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Nexus once known as Hollow was the capital of the entire River Province and the premier center of trade and commerce for the East. Today thanks to the Emissary, the Guild and the Council of Entities Nexus has regained a small measure of its former legacy during the First Age. It also continues to shape the destiny of the Scavenger Lands attracting people and creatures from across Creation to walk amongst its canals and streets. It is simultaneously a place of hopeful promise as well as soul destroying misery. For each dream that comes true is often granted at the expense of a dozen nightmares. For every citizen that finds riches there are a score desperately starving in the streets willing to do anything for their next meal. It is a place of beauty and wonder contrasted by ugliness and base desire.

The Districts

Cinnabar - Home to the majority of Nexus mercenaries, the War-Dog District is where you go when you want to find some competent hired muscle rather then just buy a thug off the next street corner.



Upper Bastion

Lower Bastion

Sentinel's Hill

The Ten-Thousand Markets - Also known as Nexus District or simply the Markets, it is not only the heart of commerce for Nexus itself, but also the heart of commerce for the greater part of the River Provinces and the East itself.

The Undercity

Notable Factions

The Council of Entities - The mysterious rulers of Nexus who are said to guide the destiny of every citizen and visitor within the city.

Gangs of Nexus - From neighborhood protectors to complex criminal organizations they rule the streets of Nexus both inside and outside of the Council's authority.

Mercenaries - Ranging from small bands of a dozen rough warriors to elite, highly regimented ranks that rival the discipline of some standing armies, the mercenaries of Nexus are both a vital part of the cities economy and its primary means of defense.

Scavenger Lords - Nothing quite defines the Scavenger Lands as the Scavenger Lords those daring adventurers and profiteers who seek out valuable mysteries and attempt to return them to the world... at a profit.


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