From Exalted - Unofficial Wiki
concept: King of Thieves Motivation: remove injustice from the souheast
caste: Night Anima: Fox
- Str 3
- Dex 5
- Sta 3
- Cha 3
- Man 3
- App 3
- Per 2
- Int 2
- wits 3
- (F) Archery 5 (Bows +2)
- (F) Presence 3
- (F) Performance 2
- (F) Ride 2
- (F) Socialise 2
- (C) Atheletics 3
- (C) Awarness 2
- (C) Dodge 2
- (C) Larceny 3
- (C) Stealth 3
- Melee 3
- Thrown 1
- Integrity 1
- Resistance 2
- Survival 1
- Linguistics 1
- Craft (Water) 2
- Lore 2
Essence 3
- Compassion 3
- Temperance 2
- Conviction 2
- Valour 3
Willpower 6
Limit Flaw- Compassionate Matrydom
- 1st Archery Excellency
- Essence Arrow Attack
- Trance of Unhesitating Speed
- Arrow Storm Teq.
- Ox-Body
- Monkey Leap Teq.
- 1st Atheletics excellency
- 1st Dodge Excellency
- Flawless Pickpocketing Teq.
- Easily Overlooked Presence Method
- Allies 1 (Bert)
- Influence 2 (poor folk)
- Artifact 4
- Rescources 2
Merits and Flaws
- Wanted 3
- Vice (compassion- mean people) 1
- Permanant Caste Mark 2
This Character was Based on the Solar equivelant of Robin Hood. He travels in the hundred kingdoms, sorting out the problems with each village as he goes.