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Merodui, the Tangled Whispers

There is something else that Trespan is known for making: just as he tears his own eyes from his face to bring himself into sanity, the last wordless hiss that emerges from his throat as he descends into madness also takes form as one of his offspring. A Merodu manifests as a crimson tangle of thread that moves by extending part of itself from the tangle, only to form a new knot several yards away. They dart like tiny serpents, though they possess no mouths; They can only consume by wrapping around their prey, and then collapsing like a magician's cloak, revealing nothing underneath. This is a potentially time-consuming process, and while a tangled whisper can stretch itself indefinitely, anything larger than a rabbit takes time to wrap around, and must be either subdued, dead, or asleep, lest it struggle free.

One can be cajoled into untangling itself, and may even allow itself to be woven into some article of clothing, a shirt or cloak. There, it will mutter to itself and its wearer, telling lies and half-truths that they both wish to believe. These suggestions can be either out loud or whispered into the thoughts of those who don it, and thus it can make a tool of character destruction nigh-unmatched, or of assassination when the Merodui hungers.