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Kin Compass
Artifact Level ~ 1
Commitment ~ 1 mote

A Kin Compass resembles a standard, hand held compass witha small crystal nodule protruding from one end. Encased within the device's inner workings is a bed formed from granualted fragments of all five colors of Jade. Contained within the tip of the needle is the tiniest sliver of Starmetal. The use of a Kin Compass is very simple: The attuned user simply touches the crystal protrusion to an object, committs 2 motes and then waits 5 minutes while the Compass attunes itself to the object. Once this attunement is complete, the Compass's needle will point in the direction of the closest object that directly matches the attuned object. The compass is capable of reading basic inent from its operator, so if he were to touch a jade obol for example, with the intent of finding more jade, the compass would point to the nearest source of Jade. If he instead was looking for more obol's then the compass would react accordingly. Once an object is found, the user must touch the crystal to it, and let the compass know if he's found what he's looking for. If yes, then the Compass goes inert and he gets his two motes back. If not, then the Compass will find the next closest object, excluding any objects it has already found on this search and the original.
