Odaka Koremasu

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||Name:||||Odaka Koremasu||Concept:||||Gardener of Creation|| ||Title:||||The Amethyst Hunter||Nature:||||Hunter|| ||Caste:||||Endings||Anima:||||Sidereal (Endings)|| ||||||||||||Attributes:|| ||||Physical:||||Social:||||Mental:|| ||Strength:||●●●○○||Charisma:||●●○○○||Perception:||●●●●○|| ||Dexterity:||●●●●○||Manipulation:||●●○○○||Intelligence:||●●●●○|| ||Stamina:||●●○○○||Appearance:||●●●○○||Wits:||●●●○○|| ||||||||||||Abilities:|| ||||Journeys||||Serenity||||Battles|| ||Integrity||●○○○○||Craft (Air)||●●○○○||Archery||●○○○○|| ||Ride||●○○○○||Dodge||●●●○○||War||●○○○○|| ||Sail||●○○○○||Linguistics||●●●●○||Melee||○○○○○|| ||Survival||●○○○○||Performance||○○○○○||Presence||○○○○○|| ||Thrown||○○○○○||Socialize||●○○○○||Resistance||○○○○○|| ||||Secrets||||Endings||||Specialties and Other|| ||Investigation||●○○○○||Athletics||●●○○○||Craft (Fate)||●○○○○|| ||Larceny||○○○○○||Awareness||●●○○○|| ||○○○|| ||Lore||●●●○○||Bureaucracy||●●○○○|| ||○○○|| ||Occult||●●●●○||Martial Arts||●●●○○|| ||○○○|| ||Stealth||●●●○○||Medicine||●●●○○|| ||○○○|| ||||||||||||Advantages:|| ||||Backgrounds:||||||||Charms:|| ||Celestial Manse:||●●●○○||||||||Absence (Dodge)|| ||Artifact:&nbspArmor||●●○○○||||||||Duck Fate (Dodge)|| ||Artifact: Daiklave||●●○○○||||||||Stern Essence Replenishment (Socialize)|| ||Artifact: Ring||●●○○○||||||||Efficient Secretary Technique (Investigation)|| ||Sifu:||●●●○○||||||||Marvelous Inclusion of Details (Investigation)|| ||Salary:||●●○○○||||||||Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (Occult)|| ||Savant:||●●○○○||||||||Soft Presence Practice (Stealth)|| ||||Virtues:||||||||Prior Warning (Awareness)|| ||Compassion:||●○○○○||||||||Smooth Transition (Medicine)|| ||Temperance:||●●○○○||||||||Knowledge of the Weaves (Martial Arts)|| ||Conviction:||●●●●○||||||||Understanding of the Weaves (Martial Arts)|| ||Valor:||●●●●○|||||||| || ||||||Essence:||||||●●●○○|| ||||||||||||Essence Pools:|| ||||Personal Essence Total:||||Peripheral Essence Total:||||Total Essence Committed:|| ||||14||||37||||7|| ||||||Willpower:||||||●●●●●●●●○○|| ||||||Temporary Willpower:||||||□□□□□□□□■■|| ||||||||||||Soaks:|| ||||Bashing:||||Lethal:||||Aggravated:|| ||||2N / 17A||||1N / 16A||||0N / 0A|| ||||||Health Levels:||||||-0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Inc||
||||||||||||Merits and Flaws:|| ||||Flaw:||||Point Value:||||Description*:|| ||||Flawed Artifact (Weapon)||||-1 to cost||||See Artifact Description of Blade of Resplendent Essence|| ||||Flawed Artifact (Armor)|||| -2 to cost|||| See Artifact Description of Mercurial Bastion|| ||||Amnesia||||+1 points||||Does not have any memories of past lives.|| ||||Vice||||+3 points||||Total Lack of interest in romance|| ||||Superstition(s)||||+3 points||||Superstitious of eating red meat, due to Lintha Curse|| ||||Unusual Appearance||||+1 point||||Frost-White hair|| ||||Secret||||+3 points||||Is a Lintha, the Lintha will kill him for running away.|| ||||Merits:||||Point Value:||||Description*:|| ||||Flight||||-6 points||||Flies by Force of Will, mutation from Lunar Handbook|| ||||Common Sense||||-1 point||||Ask ST obvious questions||

  • Unless otherwise specified, source is the Exalted Player’s Guide

||||Colleges|| ||The Sword||●●●○○|| ||The Rising Smoke||●●○○○|| ||The Sorceror||●●○○○||

Bonus Point Liability:
-5 Points spent during Step 3 of creation to increase Occult by two dots and Linguistics by three dots.
-6 Points spent during Step 4 to increase Conviction and Valor by 1 dot each.
-1 Points spent during Step 4 to increase Savant by one dot.
-10 Points spent during Step 5 to increase Essence by 1 dot.
+4 Points from Merits and Flaws
Total of 18 points, amount given during Sidereal Creation (Exalted: The Sidereals, pg. 100).

Languages: Seatongue, Old Realm, High Realm, Riverspeak, Skytounge
Spells Known: Sting of the Ice Hornet (BoTC) (Terr.), Ritual of Elemental Empowerment (BOTC)(Terr.)

Magical Items Description:
The Mercurial Bastion

||Soak||Mobility Penalty||Fatigue Value||Attunement Cost|| ||15B/15L||-0||0||1|| Description:
The Mercurial Bastion is a powerful artifact, though burdened with a terrible curse. When not worn, the Mercurial Bastion appears to be a suit of super-heavy plate, comprised of all five Magical Materials in constantly shifting patterns. The plate is beautiful to behold, but it holds a dark secret. Whosoever attunes to the armor finds it sunk into his or her skin, impossible to remove, even by magical means. Simple de-attuning is not enough to remove the armor from the wearer’s body. After an Exalt de-attunes to the armor, he finds himself burdened by a mobility penalty of -5, and a fatigue value of 5 while the armor slowly removes itself from the bearer. The bearer also suffers incredible pain for the first 5 days, cutting the dice pool for any action to 1, if there is a dice pool at all. The removal process takes a full year and one additional day, but the fatigue and mobility penalty remain for 5 months, decreasing by one each month. The Mercurial Bastion has four slots for hearthstones. When putting a hearthstone in the Mercurial Bastion, the hearthstone sinks into the Exalt’s flesh, and glows, emanating a soft glow from the place it was deposited. The four slots are located at the palms of both hands and just below the wrist, mirrored on both sides. Clothing easily masks the glow. Due to the interesting qualities of the armor, it explicitly counts as unarmored for all Martial Arts. If such an occasion were to occur, the Exalt wearing the Mercurial Bastion will always set off a metal detector. The exalt wearing the Mercurial Bastion may shift its colors to blend in better with his surroundings, however, the plate cannot replicate human skin tone over his or her entire body. Construction Guidlines: ||Power:||5||Essense Drawback:||0|| ||Usefullness:||3||Component Drawback:||5|| ||Game Impact:||3||Notoriety:||0|| ||Script Immunity:||4||Maintenance:||0|| ||Total:||15||Total:||5|| Artifact Rating: 4
Start with Superheavy Plate
Level 5 Power Split to 3 level 4s
  Level 4 Power - Unarmored for purposes of Martial Arts
  Level 4 Power - Tiger Warrior's Endurance (Mobility and Fatigue Down 3)
  Level 4 Power Split to 3 level 3s
    Level 3 Power - Eye-Decieving Camoflauge
    Level 3 Power Split into 3 level 2s
      Level 2 Power - Essense Gathering Temper
      Level 2 Power - Essense Accumulator (-2 Levels of Power for attunement)
      Level 2 Power - Essense Accumulator (-2 Levels of Power for attunement)
    Level 3 Power Split into 3 level 2s
      Level 2 Power - Armored Scout's Invigoration (Mobility and Fatigue Down 1)
      Level 2 Power - Soak +4
      Level 2 Power - Respect Commanding Attitude

Blade of Resplendent Essence

||Speed||Accuracy||Damage||Defense||Attunement Cost|| ||+3||+6||+11L||+2||5|| Description:
The Blade of Resplendent Essence appears to be a simple rod about 6 inches long with a hearthstone setting at one end, until activated in combat. When activated, a blade of light leaps forth from the hearthstone-bearing end; though the hearthstone remains intact. The exalt still receives the benefit of the hearthstone, though its power is used as a focus for the weapon, and it will not work without a hearthstone. The blade is formed by the least god of the weapon, and it uses the one attunement mote. The color of the blade is befitting the type of material it is made of (Gold for Orichalcum, Silver for Moonsilver, the appropriate color for jade, Black for Soulsteel, and the Maiden’s Color for Starmetal). However, the weapon makes a terrible racket when is use. Stealth is impossible while wielding an active Blade of Resplendent Essence, due partially to the light emanated by it, but also due to a humming sound that emanates from the blade. Anyone in the same room can pinpoint an active Blade of Resplendent Essence by making a Perception-Awareness check of difficulty 1. If used to strike something, anyone not deaf in the room can pinpoint the exact location, and people away from the room receive Perception-Awareness checks of appropriate difficulty. The blade is also obvious to anyone using Essence Sight. When used with (Weapon) Channeling Prana, the blade manifests as a glow around the Exalt’s hands, and still gives off the appropriate sound effects. This weapon counts as a daiklave for purposes of Form Weapons. Construction Guidlines: ||Power:||4||Essense Drawback:||0|| ||Usefullness:||3||Component Drawback:||5|| ||Game Impact:||2||Notoriety:||2|| ||Script Immunity:||3||Maintenance:||0|| ||Total:||12||Total:||7|| Artifact Rating: 3
Start with Exceptional Sword
Level 4 Power Split Into 3 Level 3s
  Level 3 Power - Very Compact, Blade dissapears into hilt
  Level 3 Power - Starmetal Magic Material Bonus
  Level 3 Power Split Into 3 Level 2s
    Level 2 Power - Damage + 4
    Level 2 Power - Accuracy + 4
    Level 2 Power - Essense Accumulator (Level 2)

Ring of Swift Journeys:

The Ring of Swift Journeys is a Starmetal band approximately 0.5 cm wide and about 1 millimeter thick. The face of the band is inscribed with the Lesser Sign of the Maiden of Journeys repeated 13 times around its circumference. Inside the band is inscribed the Scripture of the Maiden and the Dust. When worn and attuned to by a Sidereal, this ring allows him or her to move at up to 100 miles/per hour when engaged in a long journey. This is also active when the Exalt is giving chase to a foe. This ability explicitly does not active in combat, unless the Exalt is fleeing. For example, the ability would be active when the Exalt is making a journey from Lookshy to Gem, or running away from the Mask of Winters. The ability will even activate is giving chase to the Mask of Winters, however, the ability will not activate if the Exalt simply wishes to go to the local market. Stealthy movement is impossible when wearing the ring, as the Exalt trails essense glowing with the color of his anima banner for about 1/2 of a second after he leaves the location. The ring costs 1 mote to attune to, regardless of Exalt type. Construction Guidlines: ||Power:||4||Essense Drawback:||0|| ||Usefullness:||2||Component Drawback:||5|| ||Game Impact:||2||Notoriety:||1|| ||Script Immunity:||2||Maintenance:||0|| ||Total:||10||Total:||6|| Artifact Rating: 2
Start with Ring
Level 4 Power Split Into 3 Level 3s
  Level 3 Power - Essense Accumulator, Level Three (1 Att. Cost)
  Level 3 Power - Enhanced Movement Speed
  Level 3 Power - Enhanced Movement Speed

Manse and Hearthstone Description:

The Celestial Manse known as the Silo of Solitude is a reasonably well-powered Manse, of Level Three, producing a hearthstone known as the Shining Cabochon. The manse is known as the Silo of Solitude due to the fact that no person who is not attuned to the manse may enter it. The only exception to this is that the bearer of the Hearthstone may touch persons requesting entry with the hearthstone, and the visitor will be permitted for one week, or until the bearer of the Hearthstone withdraws permission. Despite the fact that there is only one permanent resident, the manse automatically cleans itself, purging itself of dust, and placing items in logical locations. The manse will also generate food and drink automatically; so long as the resident receives a Salary. The Hearthstone generated by the manse is identical to the Liquid Fire Cabochon, except the stone deals Aggravated Damage to the undead.

Physical Description:

Odaka is of slightly above average height, but is unnaturally thin, he seems to have no capability to create fat on his body at all. All in all, Odaka has the physical form of his Lintha brothers, though he only manifests the frost-white hair to distinguish him from other mortals. Most people would not immediately assume he is a Lintha, unless they have had encounters with the Lintha before. When directly confronted with the coloration of his skin due to the Mercurial Bastion, most people are given a vague answer that refers to a cult of Martial Artists. Odaka’s clothing is currently empowered with the Essence of Water, allowing it to shift into any form he wants with the expenditure of one mote via Ritual of Elemental Empowerment.

Character History:

Odaka is a Pirate. Well, not so much anymore. Let’s rephrase that statement. Odaka was a Pirate. Odaka, once of the Ng Hut sept of the Lintha pirates, was not a particularly good pirate, but he was ruthless. His lack of compassion was legendary, even among the Lintha. Due to his “odd” skin color and physical attributes the Lintha consider him deformed, but would not harm him, as he is full-blooded Lintha. Upon Exaltation as a Sidereal, Odaka’s mentors erased him from the history books of the Lintha, and now few would recognize him. Upon learning of the Exaltation of Dukantha as the Chosen of Lintha Ng Oroo, he attempted to visit her, in order to gain but a fraction of the power that he knew. Obviously Odaka was unable to gain power that way, though it was no fault of his own. Odaka was fated to Exalt as a Sidereal from before the day he was born. Lintha Ng Oroo attempted to infuse Odaka with a corrupted Solar Essence, but found she was unable to merge the Infernal shard with his body. After this incredibly traumatic experience, Odaka became disillusioned with the Lintha way of life and sought to disappear. At the conclusion of this deliberation, Odaka exalted as a Sidereal. This most momentous decision gave the required stimulus for his Exaltation. At that very moment, he seemed to disappear from the Lintha, though the Lintha suspect he has run away, and if anyone recognizes him, they will try to kill him. Exaltation is normally a very powerful experience, but his particular exaltation was far too close to the realm of a Yozi, Lintha Ng Oroo, and the backlash of power both cursed him, and bestowed him with awesome gifts. The backlash of power eliminated any memories he may have had from previous incarnations. It also removed the Lintha Curse thoroughly, but now he his superstitious of eating many kinds of red meat. Though it cursed him, it also gave him the ability to fly on wings of will. He can fly at speeds equal to his normal movement rate. Shortly after leaving the realm of Lintha Ng Oroo, Odaka was visited by the man who was to guide him to his Sifu. Another Sidereal of approximately the same, Odaka immediately sensed his presence, and the man’s Caste Mark confirmed his identity. This man was named Akatosh, The Light of the Warming Sun and after some time, the two became good friends. During his training as a Sidereal, it was discovered that Odaka shows some natural gift for works of the First Age, despite having no recollection of his previous incarnations. After his training, Odaka was placed in the Bureau of Endings as a Gardener, due to his upbringing as a Lintha, and has been very successful at his task. After the Odaka’s training was complete, Akatosh introduced Odaka to his Sifu, a wise Sidereal, Embrace of Calming Light, who enjoys teaching his Martial Arts to others, and is willing to do whatever it takes to guide a young sidereal through the steps of a Martial Art. Approximately 3 years into his time in Yu-Shan, he created an Artifact known as the Ring of Swift Journeys. His motivation for creating this item was the vast distances that separate his assignments on creation, and the significant distance between Gateways. His most recent display of power was during the Day of Upheaval, when he personally defeated a group of first-circle demons that were attempting to invade Yu-Shan. He then proceeded to assist the forces of Lookshy in defending their city against the Wyld. The Day of Upheaval was a tragic day where an unspecified Solar and Omen Dog, the Southern God of Scouting caused mass chaos by consuming Ice Cream enchanted by terrible Fair Folk magics. For his work in this disaster, and other occasions, he was granted the ability to attune to the Silo of Solitude, a third-level celestial manse with interesting properties. During his first day in the Manse, he found two powerful artifacts, both helpful in his tasks, but with dangerous drawbacks. He found a suit of armor and a rod, which, when he picked it up, and activated it with a mere thought, leapt forth with a powerful blade. He named the armor Mercurial Bastion. The rod, he found, was a Starmetal Blade of Resplendent Essence. After donning the Prismatic Guard, he found that it had a terrible curse, but decided to keep it on as a reminder of his presumptuousness. After some time learning the blade, he found that it made a rather irritating noise, and made stealth somewhat difficult. For this reason, he prefers to use Sting of the Ice Hornet for his “jobs,” but keep the blade around in case things get out of hand. He is well known for his lack of romantic relationships, but this is not due to low compassion. His explanation is that he does not wish to have anyone interfere with his plans for the future. This matches with his view of others, especially mortals, as merely automatons. He is frequently heard to use the phrase “What is your malfunction?” when speaking to particularly stubborn mortals. His next assignment is rumored to be with the very people that caused the Lookshy disaster. For now, Odaka aligns himself with the Gold Faction, and does not plan to change his allegiance.

Note: Some of this material is very game-specific. A further explaination may be posted eventually.