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Wushu Charms for Dragonblooded Characters

The Charms that are available in this game are the ones that have a more obvious supernatural effect. Dice adder charms are generally skipped - it can be assumed characters have any of those and are using them as appropriate. Charms are numbered, and any prerequisite charms are listed in parenthesis after the charm's name

Air Aspect

Linguistics Charms

  • 1 Language Learning Ritual - Learn any language for a week, then the knowledge fades
  • 2 Thousand Tongues Meditation (1) - Speak and undestand all spoken languages for a scene
  • 3 Poisoned Tongue Technique (2) - Twist the results of a conversation you are overhearing
  • 4 Wind Carried Words Technique - Voicelessly send a sentence to somebody scores of feet away
  • 5 Voices on the Wind (4) - Eavesdrop from hundreds of feet away
  • 6 With One Mind (3, 5) - Share surface thoughts with up to five willing individuals

Lore Charms

  • 1 Elemental Concentration Trance - Compress a week's learning into a day
  • 2 Elemental Bolt Attack - magic arrow-like bolt
  • 3 Elemnental Burst Technique (2) - area of effect magic burst
  • 4 Dragon Vortex Attack (3) - small but lasting maelstrom of extremely destructive magical energy

Occult Charms

  • 1 Spirit Detecting Mirror Technique,

Harmonious Wind Luring Song, Spirit Grounding Shout, Spirit Chaining Strike, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
