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Thrashing Snowtooth

(formerly Kang Li Chen)
Caste: Full Moon
Totem: Horned Snow Lion
Nature: Leader

Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Dodge 3, Endurance 2, Martial Arts 5 (Snow Hunter Form +2), Resistance 2, Craft 3, Linguistics 1, Survival 3, Lore 3, Occult 2

Charms: Finding the Spirit's Shape, Shaping the Ideal Form, Deadly Beastman Transformation (+3 stamina, +2 strength, rugged hide, fearsome appearance), beast instinct method, snow hunter spirit, arctic dancer technique, azure claw strike, snow hunter form, shiver armor.
Willpower: 5
Virtues: Compassion 1, Temperance 3, Conviction 3, Valor 2
Permanent Essence: 3
Personal Essence: 15
Peripheral Essence: 36
Health Levels: -0 x 1, -1 x 2, -2 x 2, -4 x 1, Inc

  • Allies 1 (Kylie)
  • Followers 3
  • Cult 3
  • Mentor 2
  • Manse 3

Note: Generally carries a pair of daggers and a pair of hook swords.

Thrashing Snowtooth is not someone who knows love, compassion, caring, or joy. These things were not for him as a mortal; as has been made known to him he was given up by his birth parents to the Shinzui Temple at birth, and has been trained for endurance and the lone hunter ways of the temple from when he was old enough to walk.

It is for this reason that his life now is so torn; with his Exaltation, he recieved many memories of the First Age - more than most Exalts can lay claim to, even those of higher Essence. These memories consist of serving at his lover's side, of being his night-time emissary. The first time he felt joy in his life was not even in *his* life, but in the memories of another life; the memories of serving someone greater than he. It was familiar, too; the beatings, the torture, the exquisite pain of the First Age's end; that was all too familiar to his current life. With this comes a certain self-hatred; he has hated his life of subservience to first the temple, then to Icefoe directly, and he wants nothing less than to serve one more god in a long line of them.

Snowtooth seeeks nothing, now, more than to meet one of the returned Solars - to see if he truly can find his place in the world, a place of his choosing and not one his parents gave him up to (likely because they simply couldn't feed another hungry mouth), or whether he must keep searching. Either way, he seeks to leave the endless frozen wastes, to feel warmth on his flesh, and see what awaits him in the world outside his home of ice.

He is unaware that the rumors around the temple are false. He is not known to be especially subtle; there are rumors that if Icefoe's "condition" worsens, Thrashing Snowtooth will remove him by force. These rumors are true. Thrashing Snowtooth is not as clever or manipulative as Kylie or Icefoe; if he comes into power, the temple would quickly become an active military force against both Deathlords and barbarian tribes, and would likely be lost in only a few generations, since - as potent as they are - the entire population of the temple numbers only just under three hundred. Potent, but far too few to carve out their own nation.

Thrashing Snowtooth cares for none around him, including his lover Kylie. He is aware that she is ready to strike down their mentor, and is not yet decided on whether he would help or not. He *has* decided that if their mentor falls, Kylie will quickly follow - if there will be a change in power, Snowtooth will not be anyone's puppet any longer.