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Glint of the Flashing Blades, Master at Arms
Glint was always a prodigy of the blade, a fighter par excellence, devoting to nothing more than honing his skills. Brash to a fault, he called out a half-dozen Immaculate monks at once in a city square and had thrashed them all when thier Dragon Blooded superior entered the fight seeing to expunge his shame at the defeat of his pupils. The Captain, disgusted that the monk was unleashing supernatural powers on a mortal, tried to intervene twice, only doing so successfully when Glint was knocked unconscious by the monk's supercharged blows and no longer able to interfere. After defeating the monk himself, the Captain recruited the brilliant fighter, promising him all the chances to hone his prowess that he could handle.

Nature: Bravo

Str ••••
Dex •••••
Stamina ••••
Cha ••
Manip ••
App ••
Per ••
Int ••
Wits •••

Essence 1
Willpower 8
Health levels 7

Favored skill
Melee ••••• (Two weapons x2)
Other skills
Archery •••• (Shipboard environments)
Presence •••
Craft (weapons) ••
Sail ••
Brawl •••
Awareness ••
Dodge •••
Endurance ••
Athletics ••


Experience ••
Resources ••
Contacts (mercenaries) •

Compassion ••
Conviction ••
Temperance ••
Valor ••••

Ambidexterity-Hands 1


Paired Chopping Swords Spd +3 Acc +2 Dam 8L Def -1 rate 3
Knife Spd +0 Acc +1 Dam 6L Def -2 Rate 4
Long Bow Broadhead arrows Acc +1 Damage 6L Rate 3 range 200
Chain Shirt Soak 3/5 Mobility -1 Fatigue 1