This is a list of npc's I made and saved over time.
Resplendent Sun
Solar: Night
Concept: Former Undercover Cop - Cult of the Illuminated Deacon
Nature: Visionary
Anima: Lion
Attributes: Strength 2, Dex 4, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manip 5, Appear 3, Precep 2, Intel 2, Wits 3
Virtues: Compassion 2, Convic 4, Temperance 2, Valor 3
Abilities: Arch 1, *MA 4, Melee 2, End 1, *Perf 1, Pres 1, Resist 1, *Surviv 4, *Invest 2, Med 1, *Ath 1, *Aware 3, *Dodge 3, *Larc 4, *Stealth 3, *Bureau 1, Ling 1 (Flamespeak - Native, River Tongue), Social 3
Callings: Invest, Larc, Melee, Stealth, Surviv
Background: Artifact 2 (Silken Armor), Tiger Warriors 2, Illumination 4, Resources 2, Mentor 1
Base Init: 7
Punch: Speed 7, Acc 8, Dam 2B, Def 8