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Timeline of the Second Age
  • -58: Kenish-Of-Fleeting-Dreams born.
  • -36: Kenish-Of-Fleeting-Dreams Exalts and is apprenticed to ???.
  • -1: The Seventh Legion of the Shogun, controlled by the Daimyo of Deheleshen, arrives at his city, leveled by the Fair Folk.²The Seventh Legion of the Shogun builds an encampment at Deheleshen
  • 1: The end of the Great Contagion²The Destruction of the Fair Folk Armies²The Annihilation of the Seven Tigers²The Founding of the Realm
  • 12: Founding of the All-Seeing Eye
  • 18: Founding of the First ministries and magistrates in the Realm
  • 20: The Seventh Legion founds the city of Lookshy on the ruins of Deheleshen, as civilian settlements spring up among the ruins.
  • 40: The Realm Legions are re-established.
  • 44: The Empress’s consort Jeresh assassinated by a lovesick suitor
  • 45: Emissaries of the Empress arrive at several city-stats demanding Oaths of fealty. Some sign on, others, like Lookshy, refuse.²Threats compel more city-states to sign on.
  • 47: First Assault on the River Province by the Realm. Based in costal cities, elements of the Fourth legion begin a systematic campaign of conquest, bypassing Lookshy.²Scattered resistance intensifies. Soon the Realm can control only what it can see.
  • 52: The Council of Entities take control of Nexus
  • 53: Imperial Forces withdraw from the Scavenger Lands after increasing losses with guerrilla warriors.
  • 68: Cevis Ghandarva and his followers leave the Blessed Isle.²Peace of Song Forgotten discovers The Pool of the Forest Witches
  • 69: Brem Marst, who will found the Guild, born in a Kingdom that will one day be part of Great Forks.
  • 71: Oreithyia falls in love with Valentin.
  • 72: Ghandarva betrays Samathi Anja in exchange for Domnica’s mantle.
  • 75: Second Invasion of the Scavenger Lands, this time with four Legions. Resistance is fierce but disorganized.²Lookshy is besieged²Nexus is occupied²The Emissary of Nexus decrees all realm forces withdraw because only the council can maintain an army in Nexus. The Realm refuses, killing two Councilors. Within a week, all officers above the rank of Talenlord are slain. Realm forces accept exile and leave.
  • 76: Seventh Legion Troops use First Age Weapons against the Legions of the Realm. Legion is destroyed by the weapon and subsequent sally.²Seventh Legion Troops endure forced march to location where Great Forks now stands. Destroys The Fourth Legion.²Imperial Forces withdraw from the Scavenger Lands again.
  • 83: Realm ships engage in unofficial and allegedly unsanctioned attacks on merchant ships from The Scavenger Lands.²Several states issue Letters of Marque against Realm ships and begin building navies.
  • 88: Realm’s Last full Invasion of the Scavenger Lands, with seven full Legions and allied Legions, including The Empress’s own Guard.²Realm Legions are pushed back with great difficulty, Lookshy’s forces are scattered, but forces from Melehvil and Nathir keep Realm forces pinned down while guerrilla forces attack.²Brem Marst unable to return home stays with Counters at The Lap
  • 89: General Vondy Beulen defects from The Realm to Lookshy²The Empress’s Own Guard destroyed at Melehvil.²Marst returns home with new system for governing large scale trading operations.
  • 95: The free cities of the River Province, including Lookshy, Nexus, Sijan, and over a dozen others, form a coalition called the League of Many Rivers.²Marst expands trading opportunities.
  • 99: With Merchants from all directions but Center, Marst forms The Guild
  • 103: Founding of the Deliberative
  • 104: Coastal states begin to petition to join the League of Many Rivers, with Guild support.
  • 109: Coastal states allowed to join the League of Many Rivers²The Realm protests the states joining the League of Many Rivers. They are met with derision.
  • 114: Assassination Attempt on the Empress²Empress founds the policy of the Thousand Mazy Paths²Empress marries Rawar of Arjuf
  • 117: Guild allies with Council of Entities in Nexus and moves HQ there.²First Guild Directorate codified and established.
  • 130: Birth of Manosque, Great House Founder
  • 137: Ghandarva’s followers become bandits, at the request of Evelina the dead.²Forest Witch’s manse open to outsiders.
  • 139: Birth of Ragara, Great House Founder
  • 144: Forest Witch’s Manse destroyed by internal conflict.
  • 145: Valentin killed.²Ghandarva bargains with Oreithyia
  • 146: Bagrash Köl uses the Eye of Autochthon to found a great kingdom in the north that surpasses the Realm²The Guild allies with Bagrash Köl
  • 157: Aroyou The-Warrior-Of-The-Pale-Sky born.
  • 172: Aroyou The-Warrior-Of-The-Pale-Sky Exalts.
  • 174: Nine Duchies Banner is raised in the Northwest across the sea from the Realm²The Guild allies with Nine Duchies Banner²Marst visits Bagrash Köl’s Kingdom²Three Legions are sent to crush the Nine Duchies Banner²Guild quietly begins moving personnel and supplies from Bagrash Köl’s Kingdom
  • 176: Bagrash Köl destroyed by the Eye of Autochthon
  • 179: Brem Marst dies
  • 202: The Thousand Scales reaches its current form
  • 211: The Delzahn Horde conquers Chiaroscuro²The Delzahn Horde offers Fealty to the Realm
  • 212: The Mandala Guard established among the Forest Witches
  • 223: The relationship is established between the Realm and all states along the Inner Sea and some well into the Threshold.
  • 227: Nellons taken as consort by the Empress
  • 231: Birth of Sesus, Great House Founder
  • 235: Birth of Ledaal, Great House Founder
  • 244: Viridian Manosque uses the Eye of Autochthon to attempt to stage a coup.²Viridian Manosque destroyed by the Realm’s defenses²House Manosque put to the sword
  • 261: Nellons dies
  • 263: Tensions rise between Laris and Velen districts in the Scavenger Lands over disputes dating to the First Age.
  • 265: Velen district forces seize control of some irrigation and viaduct pumping stations along Sandy River and destroying others.²Laris forces wreck dikes at Lowground and Sutter’s Marsh, destroying those cities.²War between Laris and Velen districts begin.
  • 278: Refugees, with their Gods, meet near the Rolling and Yellow Rivers.²Great Forks formed.
  • 281: Haltans make compact with The Fair Folk
  • 286: Ghandarva reborn as Ledaal Demyen
  • 299: Trae Leng’s revolt in the Realm
  • 301: House Iselsi sponsors semi-official expedition into the Scavenger Lands²Ghandarva returns to Forest Witches with Blood and Spear Sutras²House Iselsi’s expedition fails spectacularly.²Company of Thrones formed among Forest Witches
  • 303: House Iselsi attempts coup after unsuccessful adventure.²House Iselsi’s coup is crushed out of hand²House Iselsi stripped of most of their possessions and made servants of the Throne.
  • 318: Linowan begin their attempt to conquer Halta in earnest
  • 326: Vengeful Harvest Uprising in the Realm
  • 335: First Guild office on the Blessed Isle established at Chanos.
  • 362: Tepet taken as consort by the Empress²Blood on the Horn born in Harborhead
  • 364: Barbarian incursions along the northern coast of the Inner Sea repulsed by the Gleaming Fang Legion (formerly the 11th)
  • 369: Birth of Mnemon, Great House Founder
  • 370: Rawar dies
  • 371: Tepet vanishes²Lord’s Crossing becomes first Blessed Isle Guild hub
  • 385: Blood on the Horn conquers costal Harborhead
  • 392: Fane of Upswept Horns restored in Harborhead
  • 393: Tariffs begin being levied against Guild Merchants traveling on the Blessed Isle. Tariff is from House Tepet, on wagon wheels, even when attached to Wagons.
  • 416: Guild boycotts trade with the Blessed Isle²Trade War between Guild and Realm begins²The Realm attacks Harborhead
  • 418: Trade War ends, as each side recognizes futility of continued hostilities²Two-century tariff on Guild trade items begins²No Longer Guild Hubs on Blessed Isle, all business goes through Cherek
  • 422: Elevation of House Nellons²Blood on the Horn killed²Harborhead falls to the Realm
  • 433: Fire seen in sky over Imperial Mountain²Mountain people send emissaries to Empress, return fewer but with great gifts.
  • 435: Arczeckhi Horde invades the South, ravaging several cities in the Hundred Kingdoms.²Arczeckhi Horde turned back by Hundred Kingdoms Mercenaries and Lookshy regulars. Guild provides substantial help.
  • 465: Unbroken Rushes Rebellion in the Realm
  • 474: First major rebellion in Harborhead begins (and ends)
  • 534: Ragara Jinel (the Elder) born.
  • 535: A second rebellion in Harborhead begins over a slain cleric
  • 547: Fair Folk attack the Hundred Kingdoms. Guild provides support.
  • 550: Second rebellion in Harborhead ends with the Realm in control.
  • 557: Fair Folk driven back from Hundred Kingdoms²Guild establishes trade ties with many, and is scandalized for it.
  • 550: Treaties renegotiated with Chiaroscuro and other major cities and the Realm to reduce tariffs.
  • 557: Representatives from the Scavenger Lands major cities renegotiate new, stronger Treaty called The Confederation of Rivers.
  • 563: Ghandarva reborn as God-Blooded son of Spinner of Glorious Tales from Great Forks
  • 564: Proseria delivers The Blessing of Awakening.²The Company of Messengers formed among the Forest Witches²The Table of Fiends is formed among the Forest Witches²The tax of Fading Embers levied among the Forest Witches
  • 578: Realm goes to war with Anathema Jochim
  • 585: War with Jochim ends with Jochim slain by Tepet Arada “The Wind Dancer”²Ghandarva returns to Forest Witches again
  • 591: Ragara’s Widow’s Uprising in the Realm.
  • 615: several officers of the Seventh Legion killed by a First Age Weapon at Gunzota redoubt
  • 635: Wondrous-Light born.
  • 659: Wondrous-Light Exalts.
  • 684: Ragara Jinel the Elder slays an Anathema near Marukan.
  • 686: Sacrifice War in Harborhead. Realm puts down another rebellion
  • 688: The Black Scale Embassy Established among the Forest Witches
  • 707: Blooded Scythe Uprising in the Realm
  • 727: Unrelenting-Storm born.
  • 742: Ragara Pakaya born.
  • 744: V'neef Aron born.
  • 746: Tepet Berel Akina born.
  • 747: Ragara Jinel born.
  • 748: Autocrat of Thorns dies.²Empress supports succession of Autocrat of Thorn’s second son in exchange for a promise to attack the Scavenger Lands.²Realm sends Dragon-Blooded “advisers” to help him seize power from his Elder Brother, then legitimizes usurper. More “advisory” forces and First Age Weapons sent to “help” new Autocrat.²Guild attempts to forestall war, fails.²Ledaal Ameil born.
  • 749: Jocelyn born within Albin'Shar.
  • 750: Aoshi is born.
  • 752: The forces of Thorns are mauled, their forces unused to war compared to their opponents.²The Realm is forced to put more and more money into helping Thorns.²Mettan'Aku is born
  • 754: Battle of Mishaka, Armies of Thorns annihilated. Great Forks forces crushed.²Popular opinion turns against new Autocrat, civil war begins.
  • 754: Unrelenting-Storm Exalts and is apprenticed to ???
  • 756: Terek Amiku born.
  • 761: The Bull of the North sends forces to attack Rokan-jin and Talinin Tribes south of the Linowan.²Ragara Jinel Exalts.
  • 762: The Bull of the North sends the Sorceress Samea to assist his forces against the Rokan-Jin and Talinin Tribes.²Open warfare erupts between Icewalkers and Rokan-jin and Talinin Tribes.
  • 763: The Solar Exalted begin to return en masse²The Linowan request aid from the Realm against the Icewalkers²The Abyssal Exalted begin to appear en masse²The Tepet Legions join up with the Linowan Forces²The Empress Vanishes²Guild works to counter attempts to keep vanishing secret.²The Bull of the North joins his forces
  • 764: The Battle of Krellin Ford: Four Dragons of the Tepet Forces defeats Five dragons under the Dragon-Blooded Mors Ialden and force them to retreat.²Council of the Empty Throne in the Realm²The Bull of the North’s Forces under Mors Ialden are backed up by Samea and two Dragons and devastate the pursuing Tepet Legions.²The Deathlord Mask of Winters attacks and sacks Thorns²The Battle of Ironthorn Forest: Half the Tepet Legions attack and wound Samea, forcing a retreat. The Bull of the North slays seven Immaculates, and his summoned creatures destroy five Warstriders²The Battle of Fallen Lapis: Two Bronze Faction Sidereals destroy the allied city of Fallen Lapis, slaying all inhabitants. The Bull of the North and Samea slay one Sidereal and devastate their forces.²Tepet Arada, “The Wind Dancer”, orders a retreat to Greyfalls.²The Battle of Futile Blood: the Bull of the North’s Forces destroys the remainder of the Tepet Legions.
  • 765: Terek Amiku Exalts and later, kills her first victim.
  • 766: Former Leopard of Harborhead killed along with her family, new one installed.
  • 767: Fearful-Journeys-With-Taint Exalts and quickly insinuates himself into the courts of the South at his Liege's behest.
  • Calibration 767-768: Mettan'Aku Exalts.
  • 768: Present Day in Canon. Albin-Shar stabilized and fixed to a spot in creation near the Hundred Kingdoms by a circle of Solars. Jocelyn Exalts in Albin-Shar as a direct result of the energies created in the ritual to fix it to creation. Karess Exalts. Prince Till dies. Terek Amiku dies. Aoshi Exalts and is assigned to Kenish-Of-Fleeting-Dreams as a student. Tepet Berel Akina sent on a Wyld Hunt where he meets Ledaal Ameil. Soulban dies of poisoning.
  • 769: Tepet Berel Akina's daughter born to Ledaal Ameil.
  • 770: Fearful-Journeys-With-Taint dies.