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Falling Petal style is a First Edition terrestrial martial art largely duplicating the canonical Falling Blossom style (Cult of the Illuminated, pp. 102-104), both styles based on the idea of expendable warriors; however, while Falling Blossom is based around a fanatical, nearly religious devotion, Falling Petal is a Fair Folk specific style, based on oaths, obligation, grace ownership, the social peculiarities of raksha society and the fact death of the physical body is not as significant to raksha as it is to mortals. Almost without exception, all practitioners of this style are common raksha, usually warriors, in servitude for one reason or another to noble raksha. Some have been forced to learn the style by their masters, but more dangerous are the many with true devotion to those they protect.

A Falling Petal stylist devotes his actions to the one who owns his or her feeding grace. While not a requirement, more dedicated stylists have Lures related in some way to serving their master. Such raksha, if they survive, tend to wind up in Bedlam fairly regularly, so many know a number of Bedlam related charms, particularly Raging Vortex Form (Fair Folk, pg. 157). A significant percentage of this style's practitioners take their devotion one step further and become living artifacts for their masters by learning the Extinction of Desire charm (Fair Folk, pg. 192).

Like Falling Blossom style, Falling Petal style treats attacks with swords and knives as unarmed attacks and is incompatible with armor.

by Wordman

Blowing Seed Intervention

Cost: 1 mote
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minima: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1
Prerequisite Charms: None

As Living Shield Technique (Cult of the Illuminated, pg 103), with the following changes:

  • The martial artist may add the sum of her Conviction and Valor in yards to their leaping distance when using this charm
  • This charm may only be used to intercept attacks on someone who owns a feeding grace of the martial artist or, if the martial artist is under the effects of Extinction of Desire or a similar charm, someone who is attuned to the martial artist.

Thorn Pruning Risk

Cost: 4 mote
Duration: One turn
Type: Reflexive
Minima: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1
Prerequisite Charms: Blowing Seed Intervention

As Undefended Assault Method (Cult of the Illuminated, pg 103), with the following changes:

  • The martial artist does not gain an an automatic success for each attack in the turn (though the automatic successes given to those that attack him remain).
  • Any stunt dice (including those from Style pools) the martial artist uses during the turn to enhance a Martial Arts test are turned into automatic successes.

Sacrificial Germination

Cost: 1 mote and 1 health level per die, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minima: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2
Prerequisite Charms: Blowing Seed Intervention

As Dual Scarlet Blossom Technique (Cult of the Illuminated, pg 103).

Falling Petal Form

Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Minima: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Prerequisite Charms: Thorn Pruning Risk, Sacrificial Germination

As Falling Blossom Form (Cult of the Illuminated, pg 103), with the following changes:

  • The effects regarding reincarntaion and what happens to the martial artist's ghost (i.e. the text starting "Finally, because of the fervor" to the end of that paragraph) do not apply.
  • While under the effects of this form, the raksha's natural resistance to permanent death caused by the destruction their physical body (Fair Folk pg. 135) applies even when that destruction is caused by the Creation-born (see Fair Folk pg. 136).

Empathic Espalier Devotion

Cost: 3 motes, 1 mote per health level, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minima: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2
Prerequisite Charms: Falling Petal Form

The raksha makes an unarmed touching attack on her lord that deals no damage. As with Blowing Seed Intervention, the lord is considered to be someone who owns a feeding grace of the martial artist or, if the martial artist is under the effects of Extinction of Desire or a similar charm, someone who is attuned to the martial artist.

If the attack succeeds, the raksha may transfer up to her Conviction in damage levels from her lord to herself. Each transfered health level increases in severity during the transfer, so bashing damage suffered by the lord becomes lethal once transferred and lethal damage becomes aggravated. Each level of aggravated damage transfered from the lord becomes two levels of aggravated damage on the martial artist. The lord decides which health levels are transferred, and may refuse the transfer in part or whole (in which case the motes and willpower spent on this charm are wasted). The martial artist must have at least one empty health level to use this charm, but may transfer more than her available health levels.

Pleasant Topiary Contortion

Cost: 1 mote per die
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Minima: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Prerequisite Charms: Falling Petal Form

As Strength of Faith Meditation (Cult of the Illuminated, pg 104), with the following changes:

  • Raksha skill and familiarity with shaping their form lowers the minimum Essence required by one and eliminates the willpower cost of this charm.
  • The maximum number of motes the martial artist can spend on this charm is equal to his highest feeding grace.

Wild Zealot Eyes

Cost: none
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minima: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2
Prerequisite Charms: Empathic Espalier Devotion, Pleasant Topiary Contortion

Masters of Falling Petal style become so dedicated to their lord that not even the chaos of Bedlam can sway them from devotion. Further, the connection between martial artist and lord is becomes so strong that the lord can direct his insane minion, to some extent, as well as guide her back to sanity.

Once the martial artist has learned this charm, any time she is in Bedlam her lord gains the ability to control her actions completely, within the constraints of the Bedlam curse (see below), if they so desire. In addition, the martial artist may use any instant charm known by the lord as if it were her own. To do so, during the martial artist's action, the player controlling the lord requires the martial artist to spend the cost of the charm, plus an additional point of willpower. The lord may provide some or all of the gossamer for the charm, if any, but may not pay any other costs. The lord may also pay 1 experience point to force the martial artist out of Bedlam.

In addition, the normal Bedlam curses have some additional effects on the martial artist:

  • Under the Curse of Hubris, in addition to its normal effects, the martial artist cannot defend himself, but may use Sacrificial Germination without spending willpower. Each use counts as a "regrettable act".
  • Those under the Curse of Namelessness remember their lord and will not betray him, but believe they have. In addition to the normal effects of the curse, they lose the ability to attack and defend completely, but may use Blowing Seed Intervention for no cost and Empathic Espalier Devotion without spending willpower. Each use of these charms counts as a "self-betrayal".
  • Those suffering the Curse of Alienation suffer no penalties to serve their lord, but are entirely prevented from influencing or serving others. A martial artist under this curse cannot defend, but will seek to inflict as much damage on those opposing her lord. Any attack that results in injury (weather from counterattack or charm use) counts as a "regrettable act".
  • In addition to its normal effects, the Curse of Meekness prevents the martial artist from attacking at all; however, they may defend their lord without suffering the two die penalty the curse inflicts. If the martial artist's physical form is killed under this curse, Bedlam ends.


Name: Falling Petal
Author: Wordman
Type: terrestrial
Subtype: esoteric
Rules: E1
Form Weapons: swords, knives
Armor Allowed: none
Shield Allowed: no
Essence Range: 1-2
MA Range: 2-5
Total Charms: 7
Forms: 1
Comboable Charms: 3
Reflexive Charms: 2
Persistent Charms: 3
