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The Beasts Three

Dratchnaroch, Conquerer of Souls, the Mist that Walks the Black Sea.

Makos, Spiral of Despair, the Beast that Burns the Earth.

Adranus, the Storm that Rages, the Serpent that Swallows the Sky.

Ancient History

The Primordials were vast beings, encompassing not only a physical form with multiple souls that had their own forms, but they also embodied concepts and more abstract matters as well. During the initial formation of Creation sometimes concepts would clash and Primordials would fight amoung themselves for dominance. These conflicts were on massive scales, sometimes encompassing entire regions. However, they were non-fatal, non-hating things. It was seen more as a neccesary process during the initial forming of the world. There were some Primordials though, who could not or would not accept the world that was being created, trying to twist it to their own will. Their peers fough against them constantly, and it was eventually determined by the other Primordials that something would have to be done.

This was a time when the Primordials still believed themselves immortal, a time also when none had suffered fetich death. As such these punishments did not occur to them. They believed their only other course of action would be to imprison the offenders, hoping that in time they would chage their ways. So ensued the Great Primordial Conflict. Entire regions of Creation were shattered and had to be remade from the fighting. The offenders were outnumbered, however, and eventually were chained by their bretheren in massive shackles of lead and iron and cast into exile beneath the Creation in a realm of darkness made soley to house them. This place would eventually be known as the Underways.

At first some of their bretheren would descend into the caves to try to redeem their wayward bretheren, but to no avail. The chained Primordials only grew more hateful and spiteful in their imprisonment and eventually came to beknown as the Ashura before being forgotten entirely. For ages they remained beneath the earth, hateful and chained as the world above changed. Eventually other beings began to fill the Underways, cast off creations of the Primordials above. The Ashura subverted these beasts and rejects to their own will, slowly building up an underground empire.

Things changed again once the Primordials above were imprisoned themselves and became the Yozi. Without the direct will of the Primordials in Creation the chains began to weaken. The Ashura waited for their freedom over the years. Soon they would break free, and those who were forgotten would be known again and their armies would march against the lighted worlds above.
