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Harmonious Essence Style

Author Unknown - If you know the author, please update this page!


A note on throws: The standard Exalted system gives certain dice penalties for throwing. I think this makes sense as throwing is difficult to do. For the purposes of the charms in this tree, however, I propose a different system for throwing. Make no mistake, without the use of charms I would use the standard system as set forth in the Drama section of Exalted.

For the purposes of these charms, however, all throws use a dice pool of the Exalted's Dex + Martial arts + specialties (most Harmonious Essence practitioners would probably have specialty throw as opposed to some other specialty). The difficulty to resist being knocked down by these throws is the Exalted's essence score. The damage is str. + extra successes + any other modifiers conferred by a particular charm.

A couple more things to clarify.

  • Most of the maneuvers in the tree are counters and therefore, may not be countered.
  • With the exception of Harmonious God Throw, the throws must follow a successful dodge. This does not mean that they grant a successful dodge. You must use a dice action to dodge the attack, and your dodge must be completely successful in order for you to activate the charms. Harmonious God Throw does not require a successful dodge, as the master of Harmonious Essence style is able to blend with the attacker even as he is suffering the attack.


Flawless Awareness Technique</b>

<b>Cost: 1 mote
Type: Supplemental
Duration: 1 turn
Min. Martial Arts: 2 
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: None

As the martial artist begins his path to enlightenment he finds that his perceptions of reality are awakened. He may now add his martial arts score to all awareness rolls for a turn.

Harmonious Movement Meditation </b>
<b>Cost: 0
Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
Min. Martial Arts: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Flawless Awareness Technique

As the martial artist is awakened to the flows of essence which infuse all living things and the harmony of the universe he is better able to move within that universe. The exalted adds his martial arts rating to his dexterity in order to determine movement speed.

Harmonious Essence Form</b>
<b>Cost: 5 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Min. Martial Arts: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Harmonious Movement Meditation

When the martial artist enters his stance he becomes more attuned to the world around him and the aggressive desires of his opponents. He may add his martial arts score to his initiative score and his dodge dice pools. He may also add half his essence score (rounded down) in automatic successes to all dodge rolls. Finally, the Harmonious Essence practitioner takes no penalty from falling as he immediately rolls to a standing position back in his original stance. You cannot wear armor while in the form.

Harmonious Breath Throw</b>
<b>Cost: 3 motes
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Harmonious Essence Form

Through further mastery of his essence and a progressing understanding of the manner in which all things are connected. The exalted is now able to throw someone at range. The maximum range is the Exalted's essence score in yards. The Exalted must have a clear path from himself to the target and clearly be able to see the target.

Four Corners Throw</b>
<b>Cost: 4 motes
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Min. Martial Arts: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Harmonious Essence Form

The Exalted may after a successful dodge (all successes from attack are negated) immediately counter attack with a throw. The thrown opponent may be aimed at any other opponent within melee range of the martial artist. The opponent being thrown takes standard damage from the throw. The opponent he is thrown into takes damage as follows: strength or stamina of the opponent being thrown (whichever is highest) plus the successes of the original throw roll. All damage is bashing, but both opponents must spend an action to disentangle themselves and get up.

Harmonious Weapon Intercept</b>
<b>Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Four Corners Throw

The exalted may after a successful dodge of a melee attempt disarm his opponent and throw them. The attack is resolved as a normal throw and does bashing damage. The disarm is resolved via a contested roll of the martial artist's Essence + successes on throw vs. strength of attacker.

Harmonious Weapon Redirection</b>
<b>Cost: 4 motes
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Harmonious Weapon Intercept

When attacked with a melee weapon, the Exalted may, after a successful dodge, redirect the attacker's weapon so that it strikes attacker rather than its intended target. To determine whether the redirect is successful, use a standard martial arts attack roll. If the redirect succeeds, damage is figured normally as per weapon type (successes rolled in the martial arts roll are added to damage as normal). If the redirect succeeds, the weapons wielder must make a successful reflexive strength roll to hold onto the weapon (be sure to figure in dice penalty for any wounds taken from the redirect). It is up to the player to come up with a particularly cinematic description for how his unarmed martial artist manages to redirect something like a grand daiklave (for smaller weapons it shouldn't be so difficult). Feel free to reward lame descriptions with an appropriate dice penalty.

Harmonious Blending Technique</b>
<b>Cost: 3
Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Min. Martial Arts: 4 
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Harmonious Essence Form

For the rest of the scene the martial artist may add his essence to all dodge attempts.

Flawless Blending Meditation</b>
<b>Cost: 6, 1 willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Harmonious Blending Technique

For the rest of the scene the Exalted may dodge all attacks at his full dice pool plus any modifiers in effect at the time.

Throw of the Five Elements</b>
<b>Cost: 3 motes
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Min. Martial Arts: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Harmonious Essence Form

After a successful dodge the martial artist may throw his opponent. The throw is made with a dice pool of martial arts plus successes on original attack and may do bashing or lethal damage at the practioner's option.

Harmonious Grappling Technique</b>
<b>Cost: 3 motes
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Throw of the Five Elements

The exalted may grab his opponent after a successful dodge. He maintains the grab using martial arts + Essence and doing Essence damage. This may also be used to escape from an opponent's grab.

Harmonious God Throw</b>
<b>Cost: 7 motes, 1 willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prereqs: Harmonious Weapon Intercept, Harmonious Grappling Technique, Flawless Blending Meditation

The exalted may respond to all attacks for the entire scene with a counter throw. The dice pool for each throw is the Exalted's standard Martial arts pool plus essence and each attack may do bashing or lethal damage at the martial artist's option. No attacks may be made during the scene only counter-attacks.