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Luna Hides Her Face, Session Six: Resplendent Memory Crisis

Full transcript, minus out-of-character jabber, with only miscellaneous edits. Includes dice information.

Shining Blossom Empress: "Search the body, my love, while I fetch the head."

Shadow Weaver lightly prods the corpse with his boot. "Mmmkay..."

Shining Blossom Empress wanders over, picks up the head by an ear.

Shadow Weaver crouches down, searches.

Shining Blossom Empress: "Ugh, he could at least grow some hair... inconsiderate..."

Shadow Weaver rolls his eyes.

Shadow Weaver: "Say, Shine..?"

GM: Wanderer's pockets contain a modest amount of coinage, mostly Realm, some bits of jewelry, and a pair of rings: one brilliant gold, one a fluid-looking silver. The chokers have vanished, as has his sword.

Shining Blossom Empress wanders back. "Yes?"

Shadow Weaver: "...Y'might wanna not look for a bit." He's wearing an odd little smile.

Shining Blossom Empress: "A bit? Look for a bit of what?" She wonders, did something fall off?

Shadow Weaver sighs, awrgh. He shrugs. "Have it your way."

GM: The air is thick with the scent of blood.

Shadow Weaver leans down closer, head elongating into a nasty hybrid not-all-right lupine form, with lotsa teeth. Chomps down.

Shining Blossom Empress tilts her head. "I think I'll leave breakfast for a while..."

GM: Tradewind Wanderer's heart's blood fills your throat, and you feel the stirring of new patterns of Essence awakening in your protean muscles.

Shadow Weaver stands, when he's done. He takes a moment to savour the feeling.

[*] GM rolls 1d6 Awareness scab for Empress: (4) = 4.

[*] GM rolls 4d6 Awareness scab for Weaver: (2) (4) (4) (6) = 6.

Shadow Weaver pockets a nice bit of rib, to later add to his collection :-)

GM: Empress, the blood-scent in the air has you feeling uneasy about the scene; Weaver, you hear a faint simian snuffling and scraping from down the street.

Shadow Weaver frowns, nose casting about. Doesn't really help that he's assumed human shape again, grr.

GM (to Weaver): Blood apes, you suspect, as your nose catches the scent. More of that Auditor's array of demonic servants, attracted by their favorite food.

Shining Blossom Empress: "Are we done here, my love? I'd prefer to be away to the river, and dispose of this... evidence"

Shadow Weaver nods, a frown of unease creasing his brow. "Yeah... let's go. Not that way though..." He sniffs. ".... might be blood apes that way."

Shining Blossom Empress: "Blood apes?" *blink* "Okay, let's go." She ought to stay and smash the things, but she has work to do.

Shadow Weaver nods, looking somewhat distracted. "...Go, I'll follow."

Shining Blossom Empress tosses the head to Weaver. "Here."

Shadow Weaver catches it, ack!

Shining Blossom Empress heads off as indicated, wary but keen to be away.

Shadow Weaver holds it at arm's length. "Watch it! I just -got- these, grr."

Shining Blossom Empress puts her hood up.

Shadow Weaver follows, carrying the head and the other goods he bought at the market.

Shining Blossom Empress calls back quietly, "Which way to the river from here?"

GM (to Weaver): With your last glance back, you see their hulking forms shuffle out onto the street, heads low and swinging back and forth, on the trail.

Shadow Weaver: "...Crap, there they are! Better hurry yer butt, Shine."

GM: You head toward the river, then? Quickest route, or do you want to get out of town first?

Shadow Weaver: "That way! Let's get outta town first, too damn crowded here." He breaks into a trot.

Shining Blossom Empress hurries, glancing over her shoulder. She trusts Weaver, of course, but SHE hasn't seen anything...

Shadow Weaver lopes on, choosing the shortest route to get them clear of potential crowds.

GM: As you cut through the streets, a familiar female voice calls out to you. "Hey! I heard a commotion, what's--oh gods!"

Shining Blossom Empress: "Uh-oh? Whossat?"

Shadow Weaver turns to look, hey, that sounded like...

Jesya Columbine halts, seeing the gruesome head, a hand over her mouth.

Shining Blossom Empress thinks this is no time for a chat. "Jesya, run!" She shoos her away.

Shadow Weaver thinks that for once, Shine called it right.

Jesya: "What? Away?" She glances around in confusion.

Shadow Weaver growls. "C'mon! There's creatures about!"

Shining Blossom Empress rolls her eyes. "Monsters. Bad. Run. Move. Go."

Shadow Weaver mutters "...or die."

GM: With a final disgusted glance at the head, she dashes across the street, perpendicular to your path of travel, and away.

Shadow Weaver is very Darwinian in his worldview, heh.

Shining Blossom Empress: "Whew." She runs! Ka-zoom!

GM: After a few nerve-wracking jogs into dead ends, you find your way to the southeastern outskirts of the city, and from there the way to the river is plain.

Shining Blossom Empress looks around. We need a quiet spot to ditch this head.

Shadow Weaver breathes a sigh of relief, glad to be somehwat free of the urban constriction. "Let's head over that way." He points, smiling at his pun. "...Besides, I want a drink, Wanderer tasted awful."

Shining Blossom Empress follows. "Did you find anything on him, by the way?"

GM: It's not too difficult to find an unpopulated stretch of river. You need to keep an eye out for approaching boats, but they're easy to spot before they'd likely see you.

Shadow Weaver: "Oh, err... Yeah, some um, cash." He shrugs, trying to hide his discomfiture. "Err..." He casts around, searching the ground. ".....Need a stone about THIS big." He holds up a clenched fist.

Shining Blossom Empress: "What for?"

Shadow Weaver grins humourlessly. "... To stuff in his mouth. Don't want him to float, heh."

Shining Blossom Empress blinks. "I doubt he's going to hold his breath."

GM: Not a difficult quest either, that. It takes some digging in the bank, but there's some suitable bits of rock about.

Shadow Weaver goes about his business, then flings the head into the current. "...While there's probably not as much air in Wanderer's head as in yours, I'd rather not take any chances."

GM: Bloop. Wanderer's head will probably bury itself in the silt, or at worst roll downstream to Scab, by which point it'll be utterly unrecognizable save by magic.

Shining Blossom Empress nods, satisfied that justice has been done. She hands the goremaul back to Weaver. "Here. Thank you."

Shadow Weaver takes, it, pausing a bit at the thank-you. "Eh.... what for?"

Shining Blossom Empress: "We... we did the right, thing, didn't we?"

Shadow Weaver shrugs, not overly concerned. "What done is done. But, for what it's worth, myeah, I think so."

Shining Blossom Empress: "I mean, he WAS evil. He was a disgrace to the power he bore."

Shadow Weaver: ".....That, and he posed a threat."

Shining Blossom Empress: "It shouldn't be like that, though!"

Shadow Weaver: "His... ambitions t'wards the Wyld were very...unwholesome. Er, eh? Like what? What shouldn't be?"

Shining Blossom Empress: "He was chosen by the Sun, he should have been... better!"

Shadow Weaver blinks at the blonde. "...What, y'mean all Solars should be lily-white?"

Shining Blossom Empress's innocence glows extra shiny, heh. "Well... yes."

Shadow Weaver: "Just because they're Solars..?"

Shining Blossom Empress nod-nods, earnestly.

Shadow Weaver's expression shows what he thinks about THAT, heh. He shrugs. "Every Exalted is flawed, Shine, every single one."

Shining Blossom Empress: "Nooo, we're chosen because... what? Even me?" She's shocked by the very notion!

Shadow Weaver stifles a small smile, resisting temptation to take a jab at her. "...Mmprobably."

Shining Blossom Empress: "But I'm LOVELY!"

Shadow Weaver: "...It's our human origins, I think. Mmm?" He turns to look at her. "....Well, y've got me there."

Shining Blossom Empress: "Those faults are unworthy of us, Weaver. We have to do what we can to put them behind us. We have to be better. We HAVE to, it's what we were chosen for."

Shadow Weaver listens, feeling a growing unease.

Shining Blossom Empress worries she's making a fool of herself, pauses.

Shadow Weaver half-turns away, one hand digging into his pocket.

Shining Blossom Empress: "Well, that's what I believe, anyway. I think we can make Creation better, so we should."

Shadow Weaver nods. "....Y're right, you humble me by your words, Shine. Here." He holds something out at arm's length.

Shining Blossom Empress's eyes widen. "Ooh! Shiny!" She quickly snags it. "It's moonsilver!"

Shadow Weaver says nothing, but takes a few steps away, to stare out across the river.

Shining Blossom Empress sees things of the distant past.

FLASHBACK (Shining Blossom Empress)

...Bleeding, ebbing away, beyond reach of Essence to revive you. Soul coming apart at the seams, your intellect peeling away from your base urges, releasing the Unconquered Sun's spark caught in between. Some strange magic tugs on that core of your power, ready to snatch it away as it comes unanchored from you.

The masked Sidereal takes hold of your hand as you die. Not to comfort you, but to remove your moonsilver wedding band. She holds it out before your eyes as your vision fades. And is that its mate, also, in her hand?

"There's always an ending," she quotes from the Scripture of the Violet Bier of Sorrows, and it is the last thing you hear.

Shining Blossom Empress whispers, "Oh, my love... they slew you first..."

Shadow Weaver blinks, turns with a frown. "...What?"

Shining Blossom Empress: "This was... this was the wedding band you gave me, so long ago." She is all choked with emotion.

Shadow Weaver's frown deepens.

Shining Blossom Empress: "I... I think I remember."

Shadow Weaver: "..... They got you first." He doesn't remember his own demise.

Shining Blossom Empress: "No, I saw, just now, my... my last moments... she had YOUR ring in her hand."

Shadow Weaver doesn't really want to know, but listens nonetheless.

Shining Blossom Empress: "Why did she take our rings?" She frowns. "I bet she was jealous of our love, that was it!"

Shadow Weaver bites his lip, images flashing against his mind's eye, and his guilt deepening.

FLASHBACK (Shadow Weaver)

...You come out of mouse-shape as the Manse burns behind you. Do you glimpse her, fighting still amid the flames, or is it just your imagination that cracks your heart so? You join the others who wait, silent. Soon you will discuss how to prevent this from ever happening again, but at the moment, the grief is too much. Without a word, you take the forms of a pack and lope away into the wilderness.

Shadow Weaver: "I –"

Shining Blossom Empress goes to Weaver and hugs him, upset that he died alone, she wasn't there to protect him. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know. I had no idea..."

Shadow Weaver stands stock-still, feeling very... bad. He says quietly, "I gave it to her."

Shining Blossom Empress is mumbling into Weaver's chest, "I should have been with you, we should have faced them together, we... whuh?" She looks up, tears in her eyes. "What?"

Shadow Weaver looks away, troubled.

Shining Blossom Empress: "No, she took it after she killed you... that's what happened to me."

Shadow Weaver: ".... Confronted, I.... he... gave up his ring, to her. Then fled the Manse. ...And watched as it burned."

Shining Blossom Empress: "Wh-what... but... but why?"

Shadow Weaver shakes his head, sounding sad. "...I don't know."

Shining Blossom Empress takes a wobbling step back, trembling. She doesn't believe this.

Shadow Weaver: "There was guilt, there was sorrow. But...." He shrugs slightly.

Shining Blossom Empress: "No, you're... you're confused. You're wrong. You, he, you... you wouldn't DO that... you LOVE me. ...D-don't you?" Her lower lip quivers.

Shadow Weaver juts his chin out, stubborn, but doesn't dare look Shine in the eye. "He loved you, yeah... I think so."

Shining Blossom Empress grips the ring tightly, willing it to tell her more, show her the truth. "...Whyyyy..."

GM: The ring yields no new answers. He did love you, you're sure of it... but she knew nothing of what happened in those hours leading to the ambush, so no new clues arise.

Shining Blossom Empress: "You... you KNEW... you LET them come for me..."

Shadow Weaver growls, turns. "Look, I'm not him, awright?"

Shining Blossom Empress: "How can I ever trust you again?? You LEFT ME TO DIE!"

Shadow Weaver stares, his expression darkening.

Shining Blossom Empress makes a fist around the ring and shakes it at him.

Shadow Weaver: "Grr, shut the hell iup, I'm not HIM!"

Shining Blossom Empress: "Then who are you? And where is the man I loved?"

Shadow Weaver: "And you're not HER either, grr. I don't CARE what he felt, or did, or even care about her and her psychotic murdering rampages!"

Shining Blossom Empress: "Murd... her what??"

Shadow Weaver awrrghs and turns, stomping off along the shoreline.

Shining Blossom Empress goes cold. She feels sick to the pit of her stomach.

Shadow Weaver pauses a in his tracks, feeling a shift in the atmosphere.

Shining Blossom Empress runs to him and grips his arm. "Weaver, please.. tell me!"

Shadow Weaver runs a hand over his face, troubled, then turns to look down at Shine.

Shining Blossom Empress: :~(

Shadow Weaver: "Look, Shine, all I got were some flashes of memory... impressions... I-.. I may have interpreted them wrong, I'm sorry."

Shining Blossom Empress doesn't believe a word of it, however much she wants to. "You're lying... You're lying to me!"

Shadow Weaver takes a deep breath and shakes his head. "Awr, I just don't KNOW! There was... there was..." He feels the original Weaver's emotions as if they were his own, and he hates it, grr. "..... From what I saw.. I mean, from his memories…"

Shining Blossom Empress searches Weaver's eyes, trying to see into his soul, see what he's feeling, desperate to know.

Shadow Weaver growls low in his chest. "...... He was confronted by the Dragon-Blooded, and yes, he... gave up his ring."

Shining Blossom Empress lets out a wail of grief and slumps down to her knees. "Noooo!"

Shadow Weaver: ".... There was something about you, er, your previous self, having lost control."

Shining Blossom Empress: "I would never have given up on YOU! You.. he... you loved me, you DID!"

Shadow Weaver falls silent, trying to distance himself from his self-loathing, enough to perhaps console Shine. "Shine... that wasn't US."

Shining Blossom Empress looks down at the ring.

Shadow Weaver: "...Part of us, I'll go that far, yeah, but.... we're NOT them!" He crouches down, one arm resting on Shine's shoulders.

Shining Blossom Empress: "You gave me this, just now... that should have been... I should be SO happy... but you... you say you're not my Love, and he, he LET me DIE..."

Shadow Weaver sighs, heart heavy. ".....I'm...sorry. Shine?"

Shining Blossom Empress looks up with red-rimmed eyes. "Why do you even CALL me that, if that's not who I am?"

Shadow Weaver gives her a small shake. "I don't have another name for you, is all. Just like I only just discovered that MY name isn't my own..." He frowns, thinking. "Shine, listen. We're only seeing PART of the picture."

Shining Blossom Empress pokes her chest a couple of times. "Her Essence is IN me! That's who I am! I'm her! Shining Blossom Empress is alive, and she is... ME!"

Shadow Weaver: "There could be other things that are significant that we don't know about."

Shining Blossom Empress: "...And I... I didn't deserve to die!"

Shadow Weaver grabs her by the shoulders. "Oh fer Luna's sake, will you stop with the WHINING?"

Shining Blossom Empress: "...I just want you to love me."

Shadow Weaver: "The slaying I saw, there could be more to that than meets the eye. My cowardly behaviour, heck, I may have been duped by the Dragon-Blooded, we just...don't...know!"

Shining Blossom Empress screws her eyes shut for a moment.

Shadow Weaver stands.

Shining Blossom Empress takes a deep breath, then steps back. Trembling slightly.

Shadow Weaver points back towards the town. "Back there, we fought, side by side. That's all that matters. The here, the now."

Shining Blossom Empress holds out a hand. "Hi. I'm Shining Blossom Empress. Can we... can we start again?"

Shadow Weaver blinks, taken aback.

Shining Blossom Empress bites her lip, eyes full of wounded hope.

Shadow Weaver reaches out and takes her hand. "Shine.."

Shining Blossom Empress: "I don't care if we're strangers. I can't live without you."

Shadow Weaver slowly pulls her into a hug. "Shut up. And if you ever pull any hysterics like that again, I'll smack you."

Shining Blossom Empress breaks out in a fragile grin, nods.

Shadow Weaver looks down, then drawls . "...Sooooo.... does this mean that if I bed Jessya, y'won't kill her?"

Shining Blossom Empress raises a brow. "Kill HER?"

Shadow Weaver grins, brow raised. "Yeah, jealous rage, that sorta thing?"

Shining Blossom Empress: "I think I'd kill you." She's planning on having a girly chat with Jesya, so she knows what's what.

Shadow Weaver blinks, so that's what a guy gets for trying to lighten the mood? Sheesh. "...Riiiight."

Shining Blossom Empress pulls a face. :-P

Shadow Weaver lets go. "...Now stop getting my new clothes all wet."

Shining Blossom Empress: "Oh, Crut! Jesya!"

Shadow Weaver: "…Wh-what?"

Shining Blossom Empress: "The blood apes. I hope she got away okay."

Shadow Weaver frowns "They were after US, and we had the head, remember?"

Shining Blossom Empress wipes her tears away, letting her collar's magic fix her streaked face. "They're monsters. I don't think they'd go around her to find us."

Shadow Weaver: "....Let's go check it out anywayz though. Y're right."

Shining Blossom Empress nods, and heads off back toward the town.

Shadow Weaver follows.

Shining Blossom Empress slows down long enough to sneakily slip the ring on.

Shadow Weaver slips the gold band on his finger, to err... to avoid losing it.

GM: You feel a thrum of... new? renewed?... connection, the pulse of a thread of Essence measuring another's heartbeat.

Shadow Weaver stumbles, almost losing his footing, what the-?

Shining Blossom Empress turns, shoots Weaver a look of surprise, amazement. She slowly smiles. Beams.

Shadow Weaver can only stare back, his eyes mirroring Shine's emotions… then looks away, after that brief moment of openness. "......"

Shining Blossom Empress races off back to the town to check on Jesya, smiling a little smile to herself.

Shadow Weaver lopes after her, thoughts and emotions in turmoil.

GM: Where do you head? Try to pick up her trail in the streets where you left her, or to the alley?

Shining Blossom Empress assumes she'll have headed for the alley, so wants to check there first. If she's not there, then assume trouble.

GM: You make your way back, zigzagging under the trees thriving in their ascending month.

Shadow Weaver sniffs the air currents.

Shining Blossom Empress puts her arms out as she runs, and makes airplane noises. "Rrrreeeeeoooooowwwww!" She is all cheery!

Jesya dashes out of her room as you enter the alley. "Gods, it's good to see you two! What in hell is going on anymore?" She looks shaken, her eyes a little wild.

Shining Blossom Empress: "Jesya! You're okay!"

Shadow Weaver whews silently, safe

Shining Blossom Empress grabs the girl and hugs her tight.

Shadow Weaver watches, somewhat warily, Shine might just go for the grrl's jugular..?

Shining Blossom Empress: "Tradewind Wanderer will never threaten you again. Never."

Shadow Weaver: "Or even ever." :-D

Jesya: "I... so that's true? That's whose head you ran off with? I thought maybe--" She tosses her hair, breathing heavily.

Shadow Weaver can't help but notice her heaving bosom.

GM: As you stare, Weaver, you notice she's got a new pendant there--looks kinda simple, like a nail on a thread.

Shining Blossom Empress: "We got rid of the head, left the body for the vermin."

Shadow Weaver stays back a pace, not sure why.

Shining Blossom Empress: "You'll never guess what... heyy..." She looks back at Weaver.

Shadow Weaver: ".......?" He catches Shine's look. "...What?"

Shining Blossom Empress: "How in all Creation did Tradewind Wanderer get hold of our wedding bands?"

Shadow Weaver blinkblinks. "Ehh... hell if I know."

Shining Blossom Empress's attention wanders again. She turns back to Jesya and shows her the ring. "Look!"

Jesya stares. "...Whoa. That's really nice. So you two are...?"

Shining Blossom Empress: "Weaver and I were married, in our past lives."

Shadow Weaver stifles a wince, ghah, not five minutes back in company and she's already proclaiming ownership, grr. He pushes past the two, trailing a soft growl. "Let's get out off the street, we're too visible."

Jesya's plainly not all of one mind about that, but the distracting thought relaxes her. "Wow, love across death and rebirth. How romantic."

Shining Blossom Empress: "Isn't it just?" Her smile drops. "But why did he have them? Where did he find them?"

Shadow Weaver pauses at the door. "....Even better yet, where did I die?"

Shining Blossom Empress: "Oh, eww, and he thought HE could lay claim to ME?"

Jesya: "I... I don't know, maybe he traded for them? He had some dealings with some really high muckety-mucks around, like up at the capitol."

Shadow Weaver clamps his jaws, damn, he said "I" again.

Shining Blossom Empress: "Hmm? Dealings with powerful people, huh?"

Shadow Weaver raises his brow at a stray thought. If Shine's ring was meant to get to her, what was his ring for?

Jesya nods. "I think so, at least he talked about it sometimes. When he wasn't ranting about"--she glances out into the street--"that faerie."

Shadow Weaver can't help but grin. "That faerie, by the way, is part of the Resistance now." :-P

Shining Blossom Empress: "Hm? Oh, Wisdom of Shattered Fate?"

Jesya blinks! "So he wasn't lying about that either? I... saw it, just after you told me to run."

Shadow Weaver: "...? Just after? Where?"

Shining Blossom Empress announces: "I like him. He's got good manners."

Shadow Weaver frowns, he's still not very comfortable with the pact they made. Old habits die hard.

Jesya: "In the streets over there... I dunno, it was pretty creepy. He was all getting in my way offering me help, and I just wanted to get away... I shouted at him and he grinned, it was bizarre."

Shadow Weaver chuckles softly "You have a new friend."

Jesya fingers the pendant. "I should have started wearing this as soon as... you know, he, even mentioned there was one of them around."

Shining Blossom Empress: "I don't think he's going to bother you in here. The wards upset him something awful."

Shadow Weaver nods.

Jesya nods. "But I can't stay here forever." She winces. "I haven't even had breakfast yet. Hey, weren't you going to bring me something?" She smiles lopsidedly at Weaver.

Shadow Weaver: "Haw. Right you are, my deepest apologies, heh. I'll make it up to you." He smiles a predator's smile. :-D

Shining Blossom Empress: "I forgot all about it, what with having to kill Wanderer, and then the monkey things."

Shadow Weaver: "Yeah, 's a been a busy day so far. Oh, before I forget..."

Jesya: "Jeez, what a mess... but I guess it's getting sorted out, right? Is it safe to go get something to eat now?"

Shadow Weaver nods. "Probably." He starts unwrapping the white cloak he bought at the clothier's. "I got you...."

Shining Blossom Empress catches sight of the white cloak and ooohs appreciatively. She snags it, unfurls it and swishes it over her shoulders. "Oh, Weaver, it's perfect!"

Shadow Weaver: "...this! Y'like it- erk?!" He stares, what the, that was for Jesya! "........ err........"

Shining Blossom Empress imagines how magnificent she'll look in a splendid white cloak. (and of course, it won't be grubby like the cloaks mortal peasants might wear)

Shadow Weaver's shoulders slump in defeat, ohwhatthehell.

Jesya stares too. Damn, will the wealthy Exalt keep claiming all the fine things?

Shadow Weaver ghahs and turns, heading inside. "I'm getting a drink, I have a foul taste in my muzz- er, mouth." He picks a bit of Wanderer from between his teeth.

Shining Blossom Empress slips out of the burgundy cloak. "I can't wear two cloaks, and this one's practically new... a shame for it to go to waste... Jesya, would you like this? I think the colour would suit you."

Shadow Weaver can still faintly hear the conversation. :-)

Jesya's eye definitely goes to the white one – it'd be such a striking contrast! – but she smiles. "Yeah, okay. Thank you."

Shining Blossom Empress drapes it over the girl's shoulders.

Jesya adjusts it somewhat, twiddles with the clasp, then turns about with it. "Hey, nice. Thanks much, Empress."

Shining Blossom Empress smiles, then remembers stuff, stops smiling, then smiles a bit more.

GM: She does a kata, the cloak rippling out behind her. Fun!

Shadow Weaver watches from a window, sipping his drink.

Shining Blossom Empress watches. "Whoa, heheh, that looks great."

Shadow Weaver pictures Jesya doing that again, but naked, save for the cloak. Rrrowrr.

Shining Blossom Empress thinks the swirling cloak looks like a swoosh of blood.

Shadow Weaver watches.

Jesya pauses and looks at Empress a moment, thoughtful. "You're... a martial artist too, right?"

Shining Blossom Empress: "Me?" She blinks. "I... I guess. I can fight, when I have to."

Shadow Weaver cocks an ear, what?

Jesya gestures to Shine's three-section staff. "I mean, those things are a bitch to use if you don't know what you're doing..."

Shadow Weaver wonders where this is going, has a bad feeling.

Shining Blossom Empress: "Oh, I like it. It's fun keeping it all moving, and fighting at the same time."

Jesya: "I haven't had anybody to teach me since my family shipped out of here. Michael knows his stuff, but it's... street stuff. Moves for if you've got tree trunk arms."

Shining Blossom Empress flashes a wry grin. "I HOPE it's as difficult to fight against as it is to fight with."

Jesya: "Maybe you can show me a few things sometime?"

Shining Blossom Empress: "Oh, I can do that, sure! Work through that kata again?" She lines up alongside her.

Shadow Weaver bites his lip, was going to quip "Ohyeah, I'll gladly show you a few things!"

Jesya: "Okay!"

[*] Jesya rolls 4d6 MA scab: (2) (1) (3) (3) = 3.

Shadow Weaver leans on the windowsill, watching. "...Be careful now..."

Shining Blossom Empress isn't fighting, just doing the same moves with her.

GM: Plainly, she's a bit nervous for having you watching so closely. It's not as good as when she'd been exhilarated by the cloak.

Shadow Weaver gives an encouraging thumbs-up. :-D

Shining Blossom Empress copies. "Michael taught you this?"

Jesya: "No, my brother Ethan did. It's been hard to keep in practice.."

End Session Six
