backwards, then Kess whirls around and thrusts the slender point of the sword into Brattica's chest - directly into his heart. [13:47] <onine> "UUAAAARRGH!!!" Brattica roars in agony as crimson blood drips down the blade. Then he falls silent, his eyes fluttering closed, yet still he stands with the blade buried in his chest. [13:47] <onine> Six enters and begins checking the survivors and comforting them. Then you hear chuckling... [13:49] <onine> "Heh...heheh....Ha! HAHAH!" The great figure laughs. "Such delight! Such great beings! So long I have roamed bored of the living and yet here you are! For nearly three centuries no one has pierced my body so perfectly and so fatally!" [13:49] <onine> His massive free hand grips the sword and holds it. [13:49] <onine> "Such a grand ending I will write for you..."