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I'm not sure if it belongs in Cognitive, but it doesn't clearly fit into Sens-Spirit or Close Combat either.

Tactical Awareness Subprocessor</b>

 <b>Cost: 6 motes
 Installation Cost: 2 motes
 Duration: One scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Perception: 5
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Transitory or Sustained Augmentation of Perception

The Tactical Awareness Subprocessor is installed as a network of hair-fine orichalcum sensors scattered across the Alchemical's body, and tied to a crystalline matrix interspersed with jade filaments rooted at the base of his skull. It may be activated in one of two modes. Changing between modes requires a new Charm activation, and the Alchemical may not have both modes active at a time.

In both modes, the Alchemical constructs an internal map of his surroundings, automatically updating this representation based on information he receives from his Assembly or his own senses. The Alchemical's map becomes the basis for a tracking system, tying his perceptions and tactical acumen together with his understanding of the area. A distant cry, the creak of a booted foot on a wooden floor, or the soft sound of an arrow being nocked all feed into the subprocessor and alert the Alchemical of the presence of nearby beings.

In the first mode, the Alchemical's map-construct allows him to analyze the most tactically advantageous locations that he is aware of. It does not provide him any information about hidden passages, secret doors, secret defensive traps or other things outside of his senses. In this mode, the Alchemical's player should be informed of his proximity to such areas, and he receives a 3-die bonus on any attempt to perceive hidden enemies waiting in any area the Subprocessor denotes as suspicious. In addition, he receives a 2-die bonus to detect or defend against (via a dodge, parry or other action) hidden booby-traps. These bonuses are bonus dice provided by a Charm, not specialty dice.

In the second mode, the Alchemical may establish a "lock-on" to the Essence-pattern of any being within 5 yards of him, that he is aware of. This lock-on is a reflexive action and does not require a Charm activation. The Alchemical may maintain lock-on for as many targets as he has dots of Perception. The PC may thereafter track his quarry, noting the location of his locked-on targets on his internal map. The location of any locked-on target will be lost if the target moves beyond the scope of the Alchemical's map, and will re-appear if the Alchemical somehow becomes aware of the new areas (such as by following a target into them). This Charm functions as a limited form of Essence sight and may be defeated or blocked by any form of magic that provides protection against detection or scrying. In addition, large amounts of Essence (such as from a spell being cast, or a Manse) will interfere with the tracking.

The Alchemical may install submodules for this Charm at the cost of 2 bonus points or 6 XP per submodule.

High-Resolution Area Sensors: With this submodule, the sensor web constantly informs the Alchemical of changes to his immediate environs. As a consequence, he may always dodge or parry an attack he is unaware of, even if he is otherwise surprised and deprived of action. This Charm does not provide a defensive action by itself.
