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Manse Powers

Some Homebrew Manse powers taking advantage of the new system introduced in Oadenol's Codex

Level Two

Overcharged (Solar Favored)</b>
Lore 5, Occult 5, 3rd Degree Path of Geomancy

Sometimes a Demense just isn't enough power. In these cases, Geomancers either need to seek out areas where there is a confluence of essence in addition to a Demense. Such occurences are as infrequent as one may think, and in many situations the Geomancer must redirect Dragon Lines or even create another Demense to obtain the proper environment. Once such an environment is made available then a skilled Geomancer may harness the additional power via complicated and extensive linkages. Each purchase of this Power provides 4 additional Creation Points. All of this extra power does not come without risk, however; the system which harnesses the additional essence is both delicate and volatile. As a result, for each purchase of this power, there is an additional 2 Point Maintenance requirement in addition to any maintenance the Manse may require. Furthermore, count the Demense's rating as 2 points higher per purchase of this power. Should the Overcharged Power fail, treat the resulting situation as a partially capped Manse, using the Manse's current rating and the Demense's inflated one.

<b> Font of Blessing </b>
Lore 4, Occult 4

A Font of Blessing is a system which is integrated into the entirety of the Manse and which focuses into a structure in the Hearthstone Chamber. When the Manse's Hearthstone is set into this structure, all attuned users within the Manse's area of influence recieve the benefits of the Hearthstone as if they had it appropriately inset into a Magical Material socket. Up to the Manse's rating x2 additional entities may benefit from this effect and they are designated by the Manse's controller. This becomes a level 3 power if used in a level 4 or 5 Manse.