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Back to Promise of Ages

20th Resplendent Air

In the wee hours of the morning, they find evidence of logging operations. Savvy suggests resting before encountering the loggers and the weary travellers rapidly agree. Then the Dryad announces that it must return to its tree and gives directions to the logging camp - to the south, can't miss it. As it disappears back into the woods, everyone rests.

To protect herself from the cold, Savvy once again becomes a bear. Lisda is shocked and scared by this! Jade Wisdom does his best to explain Lunars to the farm girl. Then Phinnae becomes a mouse to hide among Savvy's fur for warmth. Scarred lies back against a tree, cold and uncomfortable. Lisda is unconcerned by the conditions, probably thanks to being a Zenith. Jade Wisdom remains tired, upset and a little grumpy, huddling down within his armour, wishing it had some sort of environmental controls.

Morning comes to wake the party. It is still snowing.

Jade Wisdom suggests breakfast, and Scarred goes hunting again. Once more he returns with a couple of rabbits, and once more the Jadeborn cooks them for all to share.

Soon they continue towards the logging camp.

After a few hours they spot smoke in the distance and as they get closer can see many tents set up with axe wielding men wandering about. There is a stream next to the camp, loaded with logs. All the men appear mortal to Jade Wisdom's essence sight. Saws, axes, ropes and oxen lie in and around the camp.

The companions advance. Many men eye them off warily and hushed whispering breaks out.

Savvy steps forward and asks to see the person in charge. One of the loggers points to another man standing over by a large tent. Savvy asks for his name and is told it is Frank, the foreman. She then walks past, and the others follow.

As they walk towards Frank, they tell Lisda that they think she may wish to speak on behalf of her village. Upon reaching Frank, a large and imposing man (for a mortal), Lisda stammers a bit and comes across as a it girly and uncertain. Jade Wisdom attempts to back her up by threatening Frank, but exhaustion makes him a lot less fearsome than he'd hoped. He tries again but Frank remains unimpressed.

Frank tells them all to fuck off in no uncertain terms. None of the Misfits are swayed by his blustering. Savvy gathers her essence for a charm, but she is also a bit weary, it seems, and the charm has little effect. Lisda informs the man of the Wood King and all the Elementals who are spoiling for revenge, but Frank shrugs it off.

Jade Wisdom apologizes for their rudeness, they have all walked a long way to find Frank and are weary, and asks why the men are logging here without paying due respect to the Wood King and his Court. Frank shrugs again and says they are a Guild Operation, they are logging for their Factor. He pauses for a moment and Lisda interrupts to tell him to leave. He ignores the pretty farm girl then collapses to the ground unconscious, bleeding profusely from his nose.

Scarred pulls his fist back from the space where Frank's head was just moments ago looking smug and satisfied...

Within seconds the Circle is surrounded by angry lumberjacks.

Jade Wisdom asks to speak to the Second-in-Charge, but it's too late. Several men rush in to assault Scarred.

Scarred parries a short plank with his Gourd as Savvy draws forth her Heaven Thunder Leaves, and, leaving them closed, whacks the man in the leg, nearly breaking it.

Phinnae leaps into the air and assumes her Deadly Beastman form, while Jade Wisdom crouches into a defensive stance to guard Lisda.

The men start to flee crying out "Anathema!", but not before Scarred punches his opponent in the face. There is a sickening crunch, and the man falls dead to the ground.

The loggers are allowed to flee unhindered, although Phinnae takes some pleasure in swooping them to keep them running scared.

Scarred suggests taking Frank back to the Wood King. The others all agree that is a good idea.

Jade Wisdom asks Phinnae to fly high and look for a Guild camp on the river. She does this and spots a large boat on the river some miles away downstream. Shortly thereafter,the Jadeborn finds himself explaining the basics of the Guild. This leads to an explanation about the First-Age wonder of the Trade-Conferring Pattern as Savvy expresses a desire to wipe out the Guild completely. Then the Artisan goes on to explain a little about Wyld Hunts, Slavery (and how many people are sold to Fae, and then repurchased as soulless shells and mindless living automatons as 'perfect slaves'), Drugs, Pirates and Creation. He enjoys this chance to share his knowledge and education, despite the current circumstances. He even sketches maps and diagrams in the snowy, bloody, mud...

Soon they are on their way back to the Woodland Court with Frank strapped to the back of Savvy (as a Simhata).

As night falls they make camp and tie Frank to a tree. He is quite disturbed by the sight of Savvy reforming into Human shape. Savvy then goes a hunting and catches another pair of rabbits. Phinnae has success finding some vegetables, so Jade Wisdom makes stew again. And it is delicious!

After dinner Savvy sprays New Friend Aroma into Frank's face. This has the desired effect upon the hapless mortal and he soon tells her everything he knows about the logging. It has been ongoing for a few months now on behalf of Guild Factor Doodad.

19th <-- | --> 21st

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