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Two days later I got involved in a contest at the inn where I was staying. I was big, I was strong and I looked like I could hold my liquor. Truth be told I'd only gotten into my father whiskey once or twice and regretted doing so each time. Father said he would've punished my but that I had apparently punished myself enough. Normally I wouldn't have bothered except he bet me more than enough to buy passage to Nexus on a ship.

Hoping my demonic condition would help me through my trial I sit down at the table and accept the man's challenge. He's big and portly, with a matted, dark beard, and looks like the type of person who goes from town to town drinking to make his money. Still, I'm willing to risk it. The innkeeper has a special love of such contests as he loves the crowds they draw if things go on long enough. As long as we both drink for two hours, our drinks were free. Fifteen minutes, four ales. I still feel sober. I wonder if it's me of the fact this swill is weaker than the whiskey I've had before, not that I held the whiskey very well anyway. Fifteen more minute, four more ales. Nothing's spinning yet, and I don't feel like tossing my guts into the harbor. Things seem to be going as well for my companion. Ten minute latrine break.

Not only am I after winning the money, I'm also hoping to keep both me and him drinking for two hours so I don't have to pay the bar. Most of the patrons have gathered around and some are placing bets. Most are on him. Things slow down a bit, but hold steady. Half an hour, six ales. Things are quite a bit more blurry now. I'm pretty sure the serving girl is making passes at me. She hasn't said anything, but there's something between us. Must be my country-boy charm. Ten minute break. Fifteen minutes, three ales. I banter with my companion my razor wit against his. I don't know why he keeps responding; I'm obviously the smartest person in here. And the best looking too. There's quite the crowd now. Mostly sailors I think. Fifteen minutes, three ales. The beautiful girl's name is Soft Willows. Or Pillows. Whatever it is, I'm taking her to Nexus with me. Ten minute break. We made two hours.

Two more ales, he passes out. I collect my silver and go to purge myself into the harbor. During the longest trip I've ever taken down two blocks someone puts a bag over my head. Angry, I lash out and burn through a little of myself as I do. I hit something, and punch through it. I hear people screaming far away. I think I punched through the wall of a tavern. There are definitely closer people though. At least the inside on the bag didn't light up like the sun. Come to think of it, I really don't care who knows what I am. Suddenly there's a sharp pain in my head and everything goes dark. A bit slow on the draw on my part I guess. And at least being drunk as I am I'm not having the nightmares.

I wake up some time later to the stink of people and mold and a gentle rocking motion. The bag's still over my head and my hands and feet are bound. People are speaking, but I don't understand most of them. I heard the rattle of chains throughout where I am, and when I move as well. My headache from both the drinking and the attack are gone, and in truth I feel fine. I'm hesitant to break the chains until I know what I'm up against. Someone notices I'm awake and tells me I'm on the Maiden's Glance, a slave ship, and I'm part of the new cargo along with the rest of them. Some of them are to be sold in Great Forks and the rest in Nexus. They advise me not to resist lest I be beaten.

I've never been so angry. I slew a god and these men think to keep me as a slave? I tested how strong I've become. These shackles cannot hold me. But on the other hand, it is a free ride.