Maylin/Pele Cindertind Quiz

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Character Quiz

  • Full Name: Pele Cindertind
  • Nicknames: none
  • Title: Lady
  • Alternative Title Names: none
  • Age (Human Year equivalent): currently seventeen
  • Concept: Apprentice Sorceress

Use lucid thinking and describe your character: Pele does not look right for someone who claims to have been born in the desert, looking more like a short Northerner that was lost and confused. She has a very open face that shows every emotion clear as day. Her skin is tan, but not from the natural tan of the desert tribes. Her hair is also a dead give away that she is not from the desert as it is only slowly turning red from its normal ebony. Her eyes are a bright and green, which she gets from her mother. Her smile is easy and warm and the air around her is normally comforting and one of trust and loyalty. Her temper, however, can get flared, although she is slower to anger than one would expect from a Fire Aspect. When she does become that angry, however, her malice does not know an end. There is a particular story about an incident when Pele was a small girl and had not been allowed to join her Uncle when he talked with some officials from the West. She burned down the door and would have destroyed everyone inside had not her Uncle reacted calmly. After that it was warned that if she could not have what she wanted, she should be distracted with something else.

Physical Questions

  • Appearance: Pretty, but would probably be considered "just a friend" by any males.
  • Height: around 5'4"
  • Build: deceivingly slight
  • Posture: walks tall and straight backed unless truly fatigued
  • Handedness (Right/Left): Right
  • Skin Tone: Tan, the color of bronze
  • Hair Color: Slowly turning red
  • Hair Style: A braid to the waist, thick enough to have fun with.
  • Eye Color: green
  • Shield Colors (pick 2-3): Red, Bronze, Gold
  • 5 Symbols (animals, nature, etc.) that represent your character best (outside aspect or caste):
  Phoenix-she is hard to bring down
  Rose-pretty, but dangerous
  Dolphin-always playing, and smarter than she acts
  Firework-wonderful when controlled, deadly when not
  Dog- enthusiastic, loyal, fun-loving
  • Preferred Symbol (animal/emblem): Firework
  • Clothing Style: prefers to wear pants and comfortable boys style shirts rather than what other girls of her station wear.
  • Jewelry Worn: a simple gold ring her uncle gave her for her sixteenth birthday, Essence Emblem
  • Distinctive Physical Features (scars, 6 fingers, 2 different eye colors, etc.): Her bangs, the top of her head, and the last six inches of her hair is red, the rest black.
  • Identifying Marks (Tattoos, piercing, artificial limbs etc.): none
  • Odd Habits beyond your orientation [eg Abyssals eat people] (bites nails, facial ticks, sharpens weapon): Flicks her braid.
  • Recurring sickness: Homesickness
  • Weak spots (eg. a type of drink, whoring, poetry, reading, combat, chocolate etc.)THINK OF 2: can't resist a challenge, anything tangible that is new (the shinier the better)
  • Accent (if you don't have one, pretend you do): most comparable to an Italian accent.
  • Weather preference: warm and dry with lots of sun and warm, light winds.
  • Which would you rather raid?
*A ruin haunted with ghosts but atop a mound of treasure
*A castle occupied by a tyrant warlord and his thugs
*A cave with creatures who plan to destroy the countryside
*A meeting between high ranking beaurocratic officials who's ploys manipulate hundreds<---Me!
*A temple filled with priests who are misguiding their followers
  • Which treasure would you rather have:
*A jewel that can temporarily grant you an elemental power<---me!
*A sword that can slice through all non-magical materials
*A book that will tell of other treasures
*A pile of treasure
*A permanent follower who is thrilled to do everything you ask them to
*A key that will open 6 locks without fail (even magical locks)
  • Mental Questions
  • Select 1 from each set of characteristics

Brave, Messy, Eccentric, Strong, Trustworthy, Heretical, Light, Caring, Warrior, Moody, Realistic, Happy, Feels Flawless, Chaotic, Loved, Worthy, Fair, Foolish, Imaginative, Leader, Honest, Noble.

  • Answer with your characters interests in mind (Minimum 1 per question)
  • Fears/Phobias: Fear of Failure
  • Superstitions: Believes black cats are bad
  • Pet Peeves: Anyone from the Realm who talks down to her
  • Prejudices: Anyone from the Realm is corrupt and dishonest
  • Most beautiful image imagined: Serving loyally under a good Solar
  • Most sorrowful image imagined: Her uncle falling under the blade of the Realm
  • Most enraging image imagined: The Realm coming in to take over her home
  • Personal Philosophy: There is always a chance for redemption from the mistakes of the past.
  • Method for handling anger: break things
  • Sexual turn-offs: Realm members, too controlling/demanding, static
  • Sexual turn-ons: creative, compassionate, trusting

  • Answer all of these questions in your characters voice.
  • 1. Your character is plagued by a recurring nightmare. Describe the dream.

The air tastes too much like perfume and hot air and even though the candles are burning down, no one seems to notice. I'm is the only one dancing, dressed in her armor, but without her sword. Her partner does not seem to notice my constantly turning head to find a way out of the room. I can't really see who he is, but he's got a really tight grip on my hand and around my waist. People keep pressing in around us, closer and closer, and I can't pick up anything other than laughter and coos. Everyone has a mask, strange masks that make them look inhuman, none of the pretty masquerade masks with feathers. Then I realize that they can't masks at all, and that around me the crowd is slowly turning into demons with wings and spaded tails and fangs. They don't have eyes and their skins glisten like they're wet. I look up to see if I am dancing with a demon. My partner looks at me for a moment, and he looks human, but then he turns into wood and begins twining more and more limbs around me, pulling my closer and closer to him! I can hear my armor beginning to crack under the pressure of his hold and then I feel it break. The limbs start slipping into the cracks and wrapping around my skin while the demons around me laugh—and then I wake up.

  • 2. From your character's point of view, in relation with peers/family, is it better to be loved than feared? Or better feared than loved? Would the answer be any different with any other group of people? If so, who? It is much better to be loved.

If all the world were friends, we would all be happier—unless you're from the Realm of course.

  • 3. Take a Devil's Advocate stand. Describe what you (the player) hate about your character. What are good reasons for other characters to dislike/hate your character? What little, minor bad habit does your character have that would annoy anyone after a while?

I really don't like her constantly bouncy happiness, but it's countered by the fact that she is rather volatile with her emotions and can explode at any moment. Her constant cheerleader mentality would probably drive people up the wall. Also, her belief that people are generally good is also hard to play out sometimes.

  • 4. Your character gets into a discussion about death and dying. How would s/he describe the perfect death?

The perfect death is slamming your sword into your enemy while he slams his sword into you and dying with your body on top of his inside a burning building.

  • 5. What was your character like at the age of ten? Was s/he a wimp, a bully, a nerd, a snitch, or a klutz? Popular or not? Write up a little description, and if you like, a little day-in-the-life story about your character at that age.

Pele's little legs swung impatiently in her chair as she listened to her uncle's lecture on the five Elemental Dragons. Her pen's top is slightly chewed from her constant need for motion. Her Uncle's voice becoming sterner snaps her out of her daydream as she jumps. He smiles in understanding, having Exalted so early in her life, at just barely eight, she can not be blamed for the natural tendencies of her Aspect. Still, the Dragons must be explained and then she must learn about the evils of Immaculate Order. He continues, well aware that his pupil's gaze is sliding out of focus as she returns to whatever daydream she was having before. By the end of the lesson there are a few half hearted notes on her paper and her uncle wonders if she will ever really grasp the fundamentals of Sorcery. Despite what he thinks, he releases her over to his head of the guards to teach her to ride and use the daiklave. She is growing up well, her parents would be proud of their active daughter. Zephyr watched her square off with her teacher and sighed, thinking the only regret he had in not sending her to an Imperial school was that she was isolated nearly completely from children her own age. Not that Pele noticed. There were stable boys and kitchen girls enough to play with, but they treated her like the noble that she did not understand fully she was. She did not understand this because she was stupid, but because the world was too vast a place for her to concern herself with the social aspects of her world. By sunset she is slightly drained of any energy and is being hurried off to her bath before dinner and then her evening classes where she learns to sit up straight, speak politly and softly (at least in theory) dance, and use the correct fork and spoon. By the time her etiquette lessons are completed, even Pele is too tired to argue as Zephyr tucks her gently into bed and kisses her forehead. "Good night my little fire goddess," he whispers. "Good night my god of Air," Pele sleepily replies before curling up in a tiny ball and falling asleep.

  • 6. What would provoke your character to murder a random guy on the street? A lie? An insult? An attack? A crime against one of your friends? Nothing?

A great enough insult to any one in her party would move Pele to kill.

  • 7. Assume your character has just finished a month-long struggle against hard odds, working towards something of great value to her/him. Suddenly, the final stage of the opposition turns out to be stronger than you expected and you are attacked where you are weakest. It may not be a battle to the death, but it will definitely determine whether or not your quest is a success. Unexpectedly, you receive a message from a senior relative offering assistance. This relative is a champion in the field of battle where your character is currently struggling and, if asked, will either move through to help or leave you to the challenge. Do your character accept the help? Or reject it? What if the battle involves your greatest attribute? Would the decision be the same? Finally, what if the battle was a matter of life and death. And failure would equal your character's death. Would your answer be the same?

One should always accept help from your betters if it is offered.

  • 8. How would your character describe their perfect mate/spouse? How is s/he mistaken? Overly idealistic? Or is your character looking for all the wrong things?

I don't really have time to think about getting married, but I guess I'd want a man who was strong enough to protect me if I needed it, but that respected my own skills. He has to be able to laugh! If he can't laugh then he isn't any fun! I guess I would also like it if he was tender, you know things like pet names…and if he could recite my favorite poem that would be nice too…but I don't really know anything about that. Can we talk about something else? (While Pele makes it looks like she just wants an equal she really does want someone who will take care of her so she can be free to do what she wants. Unfortunatly she has no idea how to approach a boy…and like Hells she'll touch someone from the Realm!)

  • 9. If your character uses servants, which servant is most trusted? Most liked? Most indispensable? Describe each of them.

All of my Uncle's servants are trusted, otherwise they would not be my uncles…but they're all dead now…

  • 10. Everybody has some little item that they regard as somehow sacred. A piece of clothing, a memento of some event, whatever. What is your character's sacred item? Tell the story of how you found it, or why it came to be important.

When I turned sixteen my Uncle had a huge party for me. He looked kind of sad that I was all grown-up, but he said he was proud of how I had grown up…but sometimes I wonder if it was because I had finally mastered Death of Obsidian Butterflies. Anyway, his present to me was this gold band that I wear. He said that it would be the kind of gift that my father would have wanted me to have on this birthday. Come to think of it, I don't remember my parents being there either. Oh well.

  • 11. A relative, one respected but not feared, has committed the same breach of etiquette three times. Each time, in front of others, this person has treated your character as an inferior, giving you orders instead of making requests. And your performance has been criticized in front of others. You can arrange things such that you'll not be bothered again. Or you could confront the person. Or have a third party intervene. Which would you do? If you would have to explain your actions, what would you say?

It's really rude of them to do that! I would confront them, and if it went to blows, they would get all new etiquette lessons!

  • 12. Midway through a pleasant meal, with a very enjoyable companion, your character receives contact from the aforementioned enemy. Frankly, you're sick of the whole business, and don't relish becoming a pawn in someone else's game. How do you deal with the situation?

I'm enjoying myself and the person has the nerve to ruin it? I'm ignoring it for now, but I'm making sure they know afterwards that what they did was very very bad!

  • 13. Your character is the butt of a practical joke. Can you see the humor in it? Would you get even? Does getting even mean staging another practical joke?

Haha, yes we all had a good laugh at my expense, but just you wait!

  • 14. To your character, does revenge mean (1) "an eye for an eye," (2) repayment with interest," (3) "the only good enemy is a dead enemy," or (4) something else? In exacting this revenge, would your character serve it hot, as soon as possible after the offense, or cold, awaiting a perfect time an place?

If we're talking about just a practical joke, there's no reason to make a feud, do something to get them back and then let it go. If this is a grievious insult then you need to make sure that no one makes that mistake ever again. There's always a need for a new example…

  • 15. What emotions can your character express in public? Sorrow? Anger? Sadness? Humour? Disappointment? Joy? Some people advocate that emotions are too private to be shared with the public.

I disagree! If you are angry, then let everyone know, if you are sad or happy let it be the same…but kissing on the streets is just gross!

  • 16. Describe your character's voice. Would you say s/he speaks with formality? Casually? Does s/he have any favorite expressions or curses?

Pele's accent would make someone think she should speak more formally, but her upbringing had little emphasis in it and so a lot of slang and probably language her Uncle would be very upset that she knew. When she speaks with other adults in formal situations, she immediately becomes very formal and proper in her speech.

  • 17. What expressions does your character use?

"He's a Prince of the Earth!" "I am NOT your mother!" "If you want to get to him, you have to get through me first!"

  • 18. Would your character become a member of a secret society? If your character did and the society asked them to do something that conflicted with your characters personal interests would they go through with it?

If it was a sorcery society she would join them, but would try and find a way around doing what they asked. If she could not, she would do as she was told.

  • 19. What if the society asked that the character cause harm to a friend or close relative indirectly? directly? or asked that the character kill said person? What would the character request for such a service to be preformed?

Even on pain of death, I would not help them hurt anyone I cared about.

  • 20. What is your character like when they're drunk? (mellow, melancholy, friendly and fun, laughs too much, Hits on everyone)

When drunk Pele's normal over- activity fades to a mellow mood where she is content to simply sit and listen without bouncing off the walls.

  • 21. What do you find boring that others in the party enjoy (ie: Pele likes fire…)?

I don't understand what the Deathknights like so much about eating Dead bodies…it's really gross and I hate it when they do. Also…why is Black Dawn so fond of her soulsteel bow? That's scary too. Stratvm seems to think it's fun to simply hide and be quiet, but that's really boring! They're weird sometimes…

  • 22. You have been chasing an enemy for a long time; you have caught up, but only have time to give a quick death to him/her. What do you do?

If it has taken time to track this enemy, he must be worthy. I will give him a quick thrust to the heart so that he feels no pain and his body is not as mutilated.

  • 23. While riding in an expensive, borrowed, carriage down the road, you hit a dog and swerve off the road into a tree. Do you see to your transportation first, or the animal?

Puppy! Oh no!

  • 24. When you were at school/in training, one of the teachers takes a shine to you and offers to give you extra training. Do you accept?

Of course, just so long as it didn't involve more lecture…yuck!

  • 25. If you accepted the above - what do you do when another pupil finds out and tells others - who start teasing you?

Blast them with the cool new stuff I learned!

  • 26. You are walking home in the dark when you hear some noises around the corner. What do you do?

Be prepared to defend myself and those with me.

  • 27. How would you act above if you heard a man cry out for help?

Run to the rescue

  • 28. How would you act above if you heard a woman cry out for help?

Run to the rescue, what difference does it make, someone is in trouble!

  • 29. When you were young, you used to arm wrestle with an old friend of your fathers - and you always lost. After an absence of ten years, the friend has returned, looking much older and weaker. He/she challenges you to a wrestle. You know that you can win. What do you do?

Let him win. I will age better and it does not matter if I win or loose if I can defend him when it matters.

  • 30. While in a fight with an enemy, you inadvertently blast a man on his way home from work. After your enemy flees, you see that the man is dead. What do you do?

I see to it that his memory is honored, he died because of my mistake and I do what I can to make it up to the family.

  • 31. You have the opportunity to gain some information by torture, what do you do?

If I have to torture him too much…I think I'll just wait until the others find it out…

  • 32. How would you act above if you were not certain that the victim had any information?

Leave him, we can find the information on our own.

  • 33. The doctor tells you that you have 2 months to live. What do you do?

Everything I've ever wanted to…or at least as far down the list as I can get.

  • 34. A friend proudly shows you a painting that he/she has inherited. You know that he/she is not going to sell the painting, but will keep it for his/her own pleasure. You also know that the painting is a fake. What do you do?

Let them keep their happiness, it isn't hurting anyone really.

  • 35. How do you react to flattery?

My face gets really hot and butterflies suddenly get in my stomach

  • 36. What would your character want on his/her tombstone?

"She was a beacon"

  • 37. The Police arrest you for a crime you did not commit, how do you act?

Explain that I did not do it and offer the evidence I can.

  • 38. What is your greatest fear?

Promise you wont' tell anyone? I tell them that I'm scared of failure and everything but really, um…I hate too much water…it's scary!

  • 39. Name one thing you would do that your player would not.

Besides kill people? Umm…jump into a pit with only a rope around my waist. That would be fun…!

  • 40. Would you let another player character die in order to save some non player characters lives?


  • Social Questions
  • 1. Where are you originally from? I'm from the desert
  • 2. What do you know of your family, in so far as relatives are concerned? My parents are Prince Dragoon Cindertind and uncle Zephyr's sister. They are so in love that they roam the desert together and left me with Uncle Zephyr so that I could learn and be safe. I'm their only child. Uncle Zephyr is the wisest person I know, and the kindest. He is my family. I don't know anything else expect that I have an Aunt in the Realm.
  • 3. Whom do you like in your family? Whom do you loathe? I like my Uncle the most, and I suppose I would loathe my Aunt because she's in the realm, but that's not really fair because I've never met her.
  • 4. Has your character ever fallen in love? I loved this horse once, he was big and black and I named him Daimyo because he was the lord of all the horses…the Realm killed him though, bastards!
  • 5. Were you to have a nemesis what would their trait characteristics be? How would they be better than you? How would they be worse? How could they become your nemesis? My nemisis? Well he'd be from the Realm, and would probably look down on me and tell me that I was worthless. He would probably also have a lot of connections, but he wouldn't be physically strong. He would probably know magick too.
  • 6. If you could set out to do one great thing in the world of Exalted what would you do? I would destroy the Empress and restore the Solars!
  • 7. What are your characters views about the other members of the party?

(Atropos, Black Dawn, Love, Pele Cindertind, Stratvm)

Stratvm seems kind of he doesn't know what is going on, or what he wants to do. I guess I have to help him. Atropos seems nice enough, for a Deathknight. He would wake me up when I was having nightmares after Uncle's tower burned, but he doesn't say much. I wish he would stop that, he has kind of a nice voice. Black Dawn is just plain creepy, but it's nice to have another girl to talk to...if she ever talked. Love...I pity Love, he's lost and confused and all people want to do is hurt him.

  • 8. Name your very own fictitious alcoholic drink? Do it again without your name in it. Flaming Flying Carpet
  • 9. Who taught you what you know to do best? Uncle Zephyr
  • 10. Who taunted you while you learned other than your teacher? No one really…there wasn't anyone else
  • 11. What hobbies do you enjoy? Where did you pick up this hobby? I love riding, and I guess I liked it because I got really good at it from chasing down Gem Lizards.
  • 12. Would you like to own a fortress/school/dwelling/palace/castle/ship (Pick 2 at most)? I want to own a school so my uncle's words won't be lost
  • 13. In a group which would you prefer to be: The noble fighter leading the group? The valiant warrior who follows blindly? The bard near the back who is a lover not a fighter, and runs after one of his comrades has fallen? The magician who runs as soon as he gets his first bruising? Noble fighter, of course!
  • 14. Who is your confidant? well I trust Stratvm a lot…and Atropose is nice to talk to when Love has been quiet for a time.
  • 15. Are you protecting anyone close to you by secrets or physical means? If so who and how? I guard Stratvm with my life.
  • 16. What hurt will you never forgive? Finding out Stratvm's from Regara…ow…
  • 17. What Archetype fits your character best from the following list:
*The Shadow- Selfish and Aware of his flaws but blinded by its nature
*The Trickster- Selfish and Cunning but too cowardly to be useful
*The Hero/Heroine- Selfless and Brave but blind to their flaws<---Me!
*The Elder- Brave and Aware of their flaws but too feeble to act upon them
*The Lover- Selfless and Cunning but blind to their flaws and cowardly
*The Beast- Cunning and Brave but selfish and afraid of his own flaws
  • 18. For what is your character willing to die? To see order restored to Creation
  • 19. What would your character wish to change about themselves? I wish people took me more seriously sometimes…
  • 20. Would your character wish to change their exaltation and be a different exalted type (Solar/Abyssal/Lunar/Dragon-Blood) but remain the same person? And if so, what type would they wish to become? I sometimes wish I was a Solar, but that's ridiculous, obviously I wasn't good enough for the Unconquered Sun…but I'd like to be a Zenith, imagine being able to guide people properly!
  • 21. Where in the whole of the universe: The Underworld? Yu-Shan, The City of the Gods? The Courts of the Fay/The Courts of Chaos? One of the Elemental Dragon's lairs? The lost Demesnes of the First Age? To the true Elemental Poles? Malfeas, where the Primordials lay? would you like to go if you could go there without consequence? I would adore to go to the Fire Dragon's lair