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Lunar Shapeshifting Charms by Suzume...

Under construction...

Charms of Imposing

Small Gifts of the Shape Fluid

Cost: 5m 1w 1Lhl + Special
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Minimum Manipulation: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Lunar Blood Reshaping Technique

On greater study, a Lunar learns to more completely work her transformative magic on others. This Charm functions as Lunar Blood Reshaping Technique, but the effects remain until the Lunar who imposed them deliberately touches the subject and willingly pays 1w and 1Bhl to reverse them.

Infliction of Lunar Blessing

Cost: 5m 1w 1Lhl + Special
Duration: Special
Type: Simple
Minimum Manuipulation: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Lunar Blood Reshaping Technique

The Chosen of Luna are renowned for their strength, not just of body, but also of will. That will, combined with their mercurial forms, eventually allows them to overwhelm others' intents, and forcibly re-mold them as the Lunar sees fit. Infliction of Lunar Blessing functions essentially the same as Lunar Blood Reshaping Technique, but allows the Lunar using it to impose those effects on an unwilling subject. The Lunar must make a difficulty 3 Manipulation + Craft (Body Shaping) roll. If the Lunar is successfull, the subject pays 2w and 1Lhl. The effects of this Charm are not as stable as those of Lunar Blood Reshaping Technique, relying on the power of the Lunar's lambent will. After (the Lunar's permanent Essence x 2) hours, the effects begin to fade, taking (the Lunar's permanent Essence)minutes to dissappear completely. While fading (for mechanics-simplicity sake) the subject has use of all benefits gained, but is very much aware of the impending dissipation of Lunar essence.

Blank Form for Charm Formatting:

Minimum Manuipulation: 
Minimum Essence: 
