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Caste: No Moon
Totem: Horned Snow Hunter
Nature: Architect
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 1, Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 4
Abilities:Archery 1, Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Brawl 1, Dodge 2, Endurance 4, Martials Arts 5, Melee 1, Resistance 4, Thrown 1, Craft 3, Larceny 1, Linguistics 2, Performance 2, Presence 3, Sail 1, Stealth 2, Survival 4, Bureaucracy 1, Investigation 2, Lore 3, Medicine 3, Occult 4
Charms: All Snow Hunter Form Martial Arts charms, All Hungry ghost form martial arts charms, DBT x 5 (Terrible Beast claws, Resilience of Nature, Impenetrable Beast Hide, +5 dex, +6 sta, +5 strength), Ox Body x 5, Shaping the Ideal Form, Tool Hand Tech, Bowing Reed, Bending before the Storm, Hide Toughening Essence, Armor Forming Technique, Beast Instinct Method, Sealskin Endurance, Body weapon Technique, Sinuous Striking Grace, Tyrant Lizard Strike, Hydra Head Attack, Snake Body Technique, Deadly Claw Blow, Claws of the Silver Moon, Bear Embrace Method, Hunter's Eye Technique, Food Scenting Method, Wolf Endurance Method, Pain Numbing Prana, Will of the Stoic Warrior, Infection Resisting Method, Unerring Earth Direction Sense, Sense Sharpening Change, Stealthy Fox Method, Ever-Wary Fox Tech., Chameleon Skin Disguise, Tale Spinning Mastery, Lion Roar Method, Wind-Speaking Method, Emotion-Shaping Tech, Crowd-Inciting Method, Unspeaking Aura of Dread, Spirit Scenting Tech, Form Fixing Method, Tatoo Cutting Wisdom, Moonsilver Shaping Rite, Terrestrial Circle Sorc. (a vast collection of spells), Celestial Circle Sorc (a half-dozen spells.)
Willpower: 9
Virtues:Compassion 2, Temperance 4, Conviction 4, Valor 5
Permanent Essence: 5
Personal Essence: 23
Peripheral Essence: 58
Health Levels: -0 x 1, -1 x 4, -2 x 18, -4 x 1, Inc

  • Cult 3
  • Followers 5
  • Resources 3
  • Influence 3
  • Artifacts 4
  • Heart's Blood 5
  • Manse 5
  • Contacts 2

There are rumors that Icefoe is an addle-headed and aimless old man, soon to be replaced by Snowtooth's martial prowess or Kylie's manipulations. That he is weak, and doddering, and without aim. There are rumors that he may soon be stepping down from leadership, to lead a suicidal war into the Wyld. There are rumors that he is colluding with the Deathlords, and will become the first abyssal Lunar. There are rumors that he is in the throes of the deepest depression, and is soon to kill himself out of a deep apathy for life - to seek true oblivion.

Icefoe has started all of these rumors.

He is well aware of Kylie's political ambitions, as well as the incoming spies of both the Sidereals (whom he hates with a passion) and the Deathlords (whom he detests on purely idealogical grounds.) He encourages these rumors to encourage his opponents to court Kylie; it is known that he is well prepared to kill the young acolyte if need be. What is not known is that Kylie is part of this plan; to act as the tool through which Icefoe manipulates his foes, while they seek to manipulate him. What is not known to the outside world is that Icefoe does indeed have a goal towards which his monks are training - the return of the Solars. Though Thrashing Snowtooth has a certain distaste for them (he remembers being a servant and killer in his past life, and both loves and detests the feeling), the rest of the temple is essentially the purest Cult in existence to serve the solars. Should a worthy solar come to study in Shinzui Temple, the temple - and all of its leaders, including the Lunars - would become the Solars followers; a mighty, if small, force with which to begin the reclamation of Creation. Icefoe remembers the inglorious end of the First Age, but he remembers how it began as well, and seeks to restore it.

Icefoe's relations with Thrashing Snowtooth are strained. Snowtooth is a bloody-minded and rage-filled youth, and Icefoe sees this as his own fault - in his drive to make his son worthy of Luna (where he succeeded), he scarred his son deeply, creating a twisted mockery of a monk. It is his greatest regret and, when he has time to himself, his thoughts often wander to how he might restore his son's purity. This has inspired a hands-off approach; though in dire circumstances he may help his students, his vast personal power is almost never brought out in their aid unless he feels that far more is at stake than merely their lives.