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Character Sheet

Name: Ledaal Meja
Aspect: Fire
Nature: Explorer
Concept: Student with dreams of adventuring

Strength 2
Dexterity 2
Stamina 2

Charisma 3
Manipulation 2
Appearance 3

Perception 3
Intelligence 3
Wits 2

Archery 1
Awareness 3
Athletics 2
Dodge 2
Endurance 2 (Achieving a goal +1)
Investigation 3
Linguistics 2
Lore 3
Martial Arts 1
Occult 4 (Demons +2)
Melee 3
Performance 1 (Playing violin +1)
Presence 1
Ride 1
Socialise 2
Stealth 2 (Avoiding Adults +1)
Survival 2

Backgrounds Backing (Ledaal) 3
Breeding 3
Resources 2
Mentor 2 (V'neef Clava, Professor of combat sorcery)
Reputation 2

Elemental Concentration Trance

Willpower: 6
Essence: 3
Personal Pool: 12
Peripheral Pool: 29

Compassion: 3
Conviction: 3
Temperence: 1
Valor: 2

Health Levels: -0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,Incap

Merits & Flaws:
Enchanting Feature (pg. 22 of Player's Guide) (eyes)

Languages spoken:
Old Realm
High Realm
Low Realm

Bonus Points spent on:
4 Attribute raise: Appearance 2->3
4 BG: Mentor 2
Reptutation 2
4 Ability raise: Occult 1->4
Lore 2->3
2 Merit: Enchanting Feature
1 Occult Specialty: Demons +2

Additional bonuses given by ST for background story:
Performance specialty: musical instrument
Endurance specialty: Achieving a goal
Stealth Specialty: Avoiding Adults
Language: Riverspeak

Character Background

I was born and raised in a small family Manse that lies on the north coast of the Realm. I remember very little of that area, as I spent most days at home; learning to play musical instruments, sing and recite poetry. And I was awful at them. My father and mother, both Wood Aspects, could not for the life of them understand my difficulty at playing the flute, nor my average singing voice, especially after resorting to hiring a music tutor. I just didn’t see the point, and couldn’t harbour the interest to become good at it.

A year before I was to join a primary school mother and father decided to move south. I think the local cliques were beginning to bore my parents, although they never told me as such. So we moved down to Arjuf. As you’re probably aware, Arjuf is firmly under the thumb of the Ledaals, so I was soon surrounded by cousins, and my older brothers and sisters were always visiting. Family friends would stop by on the way to and from some southern state, and there was almost always something of interest at the market.

And it was at Arjuf that I began to hear out about the Threshold. Names and places just went straight over my head, I couldn’t tell the ruler of Gem from the ruling body of Nexus, and the politic situations were meaningless to my ears. But the adventures… tales of long lost cities and ruins, of mile high waterfalls and endless deserts, of long forgotten tombs filled with spiders and fights with beastmen, of flights from Anathema armies and their subsequent defeats… all these stories filled my heart with an endless yearning, a yearning to see the very corners of the world.

A year later I went to primary school. I was still no good at music or poetry, but I was a natural athlete and earned praise from my teachers for combat practice. I was always exploring every inch of the school ground, once even earning a beating for attempting to sneak into the teachers lounge. I remember vividly a visit one day from a sorcerer called Cathak Firal. Cathak Firal was only one of several esteemed members of the Host who held talks, but I will forever remember him, for he opened my mind to possibilities of sorcery. As he told us of his adventures, my heart yearned to one day master the art of sorcery, so that I could realize my dream.

And so it was that one of my sisters took several of us to an old quarry one summer holiday. I snuck away from the watchful eyes of our minders along with two of my cousins, Kela and Mujil. Taking to scrambling up the rocky side of the quarry, Kela and I soon left Mujil behind on a ledge. Kela had taken her second breath a month before at school, so she was naturally better at scaling the cliff. But I refused to give up, keeping pace with her as we slowly ascended the cliff face. Eventually even Kela had to stop, as her young body was too tired, but by then I had noticed the small cave opening halfway up the face, and nothing could hold me back. As I approached the cave mouth I could hear from below gasps and people calling my name, but all that mattered was reaching my goal. This was my adventure, my exploration, and nothing would stand in my way. I felt warm and weightless, like a fire moving up a canyon. And then I stood in the cave, such as it was, and beheld my prize; an old discarded piece of rope. Sure, you may scoff, but it was my prize, my long lost treasure. I reached out to touch it, and before my very eyes it caught alight and was instantly burnt to a pile of dust.

All of my older siblings were blessed by the Wood Dragon, so you could imagine their shock when they saw me burning like I’d been hit by fire-dust. My sister had instantly known what was happening when she saw me glow as I scaled the cliff, but it had taken her a few minutes to reach me. I must have been a sight; filled with glory of the Fire Dragon, yet on my knees in a small cave, tears streaming down my face and my hands holding ashes like it was a dead pet. Of course, after a minute or so my parents recovered from their shock, and then everything changed. I was still the odd child out, but instead of being a shame I was now a source of wonder. After the party thrown in my honour I was taken to a small backroom in the Manse. There my parents and the house elders sat me down to discuss where I was going after my primary school years finished. I got the feeling both of my parents wanted me to attend the House of Bells, where they had met. But when I mentioned my admiration for Cathak Firal, and my desire to see, explore and maybe even understand the world, then my destiny to be a sorceress was set.

And so the time came for me to join the Heptagram. My parents gave me a letter to an old army friend of theirs, V'neef Clava, and I was given to understand that it asked her to aid me where possible in my studies.