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Name: Ragara Lilang
Caste: Chosen of Secrets
Motivation: To help her mother gain prestige in Heaven.
Anima: The shimmering green of sunlight through a dense forest canopy.
Concept: Terribly shy spy
XP: Total/Spent: 0/0

Strength •, Dexterity •••••, Stamina ••
Charisma ••, Manipulation ••, Appearance •••••
Perception ••••, Intelligence ••, Wits •••••

<b>Serenity:</b>*Craft (Fate) 2, Dodge 3, Linguistics 1, Performance 2, Socialize 2
<b>Battles:</b>Athletics 3, Melee 2
<b>Secrets:</b>Investigation 3, Larceny 4, Lore 3, Occult 2, Stealth 4
<b>Endings:</b>Awareness 4, Bureaucracy 3, Integrity 1, Martial Arts 4

<b>Compassion •••, Conviction ••, Temperance •••, Valor •


Willpower ••••••••/8
Essence •••
Personal 14
Peripheral 35/21
Committed 14m Paired Switchklaves [Kiba and Tsume], 6m; Shadowed Brilliance Cloak, 8m

Love for her mother, sense of duty to heaven

<b>Artifact(3) •••
(Kiba and Tsume)
Artifact(4) •••• (Shadowed Brilliance Cloak)
Backing: Convention on Essence Wielders ••
Celestial Manse ••• (Lunar: Orb of the Unnoticed Predator
Familiar (Shirio, fox) •••
Salary ••

Health Levels</b> -0*1, -1*2, -2*2, -4*1, Incap


Burn Life [3m/dot]: Ess+Athletics, every success = 3m I can spend to raise a dot of Str, Dex, or Sta
Impeding the Flow [3m]: Attack's successes reduced to 0
Second Stealth Excellency, Essence Triumphant [2m/success]
Prior Warning [6m]: Wits+Awareness, lasts 5 hours; If something dangerous is about to happen within that timeframe, she gets [2xSuccesses] minutes of warning that something is coming
Wise Choice [6m]: Instant, see the best outcome of a decision, out to a month in the future.
Underling Invisibility Practice [4m]: Indefinite illusion, making her invisible to anyone who considers themselves better than her. [Martial Arts]
Second Martial Arts Excellency [2m/succ]
=Fox Style=


<b>Combat Stats</b>
<b>Join Battle
, Soak 3B/2L/1A (Infinite Resplendence Amulet), Dodge DV

(Forbidding Manse of Ivy)
The Key [3], The Guardians [4], The Treasure Trove [3], The Mask [4], The Sorcerer [2]
(Violet Bier of Sorrows)
The Crow [4], The Sword [4]


=== Comments ===