Maylin/Pele Cindertind

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The Prophecy of the Dragons was written in the book held by Zephyr that was later stolen by a team of Abyssals. To this date it has never been recovered, however, one page is missing from the book and that is the page that talks about the creation of the Dragons.

These Dragons are not like the elemental dragons, or the Dragon-Blooded, but rather an amalgamation that toys with the abilities of the Exalts. Activated by a particular type of egg, the gift of the Dragons can do two things. The first is that it can take a dragon-blooded and give it some benefits that Solars have to create the Golden Dragon. The Golden Dragon can use either Solar or Dragon Blooded charms, retains the use of the Dragon-Blooded anima skill (ie Pele can still do her Johnny Flame impression), and gets a caste mark of a golden dragon when the proper amount of essence is spent. Additionally the Golden Dragon has access to all levels of spells (terrestrial, celestial, and Solar), and can enter the Labrynth and Yu-Shan. The character can also use either orichalcum or jade for weapons and armor. Essence is calculated as if the character was a Solar, and the character now takes limit break points like a Solar would, as well as suffers from the Dragon-Blooded Curse.

The second thing the egg will do is combine Dragon-Blooded and Abyssal to create the Dragon of Void. Like the Golden Dragon, the Dragon of Void can use either Dragon-blooded or Abyssal charms, and may use Necromancy spells as well as terrestrial and celestial spells. A black dragon appears on the forehead of the Dragon of Void, and bleeds when too much essence is spent. The Dragon of Void also has an Abyssal anima banner, but has lost the ability to use the Dragon-Blooded anime banner. The Dragon of Void does take Resonance, and must shed it in the same way as any other Abyssal. The Dragon of Void is well suited for the Labrynth, but suffers the same penelties as an Abyssal upon entering Yu-Shan. The Dragon of Void, however, can enter Malfius without any trouble at all. The Dragon of Void can use either jade or soulsteel.

Canidates for the Prophecy are not specified, however, twins are preffered. The most physically strong twin is more likely to be chosen as the Golden Dragon, while the mentally stronger twin is more likely to be chosen as the Dragon of Void. Even as the Prophecy unites the twins in turning them into the Dragons, it tears them apart as well. The Dragon of the Void's mind will slowly (or quickly, depending on the mindset of the player) twist to loathe the Golden Dragon and all of Creation. The Dragon of Void will be drawn to the Deathlords and would be recognized almost immediatly by the Deathlords, espacily if they have heard of the prophecy (those who have not will see only the massive power potential behind this new knight). They will have one consuming thought: destroy the Golden Dragon. This by no means turns the Dragon of Void into a slobbering idiot that simply chases the Golden Dragon. There are three ways to destroy a person, mentally, emotionally, and physically. The Dragon of Void would rather break the mind and heart of the Golden Dragon first before destroying the body. In sharp contrast, the Golden Dragon will feel only compassion for its way-ward sibling and seek to help it see the error of its ways. The Golden Dragon can work alone completly, but would feel more comfortable among a group of other Solar Exalted, or even among Lunars. The Golden Dragon is physically stronger than the Dragon of Void, but may not be as bright as its sibling. This would mean that a Golden Dragon might walk into a Dragon of Void's trap, but break free of it. This of course, does not mean that the Golden Dragon is a sniveling law-abiding traveler that nips atthe the heels of the Dragon of Void pointing out the joys of Creation. The Golden Dragon has a duty to the Solars and will destroy anyone that gets in the way. If the chance, however, arraises to save the Dragon of Void, no good Golden Dragon would hesitate.

But the Prophecy connects them as well. Both Dragons will instinctivly know if the other is alive or dead, although they can not track each other. Physically what happens to one happens to the other. This doesn't mean that if the Golden Dragon takes a wound, the Dragon of Void will also take the wound (although if a Storyteller to take the connection that far, it certainly is fesable) but rather means that until the anima banners are flared, there is no way to tell the two apart. As the Dragon of Void goes through the change of looking like an Abyssal (which is optional since the Dragon-blooded doesn't die), the Golden Dragon will change to look exactly alike. For fraturnal twins which are the same sex, they become identical twins. Fraturnal twins that are opposite sex can not become the Dragons as the two Dragons must be the same sex.

The reason for the identical apperance is that the true reason for the Dragons is to balance the power. They will both defend and destroy as they see fit. A Golden Dragon will easily destroy a SOlar who has fallen to the Curse and a Dragon of VOid will bring down a Deathlord that has become too power hungry. At the same time a Golden Dragon will defend a Dragon-blooded strong hold from a swarm of Lunars, and the Dragon of Void will protect Deathknights from an onslaught of Yozis. The dual love-hate relationship of Creation with the Prophecy will, hopefully, prevent another uprising and help control the Exalts from falling to the Curse. If Creation can not tell which Dragon will be coming to stop them, they will be more inclined to behave. The Dragon of Void may save them from what is threatening them, but then will turn a plague loose into their home to prevent such a problem again while the Golden Dragon will simply ask for food and rest. There is no way to tell which Dragon has just answered the plea for help.

So why would the Dragons bother to associate themselves with anyone? Because they need to be taught to use their skills, and experiance is the best teacher. A deathlord will teach the Dragon of Void to use Necromancy, and in time the Dragon of Void may have to use the gift against them. A Golden Dragon may find refuge and rest among a pack of Lunars for a time and learn to survive in the wildnerness before turning that knowledge on a party of the Wyld Hunt. It is likely that the party the the Dragon is in now will eventaully become an enemy when the Dragon has fully matured into its power, but this doesn't mean the Dragon has to have a lonely existance. Both still retain emotions and feelings. The Dragon can have mates, lovers, and friends. A Dragon may remain in contact with their family (although for Realm Dragon-Blooded this could be very deadly)after the transformation. But being a Dragon is no easy existance. Because of the threat of being found and killed (and the rumor of killing one dragon means tha both are dead is just a rumor)the Dragons will keep only the most trusted around them, and never really settle down. When one Dragon is killed, its sibling will sense it and even though they have been mortal enemies, the lust for revenge will take hold. If a Dragon of Void is murdered, the Golden Dragon will hunt down the killer and destroy them, the same is true for the Dragon of Void if the Golden Dragon is destroyed. So deep is the bond between Dragons that if one falls in love, the other is likely to fall in love with the same person, creating a feud and possibly in the end shattering the love that existed.

Tips for Story Telling with the Dragons:

  • If the Dragons in your game are going to be players, stick to their skills to decide which Dragon they will be. If you have a Fire Aspect Dragon-Blooded and a Water aspect, the Fire would become the golden and the water the void. Realize that the egg artifact can work on Solars and Abyssals as well.
  • If the Dragons are players, give them castes to associate with. A fire aspect may fit a Dawn or Zenith caste while the water may fit a Twilight or Eclipse. This will ease headaches on figuring out how experiance is spent and what charms are favored.
  • In the current game, only the Golden Dragon is a player. The Dragon of Void is an NPCed character that is sometimes played by the former player of the Golden Dragon. This toggling is a nice break for the player from one personality to the other and keeps the party on their toes. Do not do this unless you know your player can do it will and not go overboard. If a player is not comfortable playing someone who is out to destroy Creation, keep the Dragon of Void as an NPC you play.
  • Be sure that the player understands what has just happened to their character. Being a Dragon is rather confusing for a player since they don't really know their limits. Having a mini session that teaches the character what it means to be a Dragon is useful, so is answering any questions the player has.
  • If you know that your group has a tendency to find a way to uberize, do not let the Dragons be players. The Dragons ARE uber and should therefor be kept NPC or given to players that will keep their characters personality first. For example, Pele is the Golden Dragon, but has always seen her exaltation as a Fire Aspect as a sign that she was not worthy of being a Solar. As such it took the near death of Stratvm for her to start learning SOlar Charms. Morgoth, her twin and the Dragon of the Void, is out to destroy her sister's love for Stratvm and steal Stratvm away. This distracts her from understanding just how powerful she is. Additionally her service of a deathlord provides a control for what she knows.
  • Keep avaliablity in mind. If there is no way for a Dragon to have access to celestial or Solar circle spells, don't let them have it. Becoming a Dragon does not grant wisdom that wasn't already there.
  • if the Dragons are NPCed completly there is a temptation to turn them into deus ex machinae. Unless they have the spells and charms to fly or move faster, the Dragons travel at the same rate as everyone else. Keep that in mind and keep the Dragons behind glass- to be broken only in emergancy cases...after all that's why the Unconquered Sun and the Elemental Dragons created them in the first place.