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15th Day of Resplendent Air, RY 768

I'm sure I told Crow nothing she didn't already know, but I felt it was my duty anyway. Kira was dangerously inquisitive in Dunleavy and it took much of my skill to talk her into conducting more research first. At least Crow confirmed that the Hall is no direct danger and it's being used as a test.

19th Day of Resplendent Air, RY 768

I was also able to settle things with Lasha over the Speaker election. She's a micro-manager, but she still has valuable experience and knowledge. I don't need her as an enemy over something that wasn't even my choice. Even if it costs me a few extra hours a week in meetings with her, it's worth it.

28th Day of Resplendent Air, RY 768

A new freshman is arriving tomorrow. Rector Danic asked for a volunteer to help her settle in and when no one else volunteered, I did. I'm concerned I may need to break a rule or two to help offset what is surely a growing reputation as the teacher's pet. So far the freshmen and many of the juniors don't seem to have a very nuanced view of life, so my attempts to make the most of my education are looked at as brown-nosing and being a stickler for rules. Rector Danic wouldn't, or couldn't, tell me who the new student is or where she's from, so this could be interesting.

There just aren't enough hours in the day to do all that I wish to accomplish. I may have to start doing independent study during my eaiser classes and learn to get by on less sleep. Maybe researching some magic or pharmaceuticals that could help with that would be useful, too. I don't want anything addictive, though, and those sorts of things always seem to be addictive.

1st Day of Descending Air, RY 768

Well, our new student is first in line for the throne of Gem and an accomplished sorcerer, too. She's young, but has clear command of her Fire-aspect. I was surprised at her relative lack of ego. Most petty potentates and their offspring have massive egos, at least in my studies. I have to admit that Princess Ranka is the first that I've actually met, though. Her retinue was also smaller than I would have expected. The 10 bodyguards amuse me. She also showed up with what had to be a massive bribe of gems for the School.

Rector Danic didn't even give her time to settle in before she assembled us for a new test. She arranged full-contact fights between the freshmen. Kazuki fought Judas first. Neither one of them seemed to take it seriously until suddenly Kazuki landed a blow from his lance that, honestly, seemed less severe than some of the unarmed shots he started the fight with. Nevertheless, Judas yielded the field after that hit and lost the bout. Perhaps he's now trying to conceal his strengths? Kazuki was his usual whirling bundle of energy. Sometimes you'd think he was an Air-aspect instead of Wood.

Kira and Ja'hanna fought next. I don't think anyone expected their fight to go the way it did. Instead of some fast-moving duel ranging all over the Palace, Kira charged. She landed the first blow, but it's obvious hand-to-hand combat is a weakness for her. Her technique was poor and she got into melee with a Fire-aspect, all while she had a bow on her back. I don't know what she was thinking, but Ja'hanna made her regret it. She simply grabbed Kira and used her aspect to engulf them both in flames. Rector Danic ended the fight at that time.

Finally, I had to fight Ranka. I think we fought out of necessity rather than because it was a compelling match. It ended up kind of interesting, I guess. I figured my only chance was a quick knockout before she could end it with magic. If I were stronger and hadn't just seen what happens when you grapple a Fire-aspect, I might've tried to grapple her to take magic spells out of the equation. But I'm not strong enough to reliably control a wrestling match and I was disinclined to suffer Kira's fate.

Luckily I was quicker and landed a solid flying punch to start the fight. Unfortunately, though it staggered her, it did not stop her. That's when she set me on fire. I think I would have fared better if I'd used more Essence sooner. My anima wasn't strong enough to douse the flames and before I could react, she did it again! This time I calmed down enough, focused, and suppressed the flames entirely. It took an immense amount of effort and I was still badly hurt from the first attack. But having taken that second gout of fire, I decided I'd done well enough to yield and not look bad. Risking a crippling or maiming injury would have been stupid. Rector Danic was impressed by my resilience, at least.

After being healed by Incomparable Ebony Comet and taking a bath, Ranka invited the freshmen to socialize in her suite. Judas and Ja'hanna wandered away after their matches and missed the invitation. It was a nice time. Ranka's fascinated by foreign life in general, but peasant life in particular. She asked Kazuki a lot of questions. However well-educated a sorcerer she is, I don't think she knows much about the world at large. Heck, none of them do. Anyway, it was a nice night.

6th Day of Descending Air, RY 768

Classes were uneventful this week. Ranka's in a few of mine. I can't tell if I'm making progress with Kazuki yet, but I'm still trying. The Greater Deliberative meets tomorrow. Kira should give her report and then I figure we'll move to go deal with the poltergeist. She's been researching it for the last 2 weeks and says she knows, more or less, what we have to do.