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Crowned Notes

on Phoenix of the West, Part 6

First. Yes, I cheated out of describing Sanan's encounter in the oasis;P I'm hardly the first one to use the "I'll tell you the story later" trick, and I admit it's perhaps getting a bit old, but I wasn't comfortable putting it in there. It might make a more useful aside, as opposed to an actual part of the story.

Taban and Followers

I foresee a great scene in the battle against Lyeshe and Taban;P Now Taban has a hunt, and Lyeshe doesn't!! Though don't forget the Ragara ship in the harbor; good potential there for an awesome battle.

I also foresee the young men that went with Taban as being perhaps part of the "injury by the Dynasty" that was referenced in Part 5.

Yeah, I introduced another character: Tegis. He's named using the Mongolia section of Kate Monk's Onomastikon, same as the other Del`Zahn that Willows included in part 1. Deal with it;P

Osol and Lyeshe

Osol had her brief little "sinking of spirits" and feeling really low, very nearly broke. Then Lyeshe got back and she got MAD;P

Lyeshe is beginning to get a little afraid, despite his bluster. Stone Face was right; if she'd kept that up, she might very well have found herself facing an Elemental Lens in the face.

Ota and Sanan

Sanan KNOWS what his name is, but she calls him "Ota" instead:P Honestly. It's not just because I'm too lazy to type out the whole thing every time she says his name. Promise.

Oteitani was perhaps having the first signs of doubt in the first bit there.  :) I leave it to others rather or not he latches onto Sanan's little offer of healing, or perhaps reaches out to find his true nature.