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A group of Solar Exalted is thrown into the turbulent east region of the Threshold; in search for their past lives, they are going to do great deeds.

  • /PlayerCharacters
  • /NPCs
  • /Setting

Episode 1 - the journey begins

The beginning of the journey takes place at Nexus, where the different members of the group meet.

The players themselves can get in contact with each other; somewhere in the city, /Larissa (the group's Night Caste) spots /Adam (a Zenith), and picks his pocket; he notes that something is missing, and begins to follow the robber. All the other players get involved in the pursuit, which ends up being stopped by some mercenary who clears things up (after asking a "spontaneous" contribution from both parties involved). Some other guy sees that and demands that he gives back the money; he doesn't quite agree with that opinion, and a conflict emerges.

Due to all the confusion, the surrounds were already taken up by the crowd, and reinforcements arrived. Thanks to our paladin of justice (who happens to be a Dawn caste named /LaioLancaster), now our friends are surrounded by something like twenty-five soldiers.

Completely ignoring the Dogma of the city of Nexus, the conflict is resolved the usual way - to the sword. /Adam, being such a smart guy, quickly dras up on his Essence and uses Arrow Storm Technique to finish up half the soldiers. After that, the five members of this little unusual group flee the place under screams of "Anathema!!" everywhere...

They eventually get stuck in the same hotel room for a few days, and from there they reach the port, boarding a ship that departs later in the same day going to Great Forks. When the ship is weighing anchor, /Larissa spots an old man, and she [b]knows[/b] he is looking at her and her companions...

Episode 2 - Tenet Kleston

The first few days of the trip go smoothly, nothing out-of-the-ordinary happens. Then, all of a sudden, they spot a large group on the south margin of the Yellow River, after the passage through Melevhil. The captain immediately recognises it as the Wyld Hunt, and then his attentions are focused on the strange group he's got for passengers. He recognises the group as being Anathema, but he's got such a peculiar opinion about such beings.

He's not very fond of the Immaculate Order, nor of its religion. So, he does not believe the Anathema are the demons the monks from the Blessed Isle claim, and after some negotiation he agrees to help our friends. They are conducted by the captain to the keel of the ship, and keed hidden there.

A very long interval of 30 minutes passes after the Dragon-Blooded intercept the ship, and footsteps can be heard all over their heads, things being searched, discussion and interrogation of the captain by the leader of the Hunt.

After their search doesn't find anything, the Dragon-Blooded leave the ship, allowing it co continue on its journey. A few more days and they get to Great Forks, where the group, thanks to the captain, disembarks and enters the City of Temples. [continues]