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Love: The Crimson Ambuscade of Roses

Adepts of this style wear fine silk robes covered with thin metal thorns, in emulation of the rose's only weapons. These robes are called "coats of thorns," or, by the more esoteric, "maiden jackets." These are equivalent to artifact razor harnesses, and are the form weapons of this style. This style treats clinch attempts and clinch rolls as unarmed Martial Arts attacks.

This style is Sidereal Martial Arts.

The Student's Sutra of Love: This is a sutra about a maiden:

charm name

Min. MA:
Min. Essence:
Prereq Charms:

Whose life had once been sweet;

charm name

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The days were triumphant, and the nights exceeded them.

charm name

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But all of a sudden she was bereft;

Love's Unimpeachable Redolence

Cost: 5m 1wp
Duration: Instnat
Type: Reflexive
Min. MA: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prereq Charms:

Nothing she said was of any use,

The perfume of a rose can not be diminished by paltry words. So it is with the adept's earnestness; even her memory cannot be tainted by sly conversation. This Charm perfectly defends against one non-violent action that attempts to affect a relationship between the adept and another party. The adept need not be aware or even present to use this Charm; her scent lingers around those she touches, reminding them of her beauty.

charm name

Min. MA:
Min. Essence:
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and so she cried as her love abandoned her.

Crimson Ambuscade of Roses Form

Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Min. MA:
Min. Essence:
Prereq Charms:

She knew it was useless, but she did not know how else to bid him farewell.

charm name

Min. MA:
Min. Essence:
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The Elder's Sutra of Love: The maiden consoled herself,

Pressed Flower Reminiscence

Cost: 4m
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Min. MA: 6
Min. Essence: 6
Prereq Charms:

remembering a friend from her childhood,

In response to an attack or clinch roll affecting her, the adept exudes a scent of memory, and for a moment all around her see her through a halcyon lens, as if she were someone dear to them. A target within her Essence in yards reacts violently to the assault, making an immediate counterattack on the original attacker; he must, if possible, enhance this attack with a Charm. This Charm does not provide an action; the counterattacker must provide one if he can. If he is incapable, he makes the counterattack, but is drawn out of position, and must spend a simple action recovering before he may take non-reflexive actions again. This is a counterattack charm. It may not be used in response to a counterattack.

Harvesting the Bouquet

Cost: 15m 1wp
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. MA: 6
Min. Essence: 6
Prereq Charms:

who had been very dear to her;

A single flower does not make an arrangement; a single foe felled does not win a battle. Instead, the adept tugs on her opponent's heartstrings, causing them to resonate with the force of her blow. The attack enhanced by this Charm, if successful, applies its effects both against its target and against everybody they love.

charm name

Min. MA:
Min. Essence:
Prereq Charms:

her heart had broken when she lost them, just as it did today.

charm name

Min. MA:
Min. Essence:
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But she knew that her love had never been such a friend;

Dozen Roses Dedication

Cost: 6m 1wp 1hl
Duration: One scene
Type: Reflexive
Min. MA: 6
Min. Essence: 6
Prereq Charms:

He did not stand by her when she faltered,

In concert with its fellows, a rose becomes a bouquet. In a similar fashion, the adept struggles on for the sake of her compatriots. While the adept has an ally within (Ess x 10) yards, she does not suffer from wound penalties, she may act even if Incapacitated, and no effect may reduce her Health Levels below Incapacitated. This is a perfect defense.

charm name

Min. MA:
Min. Essence:
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Nor when she was in need of celebration.

charm name

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Min. Essence:
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Still, she thought they should wait to see what came of it;

charm name

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Min. Essence:
Prereq Charms:

But he did not agree, and what he wanted was, in the end, what came to pass.

charm name

Min. MA:
Min. Essence:
Prereq Charms:

So she drew herself up, and said all that she had left to say:

Ideal Rose Cultivation

Cost: 10m 1w 1hl
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. MA: 7
Min. Essence: 7
Prereq Charms:

"You will not have the opportunity to hurt me again."

As a gardener prunes away the refuse to leave only the most beautiful plants, the adept gently corrects her opponents, turning them into dutiful allies. The adept makes an unarmed attack; if it is successful, the target takes no damage. Instead, he falls desperately in love with the adept -- he must spend a Willpower point to resist even a subtle suggestion, he may take no actions affecting her that she disapproves of, and his die pool to resist any actions she takes affecting him starts at 0 before Charms, with a die-adder cap of his Essence. The adept may consider him an ally. This effect persists until Calibration.