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Labes Darkstalker-
Caste: Dawn
Concept: Mercenary.
Basics in Story: A mercenary who is finally working for himself, not money. Labes is the driving force behind the Circle, and likes to point it out. Big, though more intelligent than many think of him, Labes handles more of the tasks of setting up camp and the like while the others are at their business, though frequently gets himself in trouble with various people due to his outspoken nature.

Caste: Eclipse
Concept: Harlot turned con-woman.
Basics in Story: Lith is the fast-talker of the group, one who handles the social side of most engagements. Though it doesn't seem so most of the time, she has been known to convince various public leaders to change their ways, though most are unaware of her methods, simply knowing she can talk most people out of most things.

Sid Sadistic-
Caste: Night
Concept: Thief
Basics in Story: A runaway who was raised by vagrants and those on the run fromt he law, Sid began to use the nickname he had gained as a surname. His brutal means of extinguishing the lives of those who trod on the downfallen is also the reason Labes and Lith have joined with him, they needed someone willing to do what it takes for justice to avail. Sid serves as the eyes and ears in places neither of the other two can reach, and is often the target of mockery by Labes, mostly due to ill-timed jokes on Sid's part.

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