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Names, in chronological order: Aeko

Most Faithful Mirror

Broken Mirror

Nature: Rebel Caste: Chosen of Secrets

Attributes: Int: 4 Wits: 4(5) Per: 3

Str: 2 Dex: 4(5) Stam: 3

Charisma: 3 Manip: 2 App: 2

Essence: 3(10 bp) Virtues: Valor 4, Conviction 4, Compassion 2, Temperance 1 6bp Willpower 8

Abilities8 bp) Investigation- 3 Larceny- 3 Lore- 3 Occult- 3 Stealth- 5

Craft- 2 Martial arts- 3 Arwareness- 3 Presence- 3

Awareness- 3 Athletics- 1 Medicine- 2 Melee- 2 Dodge- 3 Beaucracy- 2 Lingustics- 2

Backgrounds- Manse: 3 0 Stone of Quick Thought 00 Stone of Surface Thoughts Salary: 1 Artifact: 3 0 Shortklaive 00 Starsteel Bracers

Allies: 1( Peronelle, the Living Armor) Backing: 1(Gold Faction) Sorcery: 3

Charms: Terr Circle Sorcery -First Circle Demon -Stormwind Rider -Mask of the New Face

Secrets of Future Strife Blade of the Battle Maiden Joy in Adversity Stance Wise Choice Soft Presence Practice Walking Outside Fate Systemic Understanding of Everything Efficient Secretary Technique Impeding the Flow Impose Nature Force Decision

initiative: 13+d10 combat: starmetal short daiklave: speed 3, accuracy 11, damage 8L, defense 8, rate 6 soak: 1L 3B dodge pool: 14

Colleges: Mask: 2 Key: 1 Guardians:1 Rising Smoke: 1 (active) Lovers: 1 The Captain

Merits: 2 BP Luck 2

Flaws: Rival: 4 Unbidden Oracle: 1 Vice: 3 points, -3 to valor when fighting undead.

Background: Aeko-

  • Born in a small threshhold kingdom twenty-eight years ago, near a shadowland.
  • At 18 married a local boy and had a son.
  • Several years ago, undead under the command of an Abyssal knight emerged from the Shadowland,

raiding nearby villages, including her own.

  • Exalted during the ruckus, when husband and child were eaten by zombies.(Gaining fear of the undead)
  • Survived by a combination of luck, crazy kung fu, and a fellow Chosen arriving at a

serendipitous moment.

  • Renamed Most Faithful Mirror under her mentor's tutelage. He was an arrogant man, dedicated both to his duty and his ego. He was also a member of the Bronze Faction.

Most Faithful Mirror-

  • Her mentor spent a great deal of time in the Threshhold, carrying out the will of his Bronze Faction masters. This involved, for the most part, the execution of solars, lunars, and the occaisonal Fae.
  • Most Faithful Mirror, originally dedicated firmly to the cause of the Bronze Faction, began to have several misgivings. She saw how her Mentor treated the Unexalted as tools to be used, then discarded. Despite not being the most compassionate of individuals, she began to wonder if this truly was how the Exalted should act.
  • Her split with the Bronze Faction became inevitable when she fell in love with a Solar Exalt she was hunting her Mentor. Getting to know Crashing Dragon, it became clear that he wasn't a force of nigh unstoppable evil. Between that and some very nice pecs, romance was inevitable.
  • She helped him escape, with the assistance of the Gold Faction. Her master, enraged, swore enmity. Since then, he's used his influence indirectly against her, causing her the loss of much of her salary, her celestial manse, and most of her authority in Heaven. He also began calling her Broken Mirror, a name which she took with pride.

Broken Mirror-

  • Broken Mirror spent two years shepherding her Solar. In that time, they became lovers and she gave him a daughter. Eventually, however, she was called away by her new superiors. She left the child with him.
  • Broken Mirror has recently been assigned to Chia.. Chiaracu.. Chiapetcity, which defies spelling. Her duty is to seek out several Solars fated to be there, and assist them.

xp: 0 paradox: 0

Current willpower 7/8 Personal essence /14 Peripheral essence /37