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Woodhome Defender</b>

  Artifact <b>•</b>
Enchanted Seed; no magical materials
Essence Commitment: 5 motes for the scene in which it is used

A small seed that when cast to the ground, sprouts into a leafy / woody warrior armed with a warhammer.

<b>Attributes:Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 3.
Abilities:Awareness 2, Dodge 3, Resistance 4, Endurance 3, Melee 5.
Base Initiative: 6.
Attack: Warhammer Spd 4, Acc 1, Dmg 8B, Def 1, Rate 2, Piercing.
Dodge: 5
Soak: 8L/8B (4L/4B Natural bonus)
Willpower: 0 (Note: Affects that depend on the target's willpower to overwhelm them mentally automatically fail against the Woodhome Defender; it is essentially an automoton)
Health Levels: -0 / -1 / -1 / -2 / -2 / -4 / Inc.
Note: Never an extra.

At the end of the scene, the seed dies (whether or not killed), and it takes a full day for a new one to grow on the owner's vine.

Final Attack Pools: Initiative 10, Attack 9, Damage 11B, Parry 9