Major NPC's Of Kolan/Aria

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Motivation: Defy her demonic heritage and help the Solars save Creation Heritage: Yozi-Kin

On a cobweb afternoon
In a room full of emptiness
By a freeway I confess
I was lost in the pages
Of a book full of death
Reading how we'll die alone
And if we're good we're laid to rest
Anywhere we want to go
In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I'll wait for you there
Like a stone I'll wait for you there
On my deathbed I will pray
To the gods and the angels
Like a pagan to anyone
who will take me to heaven
To a place I recall
I was there so long ago
The sky was bruised
The wine was bled
And there you led me on
In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I'll wait for you there
Like a stone I'll wait for you there
And on I read
Until the day was gone
And I sat in regret
Of all the things I've done
For all that I've blessed
And all that I've wronged
In dreams until my death
I will wander on

-"Like A Stone," Audioslave

Aria lived a relatively quiet and idyllic existence in her youth and early adolescence. She grew up in the royal palace of Shroud Hill, the daughter of the king's chief adviser, Sepia Song. She was uncertain as to her own father, but suspected the notoriously loyal Guard Captain Atahn from a very young age, considering she and her mother were the only people he ever treated with any tenderness. Even so, she daydreamed often that King Othen was her father, and that she was secretly a princess.

The truth was far less benign. Her mother was actually half demon, the daughter of the second circle demon Zhadtharesh the Tormentor, and the leader of the Yozi-worshipping Cult of the Silencing Shadow, and the demon blood bred true in her female child. To fulfil her plans of turning Shroud Hill into a sort of shadowland, but for Malfeas, Sepia Song needed another child of Zhadtharesh, one who was more demon than human. Since she was a bit old for it, she chose her daughter for the task.

On her seventeenth birthday, Aria was grabbed by members of the cult, and dragged down into the secret tombs where they conducted their rituals. She was ritually scarred and tatooed in unholy glyphs, and held down for the summoned Zhadtharesh. After he had finished his business, and returned to Malfeas, she managed to break free and escape, unconsciously using her few spirit charms to kill some of her captors and escape into the night.

She spent two months on her own, starving and running, hiding in the most dangerous parts of Shroud Hill. She hunted down those cult members she had recognized and murdered them for their part in her abuse. During this time, she managed to induce an early birth by overdosing on maiden tea, and was forced to kill the premature demonling with a rock when it seemed capable of surviving on its own. Finally, the PC circle came to town, tracked her down (her mother had offered a thousand dinar reward for her "safe return,")and heard her harrowing tale. They helped her hunt down and kill the rest of the cult, and the town was delivered from the shadow of the demon cult. She confirmed Atahn's paternity, and the two have grown slightly closer in the aftermath.

She has come to see the circle as her elder brothers, more or less, and is relatively dedicated to helping them achieve their goals.

After some time travelling with them, Aria came out of her shell a bit and developed a devastating and ultimately doomed crush on Rain, the heroic boy of about her age who had saved her life and given it purpose. By the time she developed the courage to say something about it, it was too late to make any difference- Rain was engaged to the princess Ivy Carronen. As her grandfather had told her, indeed, it seemed her life would be forever that of a shunned outsider, a hell-tainted wreck despite any good intentions she might have. While many people would crumble in the face of such a realization, Aria worked through her feelings to continue helping the circle for some time, both with her knives and with her prophetic gift, but they surpassed her in raw supernatural might before long and she became more of a liability than an asset in some of the conflicts they had to enter, just as she herself had Seen. She gradually withdrew from active participation until one last excursion, when she and the circle finally slew her grandfather and tormentor, the demon Zhadtharesh. She thanked the solars for helping her find some closure for her terrible ordeal, spat upon the smoldering ruin of the demon, and parted with them, for while she might wish to remain with those she loved as brothers, she knew she had no place in their shining destiny. She contacted the circle's Sidereal allies and took them up on an offer they had made some time before.

She was whisked away to a place of safety, and windswept utter solitude, by the elder Sidereal exalt Galian, where she currently prophesies for the coming war effort, interperets what she has Seen with Galian's assistance, which he then delivers to the circle. It is a life of unrelieved isolation and hard work, but she is satisfied in the knowledge that what she does will ultimately benefit Creation as a whole, and the brothers she left behind in particular.