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Artificial Edge
Artifact: ••
Commitment: 3 motes or 1 willpower

Artificial Edges are the end result of the experiment which began with Pinnacle. Refinement of the process which created that wonder resulted in a weapon which was easy to manufacture, relative to First Age standards, and still delivered the desired effect. Namely, to provide an artificial level of competence in unskilled troops.

These weapons are simple, 3 foot loot long swords fashioned from a lightweight steel alloy and enhanced with essence enchantments. The blade and its enchantments were designed for use by mortals. Once attuned to a wielder, the enchantments harmonize with that being's anima and impart a sort of muscle memory; an instictive knowledge of the weapon's use. The attuned user recieves two a point melee specialty "Artificial Edge" which cumulatively stacks with any other specialties that character may possess, although it will not stack with itself if a character wields one or more of these weapons.

These weapons were never made from Magical Materials, and therefore do not possess hearthstone settings. Neither do they possess the same resilience as other weapons with Magical Material components. Due to their magical nature, Artificial Edges may ignore the first effect which would break a mundane weapon that targets them, however they are just as vulnerable as any other mundane weapon afterwards.

|| ||Spd||Acc||Dam||Defense||Rate||Tag|| ||1E |||||||||||||| ||1E PC |||||||||||||| ||2E ||4||+3||+4L||+3||2||-||