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How to Cure the Great Curse in Solars / Lunars on a Budget

...with a circle of one Mastermind Twilight, the sneakiest Goddamn Night in Creation, and an Eclipse that's slicker than greased ice.

One; Have the Mastermind Twilight possess a friendly First Age Lunar spouse as an Ally. Load up on those Lunar / Solar merits for good spousal relationships. Maybe a high charisma on our Twlight's part. For bonus points, have her be a No Moon.

Two; After discussing the general state of Creaton, Yushan, Malfeas, The Realm, the Underworld, and the Great Curse with said Lunar Spouse, realize something must be done. Recruitment starts here - Past Lives is nice in this case, as it allows the Twilight to know either the Night Caste or Twilight from thier past Circle, but isn't strictly nessecary. As our Twlight is one smart cookie, start making those Intelligence + Socialize / Presence rolls to get ahold of the next best things if you can't find your previous Circlemates.

Three; Setup shop so that you won't be disturbed by any petty mortal concerns or trivialities like egotistical Sidereals, angsty goth Abyssals looking to gnaw on your neck, and preachy dragonblood. Best place? Yushan. Here is where your Speak-Savy Eclipse comes into play. If you want, go straight to Lytek, but he isn't really vital to pull this off. Section off a quarter of the abandoned Yushan, privately declare that as your workshop, and have your Eclipse Busyboy start working on recruiting all those jobless Little Gods and putting 'em to function on various things to get you in good with all the various Celestial Censors, who are likely in the Essence 7-8 range, as you're putting previous malcontents into positions where they can do some good. Watch Sidereals of both factions have aneurysms, as they have to talk to you as a peer while in Yushan, and not a lackey. Assasination attempts are never conductive to real work, so visibly ally yourself with all those Celestial Censors looking to bring heaven back to the 'good old days' via your Eclipse. This will put off all but the most zealot of Sidereals, as they have to pay service to the laws of Heaven, as well. As you are atleast an Essence 4 Badass Twilight, most Little Gods will deal with you with respect, if not as a peer.

Four; Have your Eclipse finagle beuarecratic access to the blueprints of the Jade Prison. If that doesn't work, create a staging point in Creation and start summoning up those demons - you're going to salvage the Jade Prision itself. Your Eclipse should come in handy here - see, Lookshy(all that yummy Jade!) for allies to help keep other Creation groups off your back. For bonus points, get your Lunar Spouse to help out on the summoning. For extra-bonus points, involve some Gods, as well.

Five; Have your Night Caste steal a monstrous of Celestial Portion. Suggest having an anti-fear charm before doing so, but willpower and channeled virtue will work in a pinch. For kudos, get several, but one should be all we need.

Six; Research. Research, research, research. Have Little Gods and your No Moon spouse help. If you want, get Lytek to assist, but he still isn't vital in this case.

Seven; Construct your Conveyance of Celestial Portion for Solar Essence Containment and Study.

Eight; Aquire a Solar Essence. Have Lytek give you one, or get your Nightcaste to Murder a particularly nasty Solar in thier sleep if you're feeling particularly moralistic that day.

Nine: Research. Research, research, research - see #6. You should likely be Essence 5, now, and had your Eclipse finagle access to all those yummy Sidereal Libraries, so if you don't know Solar Circle by now, shame on you. Also, see that gorgeous No Moon Spouse of yours for help.

Ten: Profit! If you haven't figured out either a permanent way of cleansing a Solar Spark of the Great Curse by now, a charm structure to do the same, an artifact that Lytek can use in place of his industrial mind detergent(for that extra clean solar spark), or Solar Circle sorcery, then you likely don't deserve that Solar Spark of your own.
