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The Creator of Fury Of The Tempest styled himself as 'Born of the Storm'. He studied the power and the presence of Storms from his home in the North, spending days being pelted by rain, sleet, and hail, performing kata after kata, following the storm with his hands. When he emerged from the wilderness, he had formed his style, Fury Of The Tempest. (Needs more/better fluff text. I also think it needs a charm or two more after Violent Downpour Prana and before Freezing Wind Kata. Probably two charms, that scale up the power from the Violent Downpour Prana to Freezing Wind Kata.)

The students and practitioners of this style are required to have at least 3 dots in Presence. The style is incompatible with any armor or any form of weapon.

(After the form, the charms haven't really been balanced at all, just effects and random numbers that I put in. I'm not all that experienced in balancing new charms.)

Fear of the Tempest
Cost: 2m
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence 2, MA 2

This charm may only be used before a Join Battle is initiated. It forces all opponents in the vicinity of the exalt to roll a valor check. On failure, their first action is delayed by two ticks. Against a unit with magnitude, this charm can only affect a magnitude up to the character's Essence.

Suddenness of the Storm
Cost: 2m
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence 2, MA 2

This charm allows the exalt to add his essence in automatic successes to his Join Battle roll.

Deafening Thunderclap
Cost: 3m
Prerequisites: Essence 2, MA 3, Fear of the Tempest
Type: Simple (Speed 4, -1)
Duration: Instant

The exalt makes a single attack at his full martial arts pool and, if the attack hits, a blinding light and deafening roll of thunder emanate from the attack. Anyone within Ess x 5 yards of the exalt suffers one bashing level and a -1 internal penalty to any awareness rolls until the end of their next action.

Shifting Squall Kata
Cost: 2m
Prerequisites: Essence 2, MA 3, Suddenness of the Storm
Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Duration: Instant
Keywords: Counterattack, Combo-OK

Just as a tempest can shift its course without a moment's notice, so can the master of this style.  This charm allows the Exalt to move up to his dexterity yards after attacking an opponent. It also increases the Exalt’s DV against counterattacks by his essence.

Like all counterattack key-worded charms, it cannot augment a counterattack.

Fury Of The Tempest Form
Cost: 6m
Keywords: Obvious, Form-Type
Type: Simple (Speed 3, -1)
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Essence 2, MA 5

The Martial Artist begins to grow darker and randomly emanates bursts of crackling energy. His movements echo like the aftershock of thunder. Much as people dread the coming of a storm, they dread fighting the practitioners of Fury of the Tempest Style.

For 1 mote, as a reflexive non-charm activation, the exalt may augment an unarmed attack with a crackle of lightning, converting all damage to lethal and adding his MA to the raw damage of the attack.

Can parry lethal without a stunt.

Each action the Exalt may designate a single target (or cohesive group of extras) who’s valor is less than the Exalt’s temporary willpower. While the martial artist focuses his intensity on that target, the target’s DV is lowered (against the exalt) by the exalt’s essence.


Tempest Whirlwind Attack
Cost: 4m
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK
Type: Supplemental
Prerequisites: Ess 2

When the Martial Artist uses this attack, a whirling vortex forms around his fist. Just as the smallest item becomes deadly and impacts with great force, so does the martial artists attack. This Charm causes the damage to be lethal and forces the defender to check for knockback on a successful hit regardless of damage dealt.

Brave The Cold Technique
Cost: 4m
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Type: Supplemental
Prerequisites: Ess 3

The MA chills the air around, sneeking in to bundled clothes and seeping into armored forms. This charm supplements any unarmed attack the martial artist makes, dealing piercing damage and ignoring half of hardness from armor.

Tempest's Lightning Strike
Cost: 5m
Keywords:Combo-OK, Obvious
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence 3

This charm enhances an unarmed MA attack, letting the exalt target an opponent up to Essence x4 yards away. Lightning strikes the opponents, dealing base + ess L damage if it hits, so an unobstructed view of his target must exist.

Violent Downpour Prana
Cost: 4m
Keywords:Combo-OK, Obvious
Prerequisites: Essence 3

Taking after the relentless fury of the rain, the Martial artist makes a total number of attacks equal to his Essence +1. These attacks are made regardless of the weapon's rate, without multiple action penalties, and with a DV penalty equal to the highest penalty for any one attack.

Freezing Wind Kata
Cost: 6m
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK
Type: Supplemental
Prerequisites: Essence 4

The martial artist stands firm behind the cold wind, standing the harshest of opponents. By spending six motes he can supplement a single attack, dealing twice the damage and sending a freezing wind out from the impact point at opponents within a range of Ess x 4, throwing a deadly freezing wind at them. This imposes a -3 external penalty to all of his opponent's attack rolls as their sweat freezes, until their next action. If there is any standing water, it is instantly frozen, creating an environmental hazard.

Devastating Whirlwind
Cost: 8m, 1wp, 1 lethal
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-Basic
Type: Simple (speed 5)
Duration: (Stamina) ticks
Prerequisites: Ess 4

When activating this charm, the character spends a temporary point of willpower, 8 motes, and takes three lethal damage. The character grows dark, and a black whirlwind forms around the character. This whirlwind, once it is formed, adds 8L/8B soak for the duration of the charm from ranged attacks. Anyone within Ess x 4 yards of the Exalt must roll Stamina + Resistence against a difficulty of the Exalt's Essence or suffer a -2 external penalty for the duration. The Exalt can send strikes of lightning at Ess + 1 characters, rolling Dex + MA, and adding ess successes. For the duration of the charm, the character may move with the whirlwind, but only at half his movement rate (round down). If the martial artist dies after mastering this charm, he can reflexively activate it in the Stamina ticks before death, the charm being active for the Stamina + 2 ticks. The lethal cost can be ignored.

Edited the last two charms to make them more streamlined, hopefully, and less obscenely powerful.
