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Luna Hides Her Face, Prelude

in media res. Empress has just rescued Weaver from a sticky situation involving several Raksha, much to his consternation. He tries to come up with a cover tale, and tells some whoppers in the process...

Shining Blossom Empress: Tell me a story, Weaver
Shining Blossom Empress smiles
Shadow Weaver: t-tell you a st-story...? o.O"
Shining Blossom Empress "tell me about how you came to be in trouble, in the wyld"
Shadow Weaver bites lip, somewhat shy
Shadow Weaver: I-... didn't get in trouble. I was prrfectly fine, grr, until you came along.
Shining Blossom Empress: "well, you didn't look it. What were you doing?"
Shining Blossom Empress does the 'moving in syrup' thing (bloorp)
Shadow Weaver draws himself up "That was just a RUSE, to lure them closer! What, y'think that their trap actually WORKED? haw."
Shadow Weaver: It was carefully planned, I tell you.
Shining Blossom Empress: "you seemed startled"
Shadow Weaver: I know the Wyld like the back of my paw, I'd never... what? Startled? *hrmmphs*
Shadow Weaver gestures vaguely, heh
Shining Blossom Empress gestures back. "get on with it"
Shadow Weaver: ...had to make it believable.... yeah. *frowns, in thought* Where was I?
Shadow Weaver: Oh yeah.
Shadow Weaver: There were FIVE of 'em to begin with.
Shining Blossom Empress: "five?"
Shadow Weaver: I was on my usual rounds to... yeah, five. What, y'don't like five?
Shadow Weaver growls
Shadow Weaver: ...stop interrupting.
Shining Blossom Empress twiddles thumbs, meekly.
Shadow Weaver casts a dark look t'wards the meddlesome female and continues his tale
Shadow Weaver: Five.
Shining Blossom Empress smiles sweetly.
Shadow Weaver: .......
Shining Blossom Empress big-grins
Shadow Weaver: I'd been into the Void, earlier.
Shining Blossom Empress is listening quietly.
Shadow Weaver nods, for emphasis "Y'see, there's a reason I don't have as many warding tattoos as y'd usually see on a...a.... someone of my caste.
Shining Blossom Empress: "oh?"
Shadow Weaver: I'm a more effective hunter if I can... blend in... become part of my environment, so to speak... Full warding would keep me safe, sure, but I'd always be an outsider, easily spotted.
Shining Blossom Empress: "sounds a bit risky"
Shadow Weaver shrugs it off, but a brief flash of... anxiety? crosses his features
Shadow Weaver: Naw.
Shadow Weaver: Catch me more Rrrrakshas that way.
Shadow Weaver rolls the name on his tongue, as if to savour its taste
Shining Blossom Empress: "I see. Five rakshas, you said?"
Shadow Weaver: Mrryeah, five. Snagged two fairly quickly, two cuts, two kills, but that alerted the rest, grr.
Shining Blossom Empress: "y'don't say?"
Shadow Weaver frowns, thinking of something clever to say, but obviously at a loss
Shining Blossom Empress is imagining her mighty love screaming into combat, expecting not to alarm anybody
Shining Blossom Empress finds his niaivitee charming. Aww, he's so sweet.
Shadow Weaver: Anyway, they started to put up a fight.
Shadow Weaver: So I growled.
Shadow Weaver: And snarled.
Shadow Weaver: And they ran.
Shining Blossom Empress: "oooh."
Shadow Weaver smirks, self-satisfied
Shining Blossom Empress: "what did you growl like?"
Shining Blossom Empress leans forward, eyes wide.
Shining Blossom Empress: "O.O"
Shadow Weaver pauses, mouth open to continue the tale, blind-sided by the question
Shadow Weaver: my... g-rowl?
Shining Blossom Empress: "Were you all 'Grrr'?"
Shadow Weaver almost growls, then stops and stares, what the HELL is she on about?
Shining Blossom Empress: "Growl for me?"
Shadow Weaver hrmphs "Can it. So they ran and it was obvious what they were up to."
Shadow Weaver: I played along.
Shadow Weaver shrugs
Shadow Weaver: You saw the rest.
Shining Blossom Empress: "I saw them running, they went right past me."
Shining Blossom Empress: "and then I saw you, and my heart leapt. So powerful, so... "
Shining Blossom Empress makes a little noise. Mrrowr
Shadow Weaver smiles proudly "Obviously. Since *I* was chasing them, of course."
Shadow Weaver pauses again.... ohbloodygrr.
Shadow Weaver huffs, expression darkening
Shining Blossom Empress: "carry on, please. "
Shining Blossom Empress: "don't mind me."
Shadow Weaver:, y'want a piece?
Shadow Weaver gestures towards the campfire and the bits of meat on sticks, roasting :P
Shining Blossom Empress eyes the meat suspiciously. "a piece of WHAT?"
Shadow Weaver munches, grinning evilly, his sharp canines flickering in the firelight
Shadow Weaver: It's meat.
Shining Blossom Empress: "I never shared your tastes for eatting anything that runs, scuttles or crawls across creation."
Shadow Weaver shrugs, indifferent
Shadow Weaver: ...more fer me.
Shining Blossom Empress: "it's not an affinity i share, you should know that, my love."
Shadow Weaver: .............!! *gags, chokes!*
Shadow Weaver: agh-ACK-A-ghahhhgh!
Shining Blossom Empress: "but it was good to see you again."
Shadow Weaver COUGHS!
Shining Blossom Empress: "it's been so long, so long..."
Shadow Weaver stands up, takes a step back "What ARE you going on about, you daft creature?"
Shining Blossom Empress: "I set off at a run, how do they move so fast through such treacherous forest?"
Shining Blossom Empress: "I followed you as best I could, but when i found you, you were... stopped."
Shadow Weaver listens, frowning, still rather alarmed at this grrl's strange.. behaviour.
Shadow Weaver grrs "Like I said, I was ahh... waiting for them to get closer, for a quick kill."
Shining Blossom Empress: "my first thought was to throw my arms around you, but I could see something was wrong."
Shadow Weaver gingerly sits back down, but his whole body-language is tense, wary
Shining Blossom Empress: "aye, closer they came, for the quick kill."
Shining Blossom Empress: "you moved so slowly... I WANTED to watch you kill them..."
Shadow Weaver: ...... and so it came to pass, yeah. Surprise surprise, hack, slash, gurgle.
Shining Blossom Empress: "the closest made ready to gut you on his spear, and I couldn't watch."
Shadow Weaver is slightly taken aback
Shadow Weaver: Look grrl, what do YOU care, y'don't even know me?
Shining Blossom Empress: "I'd only just found you, I couldn't bear the thought of losing you again so soon."
Shadow Weaver blink-blinks, "lose you again", what the hell-?
Shining Blossom Empress: "Do you truly not remember me?"
Shining Blossom Empress: "It is I, Shining Blossom Empress, your love! I live again!"
Shadow Weaver frowns silently, his mind in some turmoil, mainly because...yes... awrgh, no...
Shining Blossom Empress: "The miles, the millennia, they couldn't keep us apart. Oh, I've travelled so far to find you."
Shadow Weaver stands, almost losing his balance "! Grr, stop that, this isn't... you aren't..."
Shining Blossom Empress: "I aren't?"
Shining Blossom Empress tilts her head, smiling.
Shining Blossom Empress: "You always had a way with words."
Shadow Weaver curses loudly! "Grrrdammit, ever since Luna in his *&^ing wisdom chose to enlighten me, ghah, I've had.."
Shadow Weaver: ...someone ELSE in my head!
Shadow Weaver's frown darkens
Shadow Weaver: I should kick his ass, grr.
Shining Blossom Empress takes that in. Thinks. "...nonsense!"
Shadow Weaver: ...what?
Shining Blossom Empress: "You're Shadow Weaver, my love, reincarnated."
Shadow Weaver: Whaddayamean, nonsense?
Shadow Weaver: ........
Shadow Weaver: Your... what?
Shining Blossom Empress: "I came all this way to be with you again, to be oath-bound to you again."
Shadow Weaver frowns, wary, is this some sort of elaborate trick?
Shining Blossom Empress: "I saved your life today. You could at least thank me."
Shining Blossom Empress's eyes sparkle. "...the way you always used to."
Shadow Weaver frowns some more, loath to admit to -any- weakness, least of all to this... female. This attractive female. Hrm.
Shining Blossom Empress: "Was I not magnificent? Did you see me dispatch the spear-bearer?"
Shadow Weaver's thoughts of carnal pleasure are immediatly dispelled by another realisation, that if what she's saying is TRUE, then SHE's a part of these damn memories and urges that Luna bestowed upon him!
Shadow Weaver grrs "Catch yer own Rakshas, that one was -mine-!"
Shining Blossom Empress: "I didn't 'catch' him, dearheart. I... I may have overreacted."
Shining Blossom Empress shrugs prettily.
Shadow Weaver decides that this female will NOT deter him from living the way he's used to. Grr.
Shining Blossom Empress: "I shall never stand by and see you threatened, my love."
Shadow Weaver sits back down and grabs another skewered meat-bit
Shadow Weaver: Yeahyeah.
Shining Blossom Empress eats crisps.
Shadow Weaver: ...can you do dishes?
Shining Blossom Empress ignores that about dishes, sheesh.
Shadow Weaver mnches morosely, irritated at the intrusion upon his settled ways
Shining Blossom Empress looks around.
Shining Blossom Empress: "So, where do you live?"
Shining Blossom Empress: "Is it far from here?"
Shadow Weaver tilts his head a bit, looking uncertain "..... "live"...? What do you mean?"
Shining Blossom Empress: "Your home? Where is it?"
Shadow Weaver glances around at the surrounding forest "Y're sitting innit."
Shining Blossom Empress: "Sitting in...? "
Shining Blossom Empress gets up, looks down. Is puzzled.
Shadow Weaver: Or ON it, if you prefer. *shrugs, not his problem, silly grrl*
Shining Blossom Empress: "You live out here?"
Shadow Weaver: Yeah, so?
Shining Blossom Empress: "that won't do at all!"
Shadow Weaver: .......
Shadow Weaver: ..won'
Shadow Weaver rolls his eyes and slips his tunic off.
Shining Blossom Empress: "Where are your servants, your... oooh!" *love hearts!*
Shadow Weaver: Well, you get yer knickers inna bunch all you like, I'm going to bed.
Shining Blossom Empress: "Bed? *What* bed?"
Shining Blossom Empress: "unless you mean, I don't know, a riverbed?"
Shadow Weaver concentrates for a moment, or rather a split second, after which his outlines seem to blur
Shadow Weaver speaks, but his voice is hardly more than an animal grrrowl " ....sleep..."
Shining Blossom Empress's eyes narrow, onset of stubborness
Shadow Weaver shifts form, becoming a quadruped wolf, albeit rather....big
Shining Blossom Empress smiles, her love always used to change into animals.
Shadow Weaver growl-talks, barely intelligible "...rryou take... firrrrst watch."
Shining Blossom Empress's smile drops. "watch?"
Shining Blossom Empress scowls. "Fine!"
Shining Blossom Empress folds her arms, and glares at you.
Shining Blossom Empress: "(prepare to be watched)"
Shadow Weaver pad-pad-pads in a tight circle, darts a last irritated gaze at the intruder, then curls up on the ground, near the warm fire.
Shadow Weaver pretends to snore :P
