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See nikink/Lamentations for a backstory...

Ok, in a nutshell, Beast of Seven Lamentations was born under an amazingly auspicious atrological alignment that basically implied he was destined to be wonderful and great, the most virtuous and best warrior of all time... an ideal candidate for Dawn Exaltation. Actually, Exaltation in general.

This was foiled by the Wyld and capricious Fae, who kept him out of Creation fueling their Essence Machine for most of his life. It is only that he had such great virtues and destiny that he lasted as long as he did.

Then he was bought by a down on his luck Guildsman of House Cynis. This man, Cynis Mugal Labaresk, was a slaver and a gambler, and quite bitter about the fact that he hadn't Exalted. Cynis Mugal Labaresk made him a pit fighter in Nexus and became quite wealthy due to Beast of Seven Lamentations' rapidly growing prowess. After a while Cynis Mugal Labaresk began to share some of his good fortune with Beast of Seven Lamentations by providing some education and luxuries. Cynis Mugal Labaresk also bred Beast of Seven Lamentations to other slaves (for a modest fee, of course) and arranged for decadent nobles to have access to Beast of Seven Lamentations for a night or two as well (for a much higher fee, and favours). Among the noblewomen was Cynis Jilen Havara, a Wood-Aspected Dragon-Blood visiting Nexus on business from the Realm. She became pregnant, and to spite several members of her family (and enjoying the scandal) carried the child to term. She named the girl Cynis Jilen Kilahad.

During his time in the Pit, he fought and won most matches. Some of his opponents were even Fae and Dragon-Bloods and one time there was an Earth Elemental.

Eventually, Cynis Mugal Labaresk grew cocky and conceited (or even more so). He freed his slave after getting completely wasted on all sorts of bizarre concoctions from around Creation. He may or may not have died from the cocktail... and his death may or may not have been accidental...

Anyway, Beast of Seven Lamentations then became a criminal and leader of a small gang of twenty or so bandits. His Second-in-Command was a young woman known as Red-Handed Singer. She also became pregnant to Beast of Seven Lamentations. They raided and terrorised much of the southern Scavenger lands before it became clear that they had upset too many people, and they had to flee west.

Once in the mountains of his youth, they were slaughtered by more Fae. Red-Handed Singer was four months pregnant by this stage, and fought dearly for her life, and the life of her child, as Beast of Seven Lamentations gradually gave up. Luna saw this, and Exalted her instead of Beast of Seven Lamentations. That was where he gave up on life completely.

As his soul began to seperate and depart his body he was offered a chance to remake his destiny as it should have been, according to the stars of the underworld. He agreed out of bitterness, anger, spite and hatred and became Beast of Seven Lamentations (One Lamentation for each Celestial that might have Exalted him had he chosen differently throughout his life - that is, the Five Maidens, Luna and the Unconquered Sun).

And so now he exists as his Deathlady's favoured pet. Kept on a tight leash, released as needed to fight (and kill) in her name. With a definite grudge against the Fae (and the Wyld in general) and granted tools to help with that grudge as well as to enhance his nature as a hunting pet. So now he is very much like a prized hawk. His three ghost bodyguards are actually the (hungry?) ghosts of three of his former gang that have been moliated into winged gargoyle shapes to enable them to keep up with him when he is using the Cloak of the Raiton.